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Author Topic: Mirena removal  (Read 5603 times)


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Mirena removal
« on: April 22, 2016, 09:36:08 AM »

Hi All,
Last Oct had fsh bloodtest x2 and both confirmed post men. Am 47 and had coil in since 2000 (3rd expires this June) have been ok with the coil but still had side affects, weight gain,acne,depression (on 10mg citalapram on and off...recently on 4yrs).
Started having menopause symptoms, hence the blood test and went on Elleste solo 1mg...after 3months(not long I know) I couldn't cope with the fluid retention I had, granted the hot flushes had eased off but I felt rubbish.
I told my gp that I wanted to try the next 3or so months without it to see how I went and in all honesty,I do feel better . I've now decided to have my mirena coil removed as having not had a period for 15 yrs now and fsh says post men,  I'd like to see if I will bleed again. Also to see how my body is hormone free. Also looking at supplements for bone/ heart etc. GP is fine with this too and suggested obviously to take precautions regarding any "hanky panky". Could always have a non hormone coil fitted later if I wanted.My appointment for this is in 4wks time. I've been reading some real horror stories about the "crash" after removal and would welcome any comments if anyone can relate to my situation.
Thanks 😘


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Re: Mirena removal
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2016, 09:58:24 AM »

Hi Katgee and welcome MM
Don't expect a crash at all.  The crash would have come when you came off the oestrogen.  I suspect you won't get any bleed and you could find you are fine - not everyone gets bad meno symptoms anyway. If you have had the current Mirena for 4 years it probably has little or no progesterone in it so you won't be getting withdrawal from that. I had a Mirena in post meno for 4 years and weaned myself off the oestrogen completely before the Mirena was removed.  I ended up having to have the Mirena removed quite quickly because it gave me horrible cramps afar stopping the oestrogen - once it was out I was just left with my usual flushes and night sweats due to the lack of oestrogen - which I expected.
It is good to take a break from all hormones at some stage to really see how you feel.  HRT doesn't suit everyone.
Without HRT, at your age, oestrogen deficiency could be an issue so you are right to look at diet and general lifestyle to see if you can protect heart and bones in other ways. To prevent vaginal atrophy and bladder problems developing then local oestrogen can be a good idea - this is usually as a pessary called Vagifem, this is very low dose and just acts on the vaginal area to help maintain a healthy environment - good for sex and the bladder.
Do get some advice about exercise for improving and maintaining bone density - brisk walking is good and possibly a dance class - Pilates and Yoga are great for strength and relaxation but not so good for maintaining the bones.
I hope that helps  DG x


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Re: Mirena removal
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2016, 10:31:36 AM »

Yay 😀!😀!
Positivity at last! Thank you.
I'm all for staying active. Play and umpire netball and do various classes and a weights program.
Regarding any pmt symptoms that I used to get without the breast soreness and sorry tmi "egg white " discharge... I don't a haven't had either of those for sometime now. So... nothing to lose I guess by having it removed and see how I go. Thanks again DG x

Ms Saucy

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Re: Mirena removal
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2016, 02:56:50 PM »

I did have a crash after having my first one removed. Now on Citralopam 40mg daily. A further mirena in place again xx


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Re: Mirena removal
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2016, 10:08:57 AM »

Hi MS,
How long did you go between removal-crash and re-fit?
My first one fitted in 2001 and 2nd in 2006, all fine with no noticeable side affect.(though on citalapram 2008) 3rd on fitted in 2011, slowly but surely the weight has gone on, poor skin, mood swings. Although, as my bloods suggest I'm post men, then it could well be that these symptoms could have been down to peri.
Am keeping a positive mindset on my removal and hoping that once all has settled can then be weaned off CP.
Hope you're feeling ok after your 2nd one 😬