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Author Topic: Weaning off Evorel Conti Patches - suffering bad side effects...not good.  (Read 19005 times)


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I am weaning myself off Evorel Conti patches and am experiencing really nasty effects.  The same side as the patch is stuck to my body I have pain in the pelvic area front going through to the back, it is really really awful!!!!!

I have had one patch on for one week, then put another patch on and I have now just got through 2-weeks, the pain is dreadful.  When I put a new patch on the other day the pain just about went give or take, nothing like as bad.

I have come to the conclusion that I am going to do this a lot slower than the Doctor advised as I cannot and will not go through all the pain that goes with it.

I am very interested to know if anyone elase had had this horrible experience when weaning oneself off these patches??  If so how did you go about the weaning process.



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Hi and welcome to MM 2102bunker
Why are you coming of HRT? If this HRT has been suiting you and enabling you to live a good quality of life,  then unless you have health problems that prevent you from continuing, there should be no reason why you cannot stay on HRT - particularly as you are using patches. I am 60 and still using HRT and there are many of us, of more senior years, who plan to use HRT for as long a possible.
If you doctor is simply wanting you to take a break from HRT to see how you cope then it may not make much difference whether you go cold turkey or wean off over several months - the result will probably be the same. Flushes etc may return with vengeance and subside over the next 2-5 years or you may find they are not too bad - we are all different and will experience withdrawal in a different way. Some do find that reducing the dosage of HRT to about half for a year or 2 can make coming off a little easier. You could try cutting the patches in half and still apply twice a week as usual to keep a steady yet reduced dosage for the next 6-12 months?  By applying the patches less often you are giving yourself more hormonal fluctuations.
I am certainly only using a very low dose - just enough to keep the flushes reduced and help me to sleep so I can carry on working.
The pain is unusual though and if it continues this should be investigated. DG x

Mary G

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Welcome to MM!

I was going to ask the same question, why are you coming off HRT?  You don't need to and there is no time limit on taking it. 


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Hi  I've been using the same patches for a few months.  At the start I did get some side effects but cut them in half for a while and all has been fine and everything settled down.


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Thank you everyone who replied to my post, I will defo try cutting the patches in half for a spell or two, thank you everyone once again.


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Hi 2102 Bunker,
Here is a copy of a posting I did a while back on a similar subject (but with a different type of HRT). I hope it helps you a bit.

"I am in the process of coming off HRT.

I am now on ultra low dose Femoston conti (Estradiol 0.5mg, Dydrogesterone 2.5mg).
After 3 months of changing to it in June last year I cut down to 1 tablet every other day - not much change, so after another 3 months I cut down to 3 tablets a week.
I am a bit more tired but no hot flushes to worry about. I am taking things very, very slowly & I will soon be thinking about cutting down to 2 tablets a week.

This is MY choice because I need to leave my menopause behind & move on. It has been a part of my life since I was 49 when I started HRT (I will be 59 later this year). I want to stop thinking about it & go to the next phase of my life, not stuck in a rut.

I just do not want to be on it for the rest of my life, & I also don't want to have to explain why to anyone.

Sorry but this probably doesn't make much sense to some of you. I think it is a control thing with me  ??? ???

So my advice to you is to take things very, very slowly & do not rush in to it thinking that it will happen in a few months. If you start to get symptoms coming back then go back a step. These things take time."



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Hi 2012 Bunker. I am a bit concerned about the pain you are experiencing weaning off these patches. I'm not sure that this should be happening to be honest and I must admit that I haven't heard of it before. Obviously the usual symptoms can return such as hot flushes, tiredness, mood swings, dry skin etc. but pain is something that, in my opinion, should be investigated. When you begin a new HRT then the oestrogen can give rise to period pains but they don't return when you stop taking it. Please make an appointment with your GP to make sure that all is ok?

Taz x