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Author Topic: 14 months period free, light period, told GP, wish I hadn't  (Read 4157 times)


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14 months period free, light period, told GP, wish I hadn't
« on: April 19, 2016, 11:41:09 AM »

Feel annoyed with myself, embarrassed and just need to share this. I was 14months period free then 5 weeks ago I had all the pre-period feelings for about 5 days then a light period lasting 3-4 days. I have always gone for regular smears with everything ok.18 months ago when I went for my smear, it was so painful that nurse couldn't do it. I was on Vagi-something (little blue pill with horrible blue plastic applicator) for 14 days and smear no.2 still couldn't be done . Back to GP, more Vagi something for 14 days and smear was taken - no bad result and all was well. I came off HRT 4 months after that and sex was so painful and has never happened since then. Of course my darling husband and I cuddle and are intimate but I want to have a normal sex life again.
Sorry this is taking so long. Went to GP yesterday about light period and painful sex and I now have to see a gynacologist and it's a man. I know I'm being ridiculous but just thinking about the appointment is scaring me to death.
Anyone got any advice? I had to put in a swab to rule out bacteria or something?

I feel really stressed.



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Re: 14 months period free, light period, told GP, wish I hadn't
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2016, 12:02:22 PM »

Poppi - it's good you have been referred - its good to check your womb lining if unexpected bleeding occurs post meno - just in case and for peace of mind.  If you want to get the sex life back on track then systemic HRT with Vagifem alongside would be the answer.  Lots of lubrication is also essential - do try Sylk and/or Multi Gyn Actigel - although there are many products to try.
Don't be shy about seeing a male gynae, they are often more gentle in my experience and I would suggest you write down all the worries and questions so you don't forget when you see him. If you are under 60 then you could still go back on systemic HRT.  Dg x


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Re: 14 months period free, light period, told GP, wish I hadn't
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2016, 01:45:18 PM »

Thank you DG, I am nearly 57 and after 16 months of hell with hot flushes, weight gain with various meds for degenerative disc disease which is making me miserable, would the hot flushes not return when I came off HRT again? I have spent a small fortune on A.Vogel meno herbs, which have helped but I do not want to go back to square one again. I am sitting here crying (loads of family issues with my toxic mother who has driven a huge wedge between me and my siblings. Basically my TMs favourites are sister A and brother B, and brother C and I are the black sheep. Brother C is near the end of his life with MS, he is only 45 and brother C was told by TM that he wasn't welcome at the funeral - and Brother B is still alive, it's so cruel. I sent a plain card asking to see or speak to my ill brother (B) with my phone number but have heard nothing) All this on top of my health issues is nearly unbearable.
Poppi x


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Re: 14 months period free, light period, told GP, wish I hadn't
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2016, 02:43:27 PM »

Poppi - the herbal remedies don't actually do that much - it's mostly placebo. If you choose to use it again the flushes etc will probably return after you come off but it sounds as though you are going through a rough time emotionally and this is not a good time to be trying to cope without HRT.  It is best to come off HRT when you have a calm time in your life when you can concentrate on maintaining a good lifestyle and get plenty of relaxation. There is no way of knowing how long the flushes etc will last and you could be in for another 5 or more years of feeling terrible anyway. 
I am now 60 and using a very low dose of oestrogen as gel each day with Utrogestan(micronised progesterone) taken for 12 days each month and I find this keeps most of my meno symptoms away. 
I have taken 3 breaks from HRT over the last 25 years (been on HRT due to premature meno): the first time in my early 50s was awful and went through 3 years of hell and life was really stressful at the time as well.  The second time in my late 50s was not so bad but as I need to work the lack of sleep was a problem.  I took a 2 month break in January & Feb this year and the flushes were really not that bad but poor sleep was still an issue so I will be keeping to the current low dose regime for as long as possible - hopefully until I no longer need to work at 66 and possibly beyond if allowed. As, when and if I have to come of HRT, I know what to expect and I'm sure it will be easier.
For us more mature ladies, transdermal HRT is the best option and in fact oestrogen as either gel or patch is the best.  Alongside the oestrogen one needs to protect the womb lining with a progesterone and Utrogeston is also preferable as it is described as 'breast friendly' - you can use this either for 12 days each month which usually brings a withdrawal bleed (i am still doing this) or if you want to be bleed free you can use the progesterone continuously.
Many of us still use local oestrogen (Vagifem) to help maintain a healthier vaginal area and support good bladder function.
To restore your vaginal area, so you can have sex, you may need advice and possibly a dilator to help with this.
Please, please ask this gynae about all this - if need be write it all down in a clear and concise way to hand to him if you feel embarrassed - tell him you are shy and a bit frightened because of past experiences ( the smear tests) and he should understand.
Make sure you ask about the Oestrogel + Utrogestan HRT regime as well - I have found that this has really helped my libido!!!!
You tell us about the stressful family issues and I can really relate to this. I'm afraid I have had to learn to distance myself from all the politics within my family - I have hardened myself in a way that now enables me to see things more objectively. It is terribly sad that you can't see your brother with MS but keep him in your thoughts and prayers. You have tried to make contact and perhaps you just need to let things go, however hard this may be - you really need to look after yourself, concentrate on your husband and friends as I'm sure your brother would want this.

Take care and good luck with the Gynae.  Dg x


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Re: 14 months period free, light period, told GP, wish I hadn't
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2016, 03:27:27 PM »

I've had to switch gynecologists several times over the years. Each new one makes me very nervous the first time, and sometimes the second and third time if I'm only seeing them annually. One thing that helps me is to remind myself that I am not the worst case they've seen of whatever I have going on. My problems are what they are and I certainly didn't ask for them, and the gyne can't solve them for me if I'm shy about describing my issues. And after all, I'm sure they've seen worse. Just remember that his job is to help you, so he's working for you. You're the boss. This mindset helps me to nor feel so vulnerable and nervous. Also, the anticipation is nearly always worse than the actual appointment.
It's easy for me to write all that, but I'm overdue for some medical appointments that I can't seem to make myself go for. I understand the nerves.


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Re: 14 months period free, light period, told GP, wish I hadn't
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2016, 03:36:50 PM »

Great post Lisab :clapping:  Dg x


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Re: 14 months period free, light period, told GP, wish I hadn't
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2016, 04:05:19 PM »

You are stressed which makes tension all round.

You will have a chaperone when you see the Gynaecologist, it's your right in UK Law.  Take a list of symptoms with you in case your GP has missed anything out in the referral letter.  I prefer a male doing pelvic exams. etc.  ;)

As for your toxic mother, sounds like narcacisstic behaviour?  My Mum and sister show signs of it which is difficult to live with.  I'm confused with your descriptions of A, B, C etc.  ::) but what is stopping you visiting them anyway, despite your Mother's interference?  You are after all, adults: however, I know how I soon become the little girl when I go into Mum's house!


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Re: 14 months period free, light period, told GP, wish I hadn't
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2016, 05:18:27 PM »

I've seen 2 gynaecologists in the past, one male and one female - first time, I was really hoping it would be female, she was and she was absolutely horrible (and I was in agony from the exam, she was so rough & told me I was making a fuss about nothing and she was only interested in seeing women who were trying to start a family!!!  Not great to be told that when you can't have kids).  Second time, she was away, so I saw a male gynae & he was brilliant!  I always feel a bit uncomfortable at the thought of seeing a man, but remind myself that they've seen it all before  :) 


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Re: 14 months period free, light period, told GP, wish I hadn't
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2016, 07:19:46 PM »

I think that men generally know their way around a woman's body better than women do  ;)


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Re: 14 months period free, light period, told GP, wish I hadn't
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2016, 07:47:23 PM »

Thanks for all the helpful comments, I will let the Dr know how nervous I am (but can't imagine how he can examine me when smears are so painful and impossible). My own GP said he might need to do a D+C under GA  - is that because he will be unable to perform a usual internal exam?

Apologies for the confusion about A,B,C siblings - having read what I wrote it doesn't make sense. Basically my brother with MS is my youngest sibling and his wife will not allow me to see him, I did say I would respect her wishes and I know she will have enough to deal with right now.

Poppi x


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Re: 14 months period free, light period, told GP, wish I hadn't
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2016, 01:07:07 PM »

Poppi - It may be best to have everything done under GA if your lady bits are so atrophied - they would be able to do all the usually tests and examinations to ensure all is fine under a GA.   Good luck - let us know how you get on.  Dg x


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Re: 14 months period free, light period, told GP, wish I hadn't
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2016, 07:20:21 PM »

Sounds as if the GP is thinking you may find the exam too painful so will need one under GA - don't be upset if this happens, it's much better to get checked out thoroughly without it being too painful