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Author Topic: The gallbladder is gone.....  (Read 13021 times)


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Re: The gallbladder is gone.....
« Reply #30 on: May 10, 2016, 01:22:19 PM »

Hi Justjules

Seems you were right, glad you have got an answer at last.

Most people have no problems, the Internet forums are full of those who have had them so if you start reading them don't be too scared, however, sometimes you can pick up some useful info.

My advice is to follow a low fat diet before and after the op so you aren't putting any stress on the gallbladder and this will help afterwards as you just don't know if you will or will not be one of those people who can't digest fats (upsets and urgent bathroom visits). I seem to have gone the other way, I like to be different lol...

It's been 4 weeks now and doing ok although still have a grumpy tum. I found a few people on health boards that still had this at the same point in time. Someone suggested it's the bile irritating the gut and causing the gas, so suggested a snack between meals to use up the bile. So will give that a go.

Although you'll have lap surgery do allow yourself time to heal. I've read stories of people being back to the gym/work a couple of days afterwards but just go with how you are. I found that once you start to heal then each day was pretty rapid, then I seemed to have plateaued which then gets frustrating but then everyone keeps reminding me it was still major abdominal surgery!

I lifted some shopping for the first time today and could feel a little tugging so it shows that the deep healing is still going on. Laughing hard also still hurts!

Hope you get a date soon so you don't have to think about it for too long.


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Re: The gallbladder is gone.....
« Reply #31 on: May 10, 2016, 01:54:27 PM »

You are lifting FAR TOO early.  After my appendix was removed I was told not to lift or drive for at least 6 weeks! 


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Re: The gallbladder is gone.....
« Reply #32 on: May 10, 2016, 05:45:01 PM »

Make much of the need to rest  ;) ……….

I was supposed to have key-hole surgery to remove my appendix - I think it was the key to Westminster Abbey  :o


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Re: The gallbladder is gone.....
« Reply #33 on: May 11, 2016, 01:16:59 AM »

It was within the limits they suggest but I had no choice, had to do some shopping! I also had to carry some books later in the day, which I shouldn't probably have done but again no choice. Luckily I have strong arms so I made sure they took most of the weight, I was being as careful as I could...promise!

I think with ceasar's, hysterectomy and appendix is even longer recovery because they have to cut through the bigger lower muscles which they don't have to do with gallbladder although there is the risk of a hernia where they cut the belly button. With driving they say to try during the second week and if pressing the pedals hurts stop and try again a few days later, luckily I was okay. 

It's really difficult as once you are up and about everyone expects you to be back to normal asap.  I've had a busy couple of days during the last week (also a little stressy) and have been wiped out at the end of the day but they do warn you, this can happen for up to six months after the op.

Also don't be surprised that odd things happen which is your body still clearing and healing. I had a rotten headache for 3 days the second week which is not like me, so that must have been something clearing and then a couple of days ago I couldn't stop going for a wee, started to get really worried but the next day my tum had gone down a little bit more so I guess I was clearing fluids again!


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Re: The gallbladder is gone.....
« Reply #34 on: May 11, 2016, 09:46:12 AM »

Headaches can be caused by dehydration.  If the kidneys are working over-time due to lack of fluids, then the body expels more urine.


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Re: The gallbladder is gone.....
« Reply #35 on: May 11, 2016, 11:51:15 AM »

I drink plenty each day, keeping fluids up is one of my things!


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Re: The gallbladder is gone.....
« Reply #36 on: May 11, 2016, 10:31:44 PM »

I seem to need loads of fluid to help the old digestive system. I never used to drink that much so maybe that's why I always had problems. When I had the Ibs I changed my diet and started drinking more herbal teas and water and things improved. I know I'll suffer afterwards on days that I can't drink as much as normal if you are out for the day etc.

As we get older we lose our thirst mechanism which is why older people are usually dehydrated, they say that a lot of old age problems could be helped if they drank more. You have to force yourself sometimes, especially when you are ill but keeping fluids up is usually the thing that gets you through it.


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Re: The gallbladder is gone.....
« Reply #37 on: May 13, 2016, 02:57:13 PM »


How's today been?
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