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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Heart panic...  (Read 10927 times)


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Re: Heart panic...
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2016, 07:09:35 PM »

Halfpint, yes, was talking to hubby while walking. I told him what happened when we got in the car and he said he noticed I was 'holding onto my neck' (I was actually tapping my collarbone, which I do if I am anxious) but he said he just ignored me and that I hadn't 'died' so what was the problem??!

Yes, had a couple ecgs over the last two years, all clear.

Coldethyl, the GP said I was on such a low dose of BB that it was more of a placebo dose? I think some of us are more sensitive to meds. If ever I woke with a bit of a fast heart rate I knew I had missed taking my tablet the night before but she said it wouldn't make that difference and that it was just psychological.

I had a badly blocked ear for over a year with tinnitus but didn't go to Dr as had convinced myself that it would be a tumour or such but weirdly, it totally went when I went to see a homeopath about anxiety and she gave me some medicine for the anxiety and HA worries. 

I wish I could find some deeper sort of therapy but wouldn't know what to look for. I seem to have exhausted the alternative field and I doubt a psychiatrist would be able to deal with anxiety stuff as they normally only deal more with severe mental illnesses so it would just be a psychologist and they aren't much different to the therapist I pay to see.  I don't want to waste my life being like this, I really don't. I will try to walk a bit each day, even if it is at lunchtime. I usually just stay safe in the office.


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Re: Heart panic...
« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2016, 07:11:37 PM »

Ha! I used to feel sinusey (headache) almost daily. Last week I suddenly realised I hadn't had a sinus headache for a while then you guessed it, the next day and for the last few days I have had sinus headaches. Well I call them sinus headaches, I'm starting to wonder if they are a type of migraine.
I wish I could be like a lot of my friends who never worry about health problems and don't panic over the slightest thing. I woke up with tingling in my finger which I have been getting on and off in various fingers, the palm of my hand and in my other hand (but more my right) and I know I've had this on and off for ages but because this morning it was my middle finger instead of the usual fingers, I started panicking but once I got to work and it took my mind off it, the tingling went. Obviously, it's some trapped nerve and I do sleep with my elbows bent and quite often wake with pins and needles.
I'm sure most people I know would just wake up with a tingling finger and either not even notice or just think 'oh, I must have slept funny'!


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Re: Heart panic...
« Reply #17 on: April 22, 2016, 07:13:31 PM »

Yes, Coldethyl, my hubby is the same....just says 'if you die, you die' and thinks I should just 'think oooh, that was a funny little heart thing' and just carry on but that's because he doesn't have bloody HA!!! X


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Re: Heart panic...
« Reply #18 on: April 22, 2016, 07:18:00 PM »

Jules, I don't tell many of my friends I have anxiety but one friend who knows can always tell when I'm panicking as I fidget and can't sit still and she does point out things I am doing that I'm not even aware of. She normally just ignores me. Because my daughter has it, I do find it a help to have her to offload to. We really support each other. I'm so calm when she is in anxious mode and visa versa. Funny how we can rationalise when each other has some HA but can't calm ourselves!

When we were on holiday last week, I am less anxious if I have people around me. I'm much worse when I'm on my own and with my own thoughts and I did only have a couple of attacks and as I say was walking a lot, so I definitely think the exercise helps. I'm trying to stick to it now the weather is improving. I think it would be good for you to go for a walk in your lunch hour as I know work is stressing you. Give it a try and see if it helps a bit.


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Re: Heart panic...
« Reply #19 on: April 22, 2016, 07:22:11 PM »

We all sound so similar. I had to laugh( not unkindly) at your remark HP, about not having had a sinus headache and then getting one as that is exactly what I am like. Was just thinking this time last week how glad I was my aching legs and weird heads had gone and then it was back. Likewise part of me has for ages being saying that nothing that I have had so far has been quite as bad as the 6 months of migraines I had when junior was little or when I was pregnant and that I couldn't cope if that happened again and lo and behold I've had the sick head feeling all week and today have sat trying not to shake because I could feel the anxiety ramping up. It is always the what ifs and it is those that people without HA don't seem to get. It's almost like they have no imagination when it comes to being ill as my hubby never gets beyond first base in what it might be. A sore neck isn't meningitis , a bad hip isn't the start of polymyalgia rheumatica or bone cancer and so on. X


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Re: Heart panic...
« Reply #20 on: April 22, 2016, 07:34:46 PM »

i do wonder why it's so prevalent these days, probably good old Google is the culprit!

I always get a hot flush when I start reading the forum! I think my poor nervous system is just shot! The forum I go on for Woman and Home magazine have a 'Forum Fest' every year where members meet somewhere for a weekend get together.  Can you imagine if we all did that!? Half of us wouldn't make it for having a panic attack trying to get there!! You gotta laugh  ;D


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Re: Heart panic...
« Reply #21 on: April 22, 2016, 07:39:35 PM »

i do wonder why it's so prevalent these days, probably good old Google is the culprit!

I always get a hot flush when I start reading the forum! I think my poor nervous system is just shot! The forum I go on for Woman and Home magazine have a 'Forum Fest' every year where members meet somewhere for a weekend get together.  Can you imagine if we all did that!? Half of us wouldn't make it for having a panic attack trying to get there!! You gotta laugh  ;D

That made me laugh. Apparently we are evolutionary wonders as in the past hyper-vigilance would have ensured our survival and that of our tribe. Sadly today we so attuned to  fighting sabre tooth tigers even when there are none that every twinge becomes a threat of equal magnitude. I'm sure we'd get there, and that we'd have a laugh because in my experience , people with anxiety tend to go that extra mile and are always interesting company x


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Re: Heart panic...
« Reply #22 on: April 22, 2016, 07:42:24 PM »

I'm terrible for reading symptoms of something and then experiencing it! I'm also terrible for trying to diagnose what other people have and suggesting lots of different health problems when they aren't even worrying about what's wrong with them. I must stop doing this though as I can tell it irritates people and I get a lot of sarcastic comments calling me Dr Halfpint!

I must admit I have googled less since reading all the anxiety posts on here, so it's helping me being around fellow sufferers. We can be our own counsellors!

Ha ha Jules!! We probably would. As time has gone on, I do really panic about meeting up with people (although once I get there I relax) but that's because I spent a lot of time not working and got used to being home all day feeling 'safe'. Anything that took me out of my comfort zone would send my anxiety soaring but I am forcing myself now to fight this bloody thing and not let it beat me.
I think you're right, it's more prevalent thanks to Google. Damn that bloody Google!


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Re: Heart panic...
« Reply #23 on: April 22, 2016, 08:02:06 PM »

Coldethyl, it's because people with anxiety tend to be 'people pleasers'.  I live with a sabre toothed tiger sometimes  ;D but he has to put up with me too.

HP, I too am less inclined to socialise. My circle of friends who understand and are supportive have got less but it means I don't have to go out as much but like you, relax when I do.

Well we will just have to encourage each other to get on top of this as I am not going to be beaten by it (she says whilst heart is behaving...)  ;) x


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Re: Heart panic...
« Reply #24 on: April 22, 2016, 08:18:11 PM »

Jj thats interesting what you say about people with anxiety being people pleasers as I fit both perfectly ::)

On the mindset theme, I have found over the years with my ectopic heartbeats that when they frighten me they get worse and worse but then suddenly i will think " oh xxx you, you can just get lost" in my head to them and they always improve tremendously.  Sadly I don't have control of when I will suddenly think   xxx off in my head ;D ;D

My 35 yr old son has just told me that he has been told he is probably also experiencing ectopic heartbeats as well, so he can blame me for that one then!


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Re: Heart panic...
« Reply #25 on: April 22, 2016, 08:22:33 PM »

CB, I am with you on that one. When I just say sod off , the funny heart things fade. Obviously by worrying we just feed them more adrenaline and hearts do daft things with too much of that stuff!! Sorry to hear that son has joined the ranks , but at least he will have someone to talk any fears through with. X


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Re: Heart panic...
« Reply #26 on: April 22, 2016, 08:26:57 PM »

thanks for the idea, next time I have an anxiety spike I will try telling it to sod off  :)


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Re: Heart panic...
« Reply #27 on: April 22, 2016, 09:06:40 PM »

Yep, done that many times....need to ramp up the language to them I think as they are not listening!  ;D


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Re: Heart panic...
« Reply #28 on: April 22, 2016, 09:19:48 PM »

Yep, done that many times....need to ramp up the language to them I think as they are not listening!  ;D

Or else I say I'm going to get on with what I have to do and if you're there so be it...


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Re: Heart panic...
« Reply #29 on: April 30, 2016, 12:39:25 PM »

Oh i could have written this post myself. I too am now scared to walk up hills or do anything which increases my heart rate. I have suffered also with ectopic beats for a number of years and can have numerous throughout the day also flutters from time to time. I have had all the checks done by cardiologist, ecg, echocardiogram and monitors for 24hrs and 2 weeks, all showed nothing but i am still convinced they have missed something and now have another cardiologist appointment in July. We are going on holiday next week and i am not looking forward to it just in case something goes wrong with my heart. I also get a bit light headed with headaches and also worry it could be something sinister. I am on BB and HRT but i still get bad health anxiety. I try to tell myself this is nothing to worry about but my thoughts are more overpowering and i over think things.
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