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Author Topic: New and confused  (Read 4899 times)


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New and confused
« on: April 28, 2016, 01:18:05 PM »

Hi, I'm new to all this but here goes...

I'm 40 years old and have been feeling 'strange' for a few years, really irritable, emotional, anxious, forgetful, occasional hot flushes and had bowel problems so bad I ended up having a colonoscopy (which showed no problems.) My periods were also going missing for a few months then returning but I put it all down to being a new mum (I adopted my son at around the same time as all this started!)

Fast forward to February this year and I realised I haven't had a period since last June, so went to the doctors. They did blood tests and said they showed I was probably menopausal but said they would have to repeat them in 3 months time. A month later I was finding things really hard, I was sent home from work because I was so emotional or anxious a couple of times so went back to the doctors and saw a nurse practitioner to ask for the second blood tests to be brought forwards. She decided my symptoms were a reaction to being told I was menopausal and prescribed beta blockers, I tried these once and felt so woozy I didn't take any more as I couldn't function properly (I work with young children as well as having one at home.)  Another week later I was again sent home from work so returned to the doctors and saw a different NP, who said my first blood tests were "borderline" but I could have them repeated straight away.

I then got a phone call to say the results were back and I needed to see a doctor; I was told the blood tests showed I am post-menopausal and that my ovaries have completely stopped working. I'm not sure how this fits with me still feeling so rubbish all the time though  :-\

I was prescribed Prem-pak C which I started taking last Sunday, but I'm feeling worse now than I was before. I'm feeling dizzy, nauseous, anxious, emotional, exhausted, can't be bothered with anyone (not even my 4 year old which as a single mum is really hard because I feel so guilty when I disappear into the kitchen to escape his constant chatter) and to top it all I've been sent home from work again this morning after bursting into tears and was told to stay off sick until I'm 'sorted.' I don't even know when/if I'll feel properly 'sorted' I've been told by my GP to try the HRT for 3 months then they'll review it but I can't be off work for that long.

Has anyone else taken Prem-pak C, if so how long did it take to kick in and make you feel better? I'm dreading the withdrawal bleed at the end of the pack, it seems backwards seeing as I haven't had to deal with periods for 10 months but my GP said it is better for my womb and helps protect it from cancer.

Sorry to have gone on for so long, as I am younger than the average woman experiencing menopause I don't really have any friends going through it, just a colleague who recommended the lady magnet, she swears by it but it doesn't seem to be working for me :(

I just want to feel 'normal' again!!



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Re: New and confused
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2016, 03:24:22 PM »

Hi Star-man

Welcome to the forum.  All the symptoms you are describing are classic memo symptoms, so don't despair or think you're going mad you're not.  I too was put on prempak-c when I started with peri menopause, however, it's not the best one (although I believe it's the cheapest).  I have since switched to biodentical hrt patches + utrogestan (kinder progesterone) and feel much better for it.  I know GP's recommend sticking with a regime for 3 months but personally in this instance I wouldn't, I'd do a bit of research go back and ask for what you want.  After all you've got your son to think about and once you're functioning fully you can be there for him.  Hope this helps x


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Re: New and confused
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2016, 03:55:39 PM »

Hi Star-Mam,
I am in peri menopause and have certainly experienced all your symptoms but I'm not as yet on any medical treatment for it but I just wanted to say that I too have relatively young chidren and I also feel guilty when I'm snappy and moody and just want them to leave me alone and don't wish to give them my attention but must be even more stressful when you are a single mum. Do you live near family who can help you out helping with your son and maybe allowing you some 'me time'?
There are some very knowledgeable and helpful members on here who should be able to advise you about the HRT etc. I find typing a symptom or subject into the search engine brings up lots of previous discussions that have been helpful to me and made me realise that I'm not alone in how I'm feeling.
Welcome to the forum.


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Re: New and confused
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2016, 04:01:44 PM »

Hi and welcome to MM star-mum
I started my meno in my mid 30s so i can really relate to your problems.  what a shame they didn't start you on HRt sooner!!!
PrempakC is one of the older types of HRT but many women still do very well on this. Your GPs are clearly not very clued up I'm afraid so I would read up all the info on this site to educate yourself, as you will be needing HRT for some years (till you mid 50s) to protect your heart and bones and prevent other problems that result from oestrogen deficiency.
It is very early days so the benefits of the HRT will not have kicked in yet. You do need to give it at least 3 months.
The oestrogen bit of this HRT should make you feel better within about 2-3 weeks and if you find the progesterone phase gives a bit of PMT then I would suggest you try Femoston 1/10 as the progesterone in this one is kinder. I'd give the Prempak 2 months and then ask for Femoston if you are not feeling good.
Try not to worry - you are doing the right thing but I'm afraid you need to be patient. Keep us posted.  DG x


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Re: New and confused
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2016, 04:54:23 PM »

Hi star-mam

 :welcomemm: from me too.

So sorry to hear you are experiencing this. There are quite strict protocols in diagnosing premature ovarian failure (ie menopause before the age of 40 - which you just about come under), hence the two blood tests. It's good that you have started on HRT - this is vital at your age but as Dancinggirl says Prempak is one of the older ones. I would keep taking it for the moment but make an appointment to chanage asap as this one is not bio-identical. The oestrogen is made from horse urine and contains a mix of oestrogens, and the progestogen is synthetic. As she says Femoston would be a better one to try and at your age you need to have the 2/10 Femoston to fully protect your bones.

If you can face it, then I would suggest a patch or gel oestrogen with separate (micronised) progesterone - Utrogestan, or else a Mirena coil with patch or gel oestrogen. All the information about the different types can be found under the Treatments tab above (HRT preparations).

Here is a link to the NICE Guidelines on POF (also called POI) - see the link!

Keep us posted!

Hurdity x


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Re: New and confused
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2016, 06:58:47 PM »

Thanks for the replies.

Hurdity: They make HRT from horse urine  :o :o thanks for the info on the different types of HRT, I'll have a read up about them all, why does it have to be so confusing!!

Dancinggirl, I had some missing periods 5 years ago but was told by my GP they didn't do anything until they were absent for 6 months, which only happened this January so I didn't bother going to see anybody until then. Maybe if I'd bugged them I might have got HRT sooner but hindsight is a wonderful thing  ;)  I have had such conflicting advice from different GPs and nurse practitioners at my practice, it's like none of them are sure what to do about it! I think they all need to do some homework  ::)

Half pint my parents live quite close to me and do help out with my little man ('Bob') when they can, although they don't know completely how I'm feeling (they know I'm menopausal but not about all the symptoms as they didn't cope well when I suffered from anxiety / depression some years ago.) I'm usually at work every weekday except Wednesday so by the time I get home from work and get Bob fed and to bed I don't have much time for anything. I've been off work sick again today and it's been lovely to lounge about on the sofa and catch up on TV programmes (I know I should probably have done a bit of exercise or something healthy but the weather was awful and I really couldn't be bothered!)

Just to change the subject a bit, does anyone else forget how to spell words all the time? I'm usually quite good at spelling and grammar but struggle at the moment; it's ok on a computer as I can spell check, but I had to fill in a form at school the other day, had a total blank and had to ask Bob's teacher how to spell 'syllable' just a tad embarrassing :sigh:



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Re: New and confused
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2016, 07:31:52 PM »

If you enjoyed today, then do as your employer says and take some time to yourself for a few weeks (as long as you're getting full sick pay?).

Yes on the spelling! Although mine is more when i type an email or a response on here or elsewhere and I read it back, I have written a completely different word to the one I wanted to say! This scared me when it kept happening but I began to  see a pattern that it was happening when I was tired after quite a few sleepless nights. The last few days, I have not been able to think of the name of things or peoples surnames. It's just brain fog and seems very common so don't worry.


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Re: New and confused
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2016, 08:11:25 PM »



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Re: New and confused
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2016, 06:26:31 AM »


Poor you , it is a minefield to begin with, and very confusing as to know what to do for the best.

I started on Prempac  initially , but It did not agree with me because of the same symptoms you describe . It appears to increase PMT symptoms in some. At first I felt great but 3 months later I was a nervous wreck. I came on the forum and tried Femosten 1/10. I wanted to start on a low dose , with the theory that you can always increase if needed. It took 3 months for it to start working.

As for your work, I understand that you are worried that you wont be able to cope. By the way the forgetting things and not being able to spell are classic and quite normal symptoms of meno.
Just take everything one day at a time, in bite size pieces. Can you work form home at all? Have you got an understanding boss and supportive colleagues?

Pepperminty x


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Re: New and confused
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2016, 08:21:15 PM »

Half pint , I do get full sick pay but really hate being off work ill; I had a nasty chest and sinus infection around Christmas and tried to go back to work 3 times (obviously without success) before I gave in and stayed off until I was completely better (it took another month.) Surely my GP wouldn't give me a sick note for menopause symptoms anyway and I'd rather not have one stating anxiety due to past experiences   :-\  I'm always forgetting names or words too, I seem to start a lot of sentences with "what was I going to say? ..." these days  :-\

Pepperminty - thanks for your reply. Working from home isn't an option - it would be 100 times more stressful anyway, who wants 12 two year olds running around their house? ;D I can usually hide how I'm feeling from the children at work, they help take my mind off things but last week it didn't work, hence me coming home. It's between the sessions that I tend to slump and run out of energy , I suppose because it's taking more out of me to keep going during the times with the little people.

We've been out on a day trip today, I was exhausted after a couple of hours but luckily there was a giant sand pit that Bob played in for a while so I could recharge my batteries a bit (although a snooze would have been very welcome!) I hate that I don't have the energy to keep up with him , although I guess not many adults do have the energy of a 4 year old!