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Author Topic: Almost 2 years on Evorel Sequi - maybe needs tweaking?  (Read 3201 times)

flossie fiddler

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Almost 2 years on Evorel Sequi - maybe needs tweaking?
« on: March 09, 2016, 11:13:50 PM »

Hi all, hope you're all well. It's been a while.

 I started on Evorel Sequi in March 2014 aged almost 49, and the benefits far outweighed any problems.

At a routine smear test shortly after I started on it,  a tiny polyp was discovered on my cervix, which my gynae thought may be contributing to my irregular bleeding since starting HRT. I had lots of investigations, including scans, both external and internal, and a visit to the gynae surgeon at the hospital, but my bleeds settled down somewhat so he decided to leave well alone.

Over the past 6 months or so I've noticed that my bleeds are heavier and more prolonged, lasting around 10 days, and with spotting when I change from the 50 to the conti patch.

I've been really lucky that the first HRT treatment I went on seemed to be the one, but I'm wondering if things need tweaking now. I've made an appointment today, but can't get in to see my doc until 11th April.

Apart from the bleeds being heavy and prolonged, everything else is hunky dory. Just wondered if anyone had had similar experience and what the outcome was?

I would like to stay on HRT as long as I can, and last time I saw my gynae, she said I was like a different person, and so long as I was aware of the risks, there was no reason why I couldn't be on it until into my 70s!

Look forward to reading your responses.


flossie fiddler

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Re: Almost 2 years on Evorel Sequi - maybe needs tweaking?
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2016, 09:47:37 AM »

Been to the doc today and she's put me on Evorel Conti. Had a thorough pelvic exam, and the polyp isn't causing the bleeding, and everything from the investigations was normal. The consultant I saw suggested a no bleed prep if the problems continued, so we're going down that route.

Has anyone else switched from Sequi to Conti, and if so, how was it for you?


Mary G

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Re: Almost 2 years on Evorel Sequi - maybe needs tweaking?
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2016, 01:40:09 PM »

Tracey, I actually swapped the other way round!  I am intolerant to all types of synthetic progesterone and to Utrogestan in large doses so I had to swap from continous combined HRT to cyclical - I'm now on Oestrogel/Utrogestan.

It sounds like you get on well with your current HRT regime so as always, the advice has to be if it ain't broke, don't fix it.  You are lucky that can tolerate norethisterone so switching from the sequi to the conti should not be too much of a problem. 

There is a slight chance that you be affected by the norethisterone once you start taking it everyday but only time will tell.  The problem I had with the continuous combined regime was the positive effects of the oestrogen were overriden by the progesterone but that is probably because of being intolerant.

I will be interesting to hear how you get on.  I hope it works out for you.



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Re: Almost 2 years on Evorel Sequi - maybe needs tweaking?
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2016, 01:53:25 PM »

Hi Tracey  - I swapped from sequi to conti at the age of 54 but had continuous bleeding so swapped back so that I at least knew when my bleeds would occur. It is common for spotting or breakthrough bleeding to happen during the first six months so if this does happen it would still be worthwhile persevering until the six months mark. Good luck.

Taz x

flossie fiddler

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Re: Almost 2 years on Evorel Sequi - maybe needs tweaking?
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2016, 08:17:56 PM »

Thanks for your responses, ladies. Interesting to read from two totally different perspectives.

Mary, I guess I am lucky to be able to tolerate the progesterone. It will be interesting to see if it helps with the bleeding.

Taz, I have to go back after 3 months, more to see if there's an improvement in the bleeding situation. Anything is better than 3 weeks+ on, and 5-7 days off.

My menopause doctor is very good and thorough, and well informed ( it was she who suggested this forum). So hopefully between us we'll find something that suits me.

Apart from the bleeding, HRT suits me, makes me feel like ME again. Will report back. Tracey