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Author Topic: Update on using oestrogel and Amytriptyline - in case it helps anyone else  (Read 4479 times)


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Hi all!

Here's my update in case anyone remembers my 'case'  :)

Brief recent history = Am 52, in peri, still having quite regular but scanty periods, but was suffering from major PMS type symptoms of late, causing major problems for me (see my previous threads if need to see details) and plucked up courage to spill my feelings about my wildly fluctuating moods to a GP. Huge step for me as I avoid seeking medical advice and have a kind of phobia about it.

I was prescribed 25mg amitriptyline for my moods and some ongoing pain issues which worsen in 2nd half of cycle, and I asked to change to oestrogel instead of Elleste for oestrogen part of my HRT. I use utrogestan every few months (naughty I know) but I'm progesterone intolerant and it's all I can bear  :(

Well, 11 days on, using the amitriptyline and 3 pumps of oestrogel per day I feel much better - for now at least.  :)
I am sleeping much much better, not 100%, but sleeping right through, which is a major plus for me  :)
No side effects from Amytriptyline.
My moods are generally brighter with more get up and go, but still find I go from 0-60 in a split second if something bad annoys me, but within the realms of normal reaction I would say. Examples - 13 year old keeping his room an absolute mess when he has been read the riot act by Dad many times, and giving tradesmen a piece of my mind when they had let us down 2 times running with no warning or explanation.

The initial appointment I had at the surgery was with a very unsympathetic doctor but have since scheduled a follow up appointment with a very nice understanding GP who I have spoken to on the phone today prior to my apt next week, who is nice and assures me she will take me under her wing.. 

My thoughts today are as follows -

I am unable to know what to attribute success to - the oestrogel topping up low oestrogen?
Amytriptyline having a positive effect?
Would I have recovered from the PMS anyway, as my period arrived 2 days after I saw the first GP , hence my low ebb at the time I made the appt?

Interesting that I have had to start my utrogestan phase now (bad timing I know!) I'm on day 5 and I still feel OK where normally the prog has started to make me feel very low.

I know Ive changed a LOT of things in this time, and that hasn't helped  :(

Doctor has asked me to bring in my mood diary next week so I can show her my anxiety and lows are cyclical.

I just wonder if I'm using too much oestrogel, given I was on 2mg of Ellestte Solo.  :o

Hope this sheds a little light, or helps others suffering with unbearable mood swings in some way  :great:



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ooops sorry - that was rather long! *blushes*  :D


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What good news!

Well, there's no doubt the Amitriptyline will give you a good night's sleep from day one (I have taken it, and always slept like a log). But it's a bit early for it to have brightened your mood yet?

So I would guess that a combination of your period ending, plus your own oestrogen now rising, plus the higher dose of oestrogel is now really brightening your mood.


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Yes, I'm inclined to agree with you on the above, Gypsy!  :)

So sorry you had a set back...I thought you were sorted, at least temporarily (not THAT temporarily though  :( ) x


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Day 15 of using oestrogel  (3 pumps per day)

I can report that I have gone from strength to strength whilst using this!  :banana: :banana:
Sounds such a small thing, but I have ventured out into town by myself (something prior to starting the oestrogel I would have avoided) I've started walking my dogs again, I have generally felt 'better' healthwise,  our house is a much happier place all round.  :D

Although it is also day 15 of using amitriptyline (only small dose of 25mg so not high enough to be effective on mood anyway) I tend to think its the upping of oestrogen which has made SUCH a difference to me!

Day 9 of using Utrogestan - normally by this day I'd be throwing in the towel as my PMS type symptoms would be through the roof - but - I actually feel OK!  ???

I think I can deduce, therefore, that my horrid horrid symptoms of anxiety, sadness, paranoia, hopelessness were caused by too little oestrogen. I don't know for sure obviously but an educated guess tells me this is the most likely reason.

Hope this helps any others wondering if they might benefit from more oestrogen  :great:


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This has really given me some much needed hope Clovie, so thank you for posting.

I am still wearing a 50mg patch, but it doesn't seem to be having any effect anymore (patches seemed to help a bit last summer). I think this could be due to my oestrogen suddenly getting lower too? There's some question over absorption levels of patches too, and have heard that oestrogel is better absorbed?

Anyway, really thrilled for you xxx

Can I ask what oestrogen dose were you on before?


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Hi Gypsy!  :)

I was taking Elleste Solo, 2mg.
I feel that worked well for me for about the 3 years I'd been on it.

Then, like you, I really do think my own oestrogen levels dropped, so that over the last 4 (?) months or so I noticed a marked decline in my symptoms, feeling more like I did before I started HRT. I even had some quite mild but noticeable flushes creeping back in.
I wanted to try the gel as I'd read it was more effective than the oral tablets, and safer too by all accounts. :great:

I don't know for sure if this has been the answer of course, but it sure is a heck of a coincidence if not?

I feel if you were to be able to at least try the gel and thereby up your oestrogen levels, and see how it goes it might just possibly help you?  :) :great:

If I go downhill or anything I'll be sure to update this thread, but feel SOOO much better right now  :)



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Brilliant, that's exactly what I wanted to hear Clovie. A 50mg patch is roughly equivalent to a 2mg oestrogen tablet, I think? So while a latch might have helped a little last summer, I don't think it's enough now.

Same with me trying Femoston 2/10 recently. Enough oestrogen for me to feel okay for the 7-10 days that my own oestrogen would have been at it's highest, but useless for the rest of the month. Plus I just can't tolerate the synthetic progesterone in it.

I think our symptoms sound so similar, anxiety, mood dips, panics etc so I am pretty sure it is just that I also need more oestrogen now. I have very recently developed some physical symptoms that are new and point towards low oestrogen ( husky voice, slightly drier bits, boob shrinkage, no bloating, and a couple of weird 'turns' which are probably flushes) and this is despite wearing a 50mg patch.

I really don't think it can be a coincidence that within a day or two of starting oestrogel you suddenly feel much better? I mean, really, how unlikely is that? Plus you are fine on the Utro so obviously the higher oestrogen is counter balancing the progesterone.

I know MaryG really struggled to get enough oestrogen from patches or tabs, even at a high dose. But found 2 pumps of gel worked wonders.

Please keep us posted and I'm keeping crossed for you xxx


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Just a quick note to say thanks for this thread. I've found it really helpful.

How are things going?
