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Author Topic: Heart panic...  (Read 10932 times)


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Re: Heart panic...
« Reply #30 on: April 30, 2016, 02:12:47 PM »

Logic goes out the window sadly.  My phobia took over my Life for years  :'(.  24/7, no relief at all. Until my GP gave me Betablockas.

However - if there was something wrong with your heart you would have other symptoms!  Go and enjoy your break, don't look further ahead than half a day and you will be fine!


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Re: Heart panic...
« Reply #31 on: April 30, 2016, 06:34:06 PM »

OMG I could have written some of these posts.  My HA is crippling me at the moment.  I posted last night in the New Members section and had such lovely replies.  I've been a bit calmer today but been frightened by wobbly shakes in my legs.  The trouble is, I've put my body through so much over the last couple of weeks I'm not surprised it's rebelling.  And the Sertraline is making my body adjust as well.

The trouble is you get into such a circle that you just can't seem to get off it.  My husband, on the other hand, is like most blokes, full of aches and pains that he doesn't worry about!  However, just to give you an idea of what my HA is like, he couldn't tell me a few years ago when he had a lump in his testicle.  Thankfully it just turned out to be a blocked duct after he'd had the snip, but he had to go to the doctor and subsequently to the hospital on his own, because he knew that I would automatically think the worse.  I felt so sad.

My friend in work understands.  She sent me a text yesterday saying "just relax and don't overthink things" - easier said that done I know, but it's so comforting anyway.  It is such a help to know that you are not alone. 


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Re: Heart panic...
« Reply #32 on: April 30, 2016, 08:58:24 PM »

How does the HA affect you exactly?  How do you feel when it takes over?


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Re: Heart panic...
« Reply #33 on: April 30, 2016, 09:29:06 PM »

It's the same old thing CLKD.  Any pain that doesn't go in a nanosecond is serious, sinister or terminal.  There is no logic or rational thinking - I go straight to nuclear.  It is destructive and debilitating to me and Paul (OH).  Obsessive reassurance seeking, continual "do you think I'm ok" questions until I'm blue in the face.

I can't think straight, and worry continuously.  Funnily enough, before this current bout, I was never one to be in and out of the doctors, even whilst in the grip of it, but this has been something else.  Like tonight, we ordered Chinese and I only had a main (we'd normally have ribs, and then a main each).  I couldn't even eat all my main and I usually have a really healthy appetite.  Of course that was cause for immediate panic "that's it, feeling fuller quicker, I've got a serious disease all through my body, or in my stomach stopping me eating".  Rational thought - it's probably the anxiety, coupled with my body adjusting to the Sertraline - the doctor said that I may have some digestive problems with it.  Of course rational thought isn't quite so interesting is it?

Went up the road this morning to the hairdressers and immediately wanted to be home again, curled up safe with Paul.  I was talking to my hairdresser and 'fessed up what had been happening.  She was warm and sympathetic and 'fessed up that she suffered with the same, and was extremely worried about her mum who is losing a lot of weight and not eating properly.  She gave me a big hug when I was paying and told me to take care and that I wasn't on my own. 

I am trying to get my head together, and hopefully the physical "symptoms" will abate once I feel calmer.

It's funny, but there was a trailer for Game of Thrones a couple of weeks ago.  One of the characters was talking about "breaking the wheel" and that's what I feel like, I need to break this anxiety/panic wheel.



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Re: Heart panic...
« Reply #34 on: April 30, 2016, 09:33:46 PM »

Oh God, just read on another thread that someone's legs felt strange and that it was probably her MS.

Mine have felt strange all day - wobbly and odd. Rational thought - that does not mean mine are the same as the poster.

See, that's how my HA works - terrifying and irrational


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Re: Heart panic...
« Reply #35 on: May 01, 2016, 03:05:04 AM »

Just wanted to add something in. You may also be getting a tachycardia from oestrogen surges which isn't caused by anxiety, it's simply a raised resting heart rate. When you then exert yourself you will feel breathless and lacking in stamina as your heart is being pushed more to the level of doing higher intensity exercise just from a brisk walk.

I find the lack of stamina very frustrating as used to love walking everywhere but I have to keep resting now in between. It used to go to 120bpm resting but now it's more around late 90s from being on the pill.

So when you're rationalising your HA thoughts, remember to add this fact into the mix. It's not ALL in your head and BB can be taken as and when if you know you need to do something requiring physical exertion. They just dampen down the adrenaline so that you can push your heart higher.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2016, 03:08:00 AM by dangermouse »


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Re: Heart panic...
« Reply #36 on: May 01, 2016, 11:51:13 AM »

I was interested too in whether it's thought patterns or physicality, when I'm anxious I feel immediately sick then my thighs go weak then I feel light headed  :-\ B4 my thought patterns go 'oh no, not again!' …… then the fear that the anxiety will take over again sets in  :'(.  A panic attack can leave me exhausted for a couple of days but I never think that it's serious enough to kill me. 

The phobia however can settle in my gut for weeks  :'( and I get so I can't put anything through my lips, I can't go into the kitchen and worry about never eating again.

If I have indigestion I do wonder if it's a heart attack, as women have different symptoms to men apparently and I lay in the bed, absolutely still.  If I am still alive after 10 mins. I take 'rennies' probably several in order to ease any chest pain.  It goes into my lower chin area and up into my neck sometimes …….. but never in the day-time!  I tell myself that I didn't die last time from similar symptoms, nor the time B4 ………. occasionally I have to wake HImself so that he can shift the wind by rubbing my back ……..


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Re: Heart panic...
« Reply #37 on: May 01, 2016, 01:13:06 PM »

Oh God, just read on another thread that someone's legs felt strange and that it was probably her MS.

Mine have felt strange all day - wobbly and odd. Rational thought - that does not mean mine are the same as the poster.

See, that's how my HA works - terrifying and irrational

Hi Kazbear,
I had to smile when I read this as I had read that same post but although I suffer with HA, some illnesses don't bother me. MS is one of the ones I don't panic over but that's probably because I have a relative with it who manages fine and I know some other women with it who manage fine and still hold down a full time job. Also, MS is not life threatening. It's more the life threatening illnesses I panic over.
Don't worry about your legs, mine often feel like that. It's the anxiety and adrenaline.


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Re: Heart panic...
« Reply #38 on: May 01, 2016, 01:24:12 PM »

Adrenalin feels like hot water coursing through my veins  :-\


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Re: Heart panic...
« Reply #39 on: May 01, 2016, 04:01:32 PM »

CLKD, that does sound like oestrogen surges causing over stimulation. When mine peaked (pre pill) I would also get the churning stomach and reflux into the chin and left side of chest (higher up than heart). I too couldn't eat and lost 2 stone in 2 months.

Not sure if you're on HRT? I couldn't sustain myself without the pill so had no choice (and not yet tried the weaker HRT) but either may be an option as this type of anxiety is not one you can talk down.

Although it depends how much it bothers you and you seem to be handling it well.


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Re: Heart panic...
« Reply #40 on: May 01, 2016, 04:37:34 PM »

Nowt to do with oestrogen, my levels disappeared yonks ago  ::) to a manageable level.  I've had indigestion for years, always taking the same 'route'.  Not on HRT but do take BBs and ADs.



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Re: Heart panic...
« Reply #41 on: May 01, 2016, 05:14:51 PM »

Just wanted to add something in. You may also be getting a tachycardia from oestrogen surges

My SVT started about 6 years ago, my heart would race at 160 bpm.  No one could find a reason for it, I now wonder if it is hormone related

Suzi Q

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Re: Heart panic...
« Reply #42 on: May 03, 2016, 12:53:51 PM »

Well sitting here sobbing this morning, getting myself in a right state. Got home from work last night and was literally 'dragged' out for a walk with the dog by hubby as it was such a nice night. Really have a phobia of walking with having heart HA but went. Was really pleased with myself as I walked most of the way round the park....but.....hubby veered off the flat path and up a very slight incline to some rough ground and I walked up there and bam...heart rate went through the roof and I went all hot and then panicked thinking omg, why the heck did it do that as it wasn't just like walking up stairs and your heart rate bumping, couldn't wait to get back to the car and tried to stifle the panic and tears.

This wouldn't have happened if I was still on the BBs I'm sure. Everybody keep saying there's nothing wrong with your heart, you don't need them but I obviously do and there obviously is. I am already thinking, ablation, pacemaker, surgery!! I am absolutely terrified that I will have to go for tests if I tell the GP. I just can't live like this anymore every day. I can't see that anxiety would make your heart rate do that just by walking up a slight incline....I know I am unfit and don't do any exercise but I keep getting encouraged to walk and then this happens. I won't go again now and am already wanting to cancel my holiday in June with hubby. What sort of mental loonie thinks like this all the time....there are people out there with cancer for goodness sake.... :'(
why arent you still on bb?
Go back asap bb are for anxiety thats were i was Saturday morning bb scripts
My heart races and i get a feeling of terror.  Im not overweight by say a stone im 14
Dont call that overweight theses days butttt i know im not as physically fit as i should be
I hubbie son and grandson went out Monday it was may day ph in ozz we went to a look out i couldn't get up the / incline of the road my calves siezed my heart was pounding i felt sick took half a beta felt heaps better. As for how you feel? Are you a st no i didnt think so. Are you superwoman no i dts do you. Are you a human being with all the fears that come with being alive ? Yes. So the idea of running away into the house is 100% normal in your home your in control outside gosh anything can happen so im not going out and dont think i want to go on holiday all this is absolutely normal my advice for what its worth go 9n holidays not only will you  regret it but you will also feel  guilty.  Then you will get anxious and the cycle will re-start.  Go to the Doctors make the appointment
With a GP you like write down how you feel and questions and ask for bbs xxxx😊
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