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Author Topic: Constant need to sleep  (Read 2858 times)


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Constant need to sleep
« on: April 19, 2016, 08:38:42 AM »

Hi for the last few days I have been ridiculously tired for no apparent reason. For example On Sunday I got up at half seven, did few jobs and walked the dog. By half ten I literally couldn't keep awake and within seconds of sitting on sofa I was spark out. I woke at three thirty!!! I dragged myself up and did a few jobs and then was spark out again for another three hours! I then slept solidly through the night. Got up yesterday (struggled to wake) at seven thirty literally felt I HAD to sleep from noon till four pm, then slept again five till half six pm. Despite all this sleep I have still slept solid all last night and having been awake now for couple of hours am fighting the urge to sleep again.

I was like this a few weeks ago (rest of time I struggle to sleep!) and was one of the the reasons I went to see GP. She did loads of bloods including hormone levels. By time I got apt for results three weeks later the tiredness had subsided so I then put it down to a nasty virus I'd had in February.  Started on Livial HRT a week ago with a few side effects (rash and swelling on forearms which has now gone, niggly tension headache and mildly aching joints) and was hoping and praying it would/will be the answer. However this awful exhaustion has returned. Would be grateful to hear from anyone else that has suffered the same symptoms xxx


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Re: Constant need to sleep
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2016, 08:50:14 AM »

Wow, that's a lot of sleep!

I have been suffering from periods of crashing fatigue for a few years now so put it down to peri menopause, but I never go to sleep when I have it. I have never been able to sleep during the day but I certainly lack energy or motivation when I have it and just have to lay down and do nothing.

If your bloods came back OK then it can't be due to a medical reason and is no doubt due to hormones as you say you were like it a few weeks ago but then OK by the time you went for the results.

Start keeping a diary of when it happens.


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Re: Constant need to sleep
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2016, 08:59:14 AM »

I do think our bodies sometimes tell us what we need - maybe the nasty virus has left some residual post viral fatigue that will take time. My brother-in-law is an eminent gastroenterologist and he definitely feels that there are insidious viruses that can knock us sideways and cause terrible fatigue for some weeks - often without any specific  symptoms indicating a virus.
If you often sleep badly, then your body may well be making up for the lack of sleep. The Livial may well stabilise your sleeping patterns (I found it did when I tried it) so hopefully as your body gets regular good sleep the fatigue will subside.  I wish I could get 8 solid hours sleep - haven't had a full nights sleep since I had my children - if I get 5 hours I think I've done well.  Dg x


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Re: Constant need to sleep
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2016, 09:00:41 AM »

Thanks halfpint  I have got it all wrote down from the last time but by time I saw GP it had subsided so I thought that was it!  Makes me feel lazy and weak for having to give in to it but I literally can't help it - daren't drive when I'm like it as I would have to pull car over to sleep! Can hormones really have that affect???  Like you said all the other blood tests were absolutely fine   I suppose I'm also thinking if I'm like this after eight days of starting HRT then what is going to help x


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Re: Constant need to sleep
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2016, 09:03:28 AM »

Dancing girl yes that could well be it. Ive just realised I'm overthinking things - again lol. Following the virus my liver function tests were abnormal but these are ok again now and GP did say it could be down to the virus. Will keep plodding on and hoping the Livial kicks in! X


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Re: Constant need to sleep
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2016, 09:16:26 AM »

I had a bad virus a few years ago that knocked me for six. It took me ages to get over it. A few months later I noticed a lot of hair falling out. I went to the GP about other things but mentioned the hair loss and he asked if I had been ill. I told him I had a virus a few months before and he said that recovery from a virus can cause hair loss, so viruses do have a big impact on your body.

Crashing fatigue is a symptom of menopause. I think it's when there is a drop in hormones.


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Re: Constant need to sleep
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2016, 11:48:25 AM »

Well I've made it to afternoon and still conscious lol. Husband just reminded me that over last few years I have had similar 'crashes' when I've just had to sleep for hours on end then all though the night - generally last just a day and not happened that regularly so I forget about them - until the next time- so I'm now thinking perhaps it has been hormonal problem all along. Oh well onwards and upwards! Xxx

Mary G

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Re: Constant need to sleep
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2016, 12:23:40 PM »

Mommary, I think there are two issues here, the virus and the Livial.  The Livial is probably helping you to make up for all the lost sleep which you so desperately need.  Then there is the virus, I had a virus last year and it took months for it to finally leave my system and I needed more sleep.

My mother hasn't slept properly for over 30 years now (since menopause) and is very badly deprived of sleep - it's really taken its toll on her health.  When she went into hospital to have her hip replaced, they couldn't wake her up from the operation because it was the first time she had slept properly in ages.  She is very lucky if she gets 5 hours sleep in one go. 

This is why I am so pro-HRT, I don't want to end up with all the problems she has had.


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Re: Constant need to sleep
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2016, 04:37:11 PM »

When my body needs sleep, I sleep.  It was a symptom for several years, after my evening meal I would be gone: 2 cats and the dog, plus me on the settee, Himself reading/watching TV on his own.  I would sleep at night too!  Now I don't need the sleep in the afternoon because being retired, I can lay in if necessary.
