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Author Topic: headaches&migraine s  (Read 10928 times)


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headaches&migraine s
« on: April 20, 2016, 06:44:03 AM »

Hi Ladies
Wondered how you cope with headaches? I have had them for years - generally if I get too hot but increasingly hormone related Do certain foods help eleviate and yoga or pilates? I take Syndol as itsrhe only thing that works and now have to get them from abroad as the UK ones no longer contIn the magic ingredient The side effect is feeling a bit spaced


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Re: headaches&migraine s
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2016, 04:45:26 PM »

Hi Sammas

Sorry to hear about your headaches and migraines - I get them too - in fact have one at the moment that came on yesterday morning when I woke and won't completely shift. All sorts of things seem to trigger mine and I can't seem to get to the bottom of it.

Some people get headaches/migraines from certain foods/drinks eg cheese, chocolate, caffeine, alcohol - so you may well have a particular trigger although I expect you would know this by now? I think tolerances can change as we get older too and there is definitely a hormonal link.

Many women get pre-menstrual headaches - which is either due to the sudden drop in oestrogen, or the progesterone dip as it leaves the system - both happen before a period. These get worse for many women during peri-menopause and even before when PMS symptoms worsen.

Re exercise - I find that doing too intensive floor/abs exercises gives me neck pain and triggers a headache - but Pilates is pretty gentle. I think this is what caused my present one because I restarted exercise classes on Monday night (an intensive one - cardio/toning) and woke on Tues with stiff neck and headache. I also found that I was getting a lot of aches and pains after exercise generally - and started testosterone as part of my HRT and this seems to have worked for the most part - although I was surprised at getting the headache again.

I tend only to take paracetamol or Ibuprofen ( and that makes me feel nauseous) because I'm scared of all the other stronger meds! My daughter suggested co-codamol but haven't ventured to buy any yet!

I don't cope especially well with mine - I just feel like a limp rag for 3 days and don't do much. On the days I have to work I dose myself with paracetamol and feel terrible afterwards like yesterday!

Sorry that sounds a bit moany and probably not much help but just to say I really sympathise because they are debilitating (even if they're not the pounding head, lying in a darkened room type) and I'm certainly fed up with mine!

Hurdity x



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Re: headaches&migraine s
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2016, 04:59:27 PM »

Hi Sammas - I get two types of headache: I have always suffered with migraine where it starts with patchy vision for about 10-15 minutes followed by black and white swirly patterns around the edges of my vision for about 10-15 mins and then WHAM! The headache - I take migrelieve if I am in time but in any event I need to get home and sleep and it usually passes after a few hours.
The OTHER type of headache I have been getting (and I now put this down to meno) is usually behind one of the eyes and a really debilitating pain and these last for 2-3 days despite taking extra strong painkillers; admittedly I have not consulted the doctor about these ones. Luckily I can work from home although using a laptop which doesn't help - I always feel washed out with the latter type for a couple of days after they have lifted whereas with a migraine by the next day I am ok. Sorry that hasn't helped you an awful lot !

Mary G

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Re: headaches&migraine s
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2016, 06:27:39 PM »

Sammas, it took me a long time to work out why I suddenly started getting silent migraines (migraine aura without headache) but I got there in the end.

Basically, synthetic progesterone and low oestrogen are the cause in my case.  During my reproductive years, I never had migraines (despite being on the pill for years) but as soon as my hormone levels starting to drop, the migraines started.  When the first migraine struck, I had a Mirena coil for contraception purposes and while I was still having periods, they always came a few days before the period started and when my oestrogen was low.  Once the periods stopped, they were random.  I consulted migraine specialist Professor MacGregor and hormone specialist Professor John Studd and apparently while I was reproductive, my own hormones overrode the synthetic ones hence the absence of migraines but once my hormone levels dropped, the synthetic ones become dominant and caused the migraines.  Synthetic progesterone changes the way the brain receptors work. 

Therefore, I have to keep my oestrogen levels fairly high, avoid synthetic progesterone completely and seriously limit the amount of Utrogestan (micronised progesterone) that I take and not allow it to become dominant. 


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Re: headaches&migraine s
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2016, 07:00:19 PM »

Thanks ladies for shsring your experiences I phoned the migraine association today who suggested taking magnesiym citrate. (I had just started taking mag oxide) when I went to buy it my health foid shop was having free taster sessions of cranial socral therapy which was good A bit like reiki x

Mary G

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Re: headaches&migraine s
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2016, 07:07:37 PM »

Sammas, I forgot to mention that I was told to take magnesium, vitamin B complex and aspirin everyday.  Professor MacGregor suggested 300mg aspirin during the Utrogestan phase.  As as added bonus, since starting magnesium everyday a few years ago, my digestive system has improved enormously. 


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Re: headaches&migraine s
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2016, 07:23:07 PM »

That's useful to know a Mary g I take b vits but not asprin


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Re: headaches&migraine s
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2016, 02:06:32 AM »

I have that one sided headache regulary too. I call it a migraine but I think really they call it a tension headache. Ive been having them most of my adult life, never pinpointed the cause, although stress is a big factor. Its ALWAYS  behind my right eye, like a dagger stabbing me, with extreme light sensitivity.  They last a minimum of 24 hrs, sometimes 36.
 A few years ago I discovered thet if I have a strong coffee when it first begins that can stop it (not always ). Been to the GP many times tried all sorts of painkillers. The only thing that sometimes helps is co codamol, but make me feel sick. Ho hum...
Good luck!
J x


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Re: headaches&migraine s
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2016, 05:10:17 AM »

Bloody menopause! Eye test could be a good idea as have had a twitchy right eye on and off for weeks. If we explained our symptoms to people who didnt understand I think they would think we are imagining things! X


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Re: headaches&migraine s
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2016, 07:57:39 AM »

I've been getting a lot of migraines again since hitting peri. Was also reading yesterday some American migraine research site about how they now think that there are such things as mixed migraine/ tension headaches that have the symptoms of both and I think that rings true for me - I get migraine with aura but I then seen to have a few days afterwards with a combination of the nauseous headache but it is two sided by then and in my neck and shoulders too. Whatever they are , they suck and I'm getting fed up as nothing shifts them except sleeping then off as best I can.


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Re: headaches&migraine s
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2016, 12:24:42 PM »

That's what I hate the most, Sparkle. The not being able to plan ahead and just enjoy life. I've had one on and off all week and it kicked off big style again  this morning - I was hoping to go to cinema later but now even the smell of my decaff is making me heave and I feel like the world is tiny and I am huge.i can't seem to identify any triggers other than just being oerimenopausal. Sometimes it's before a period, sometimes at ovulating other times it's during or after one. I guess it's just the fluctuating hormones but I'm fed up and it just adds to my overall anxiety. Going to check out magnesium as it's interesting that several folk have been told to supplement.


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Re: headaches&migraine s
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2016, 02:57:35 PM »

I had terrible tummy pains as a child which my GP put down to sore throats even though I never had a sore throat. Junior was the same. Both of us now suffer with migraine so guess it was that all along. I've never found anything that works. Was given Imigran injection when it first came out and it just made me worse as have most other stuff, do I just muddle on. The best thing as I the I've said was some physio on my dodgy neck so may have to go back for more.


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Re: headaches&migraine s
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2016, 03:19:34 PM »

I get terrible aching legs that I have just assumed were age and my fibromylagia  but they are worse when I have a migraine. I also get not quite vertigo .. It's more me that's moving inside than the world spinning. Today I've felt like I am on stilts. I think that GPs just think about the headaches and yes, they can be debilitating , but personally I've found the weird  auras and numbness much more difficult to handle.
Will watch that later as out now. Thank you.


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Re: headaches&migraine s
« Reply #13 on: April 21, 2016, 04:59:38 PM »

Me too Coldethyl, I had a horrible migraine that then extended down the back of my neck, shoulders and upper back.  The scariest bit was when all my muscles went into spasm all over my body and I couldn't keep still, I just twitched violently.  I think it was a reaction to the pain.  Bloody awful things - I hate the fact that you lose days at a time with them.

S x

Sparkle - have you had this checked out? Twitching violently is not normal and I would have thought a doc visit would be in order - unless it's normal for you. Sounds horrible and very scary to me.

I've made a doc appt for my headaches but I don't hold out much hope for any ideas. Just want to make sure there is nothing wrong. Coldethyl like you I can't seem to pin down a trigger.

I looked up about magnesium citrate as a medication (rather than a dietary supplement as I don't need this as my diet is good and I won't be deficient in it) - but didn't like the sound of it. It is mainly used as a laxative and works by drawing water into the bowel from what I read very briefly - so don't like the idea of this at all!! Don't want to get more dehydrated!

Hurdity x


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Re: headaches&migraine s
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2016, 05:20:57 PM »

It's what sent me running to the GP in December Hurdity as an emergency!  It was very frightening - to be honest I thought I was on the verge of a stroke.  It's not happened since thank goodness, in fact the migraines have calmed down, the last one being over Christmas which was a bit unfortunate!  The last two periods I've had a headache but not what I would call a full blown migraine, sort of back to what I've always had pre-menstrually although annoyingly it seems to start up again at the end of a period now, not just the build-up to it.  Thank you!  Do let us know how you get on at the GP, it will be interesting to hear what he/she says.

S x

Interesting that you say that about them coming back at end of period too now, as that is what I am finding as well. I think also that the stress of worrying about whether ill have a migraine is adding to them and exacerbating the neck tension that seems to be feeding them. I was talking to hubby about them and he said I was as bad during pregnancy and when junior was about 18 months old when my periods got more regular again( I had fertility treatment ) - then I was admitted to hospital with suspected brain haemorrhage but it was just a really bad migraine!!! Once they start I find them hard to shake off and they are so draining. I watched that clip and the interviewer read out a quotation from a caller that had one every day since nov 2014!! X
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