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Author Topic: Is this normal, anyone else the same?  (Read 3332 times)


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Is this normal, anyone else the same?
« on: April 20, 2016, 11:40:47 PM »

Hi Ladies, hope you're all keeping well. I'd like to know if this is normal...this is how I'm feeling, sometimes it will ease & I feel ok but then it all comes back  :'(   2yrs no period, def menopausal, I am...woozy, wonky, light headed, unsteady, floaty, spacey/drunk feeling the head, somehow a weird thick heady feeling, flushy hot sensations, sometimes with a sickly stomach like low blood sugar & just a feeling of being not right/unwell. This is really scary. Had many blood tests with normal results, have been tested for insulin/blood sugars, thyroid, vitamin/nutrient levels, hormones, & total blood screening. My ears have been checked & flushed of wax, this came about after a severe attack of spinning dizziness...the Dr I saw had been the only Dr to check my ears, the spinning vertigo & anxiety stopped but I still get this weird head thing as described above. He gave me 2mg low dose Valium to take only when needed for the anxiety which does take the edge off but was told I shouldn't take it daily. No other Dr/pharmacist/nurse seems to know what I mean, my hubby constantly tell me I'm just not coping with menopause like all other women, the angry arguments we've had gggrrrr! Am I somehow weird different not normal? I don't have anyone at all that I can talk to or socialise with. This meno for me is debilitating. I rarely go out, seems like my life has halted & hubby has had enough of me not being right or well enough to to go out with him. I've tried several supplements & herbals for menopause but stopped because of side effect or no relief. The only meds I take are for BP.  I hope this heady thing goes away,  Thanks Ladies for any replies. Stay well xo
« Last Edit: April 21, 2016, 12:06:06 AM by Nellynan »


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Re: Is this normal, anyone else the same?
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2016, 01:34:57 AM »

If you're weird or abnormal, then I must be as well! Aside from the spinning type vertigo, I could relate all of that at some time or another with menopause. It looks like you've been checked over thoroughly for other problems, so all else excluded I would mark it to menopause. Yes, it can be horrible. The good news is that I'm told it doesn't last forever and does get better. Sure feels like it's never going to let up, doesn't it? Have you considered hormone replacement? I have started it fairly recently, and I can say with certainty it has helped the blood sugar feeling, has cleared my head, and when I do get those weird head feelings, they are not as intense. I am still struggling with occasional hot flushes and being anxious and overemotional. Have a look around on the forum and you'll see you're not the only one.


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Re: Is this normal, anyone else the same?
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2016, 02:38:03 AM »

Thanks for your reply. This all seems never ending & very frustrating. I have tried Livial(Tibolone) for 3mths but stopped because of an increase in BP. HRT isn't a possible because my mother had breast cancer, the Dr apparently put a 'Warning, no HRT' in my medical records because of that. So, I'm going cold turkey so to speak....oh to free of this menopause monster that has me by the throat! LoL sometimes my saviour is my crazy sense of humour. The many other changes that I have noticed too, where's the end?!  :-\ 


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Re: Is this normal, anyone else the same?
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2016, 03:37:09 AM »

From what I've read on this forum, there are cases where breast cancer in the family doesn't exclude you from being able to have hrt. I'm not sure how that works and if it's even a risk you're desperate enough to entertain. Also, how about antidepressants? I think there is at least one that is prescribed for hot flashes, and they are supposed to help anxiety. Again, I don't know much about them but I wonder if they help the foggy head feelings too.
Aside from those medical options, lots of women talk about meditation exercises, yoga, walking and other exercise. Obviously those are great options. Personally, I love to be fit and moving but I know when I'm in that "off" feeling it all seems futile. When I'm feeling good, I make sure to try to get in some exercise. And when I'm not, I at least do some stretching, yoga, whatever I feel like I can handle. It can't hurt.
It actually helps me that my husband is constantly reminding me that my menopause is different. Somehow the little reminder that my hormones are acting up reassures me when I'm feeling cloudy-headed that it will eventually all level out.


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Re: Is this normal, anyone else the same?
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2016, 06:04:46 AM »

So many people dont understand a bit like depression I am trying to be positive but not plan too much because then i get anxious and don't know how I will feel from day to day Maybe we should just form a group of people like us At least we all understand x


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Re: Is this normal, anyone else the same?
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2016, 10:47:11 AM »

Hi Nellynan
Ask for a referral to a menopause clinic. GPs are not experts in the field. They can't be.
The dizziness and weird head and spacey feeling are symptoms I can identify with. Also the unwell but not sure exactly how feeling.
Eating regularly helps as does walking in the fresh air. I am on an HRT patch oestrogen only as I had a hysterectomy at 37. It helps to an extent.
Hope you feel better soon


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Re: Is this normal, anyone else the same?
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2016, 11:35:54 AM »

Suzanne Somers believes that had she been on HRT she wouldn't have got breast cancer. She took HRT whilst having treatment for it and continues to and it never came back.

It's an imbalance that causes cell proliferation so, yes, too much can cause it but equally too little can.

I too had most of those symptoms, especially the inner ear stuff. I've read it's due to over stimulation of the eyes (travel sickness) and ears (vertigo). Hormones dictate every ebb and flow within the body, so there probably aren't many symptoms that can be ruled out as being non-hormonal!

Tell your husband that some women have extreme symptoms compared to others, so it's not a competition to see who copes the best. Just as it isn't fair for you to judge his lack of sensitivity compared to other more hormone balanced men...  ;)


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Re: Is this normal, anyone else the same?
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2016, 04:37:39 PM »

Hi Nellynan

Aside from the menopause symptoms and the HRT or not question - what BP medication are you taking and could this be the cause of your symptoms - ie low blood pressure? I presume it is measured regularly and do you have a home monitor?

It does sound like you would benefit from HRT and maybe you could look into this further and the type of BC your mother had. How old are you? There are various risks attached to HRT but they do vary according to age and type of HRT. You can read summary information on this website here: (info about breast cancer risk in the article)

Balancing risks and benefits according to age:

Can you ask to be tested for the breast cancer gene?

If after exploring this further you feel you are at increased risk due to your mother's breast cancer then as Lizab says the only other prescribed option that is to take anti-depressants - the ones that stop hot flushes - but of course these cannot replace oestrogen. I don't know whether these will deal with all your physical symptoms though?

At the same time concentrate on lifestyle faactors that you can control like diet, exercise, fresh air, alcohol, smoking, body weight etc as well as stress and mental health - through developing coping strategies.

Sorry I can't be of more help but hope some of this is useful

Hurdity x



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Re: Is this normal, anyone else the same?
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2016, 07:12:36 PM »

Nellynan, you sound totally normal from where I am! 

There is an advice for husbands thread somewhere - maybe get your OH to read it?!  Agree with the suggestion of menopause clinic - a lot of GPs don't know much about menopause - mine directed me to this site as being able to be more help than she was!!!