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Author Topic: Newby not sure what is going on  (Read 3854 times)


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Newby not sure what is going on
« on: April 12, 2016, 02:10:40 PM »

Hi ladies I'm new here not sure what to do my age is 47not had a period for 16 years as have been on the pop as didn't want children now I find that I don't know if I'm in the menopause or not I haven't had flushes but I have got vaginal dryness I tried vagifem but it gave me thrush my moods are very very anxious I can't sleep I feel like I'm in denial my dr put me on sleeping tablets my poor husband is very important and so supportive I feel tired all the time my dr wants me to come off nacrez so he can do a tsh level I feel like a zombie I keep changing my mind about what I want to do please HELP


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Re: Newby not sure what is going on
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2016, 02:12:54 PM »

 :welcomemm:    :bighug:

My Gynae doesn't do blood tests preferring to treat by symptoms. 

Keeping a mood/food diary can be useful and take a list of queries when you go for the appt..  Browse round.  Make notes ;-)


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Re: Newby not sure what is going on
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2016, 02:28:20 PM »

Not sure what's happening my moods are so low he was going to put me on hrt but I don't know where I am In my cycle as I haven't had a period in 16 years I don't know if coming of nacrez would be a good idea as at least I would have a sort of period and maybe flashes sa I haven't had any of them either just really bad anxiety


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Re: Newby not sure what is going on
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2016, 03:21:08 PM »

Hi Valsmart. Although I had period issues and some vaginal dryness off and on for a few years, my world came crashing down with the anxiety last year. Menopause could certainly be causing your issues.

Is your doctor running a TSH test or an FSH test? The TSH is to check thyroid function. I don't believe thyroid is known to contribute to vaginal dryness, but it sure can cause dry skin and hair and eyes, so I suppose it could. Thyroid could definitely affect anxiety in my experience.

The FSH test can be used to check for menopause, but it's not definitive. Women  in perimenopause (the hell before menopause) can test as either post-menopausal or perfectly normal, depending on when the test is taken and what the wild hormones are doing at the particular time.

So, if the doctor is checking your thyroid, I would wait to see those results first. If that's out of order, you'll want to get that sorted. If your thyroid checks out fine, then I would pursue hormone replacement therapy. You can do this in pills, patches, or gel. There is is tab somewhere on this website with info about different hrt options (sorry, I can't remember exactly where to click to get there). Dig around and you'll find it.

Meantime, hang in there. This is all normal for this stage of life.


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Re: Newby not sure what is going on
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2016, 03:31:34 PM »

I did mean fsh sorry very full of anxiety at the moment been on pop for 16 years haven't had period dr wants me to stop pill and check level he wants to put me on ads as my anxiety is through the roof and I can't sleep tried vagifem but I got thrush don't know where to turn really


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Re: Newby not sure what is going on
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2016, 04:26:04 PM »

All your symptoms may well be hormonal.  GPs often prescribe Anti-depressant medication as it is easier and cheaper than pursuing HRT options.  They have in recent months been told not to do so.  But if you have anxiety then an anti-anxiety pill such as Valium to take on an as necessary basis may help.

Thyroid problems can mimic menopausal symptoms, one should not put everything down to 'the change'. 

I use Ovestin1mg for vaginal atrophy and have had good results.  LIVE yoghurt can ease thrush symptoms, eaten and applied - lots of it on a spoon several times a day eases any upset in the digestive tract and applying in the vagina is soothing.  Best done last thing, laying on a warm towel and do keep the two pots in separate places  ;).

Let us know how you get on.

Mary G

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Re: Newby not sure what is going on
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2016, 07:27:48 PM »

Valsmart, I would come off the Nacrez, have the blood tests and go from there.  It sounds like you have hit the menopause and if that is the case, you will probably need HRT to deal with the symptoms you are describing and you are not feeling good on the Nacrez.

It sounds like you tolerate synthetic progesterone well if you have managed to take the pill for all those years so you might well be OK on a bleed free form of HRT.  I say that because I can't imagine you will want to go back to having periods after all those years!


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Re: Newby not sure what is going on
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2016, 04:12:38 AM »

Hi Mary would I be able to have a bleed free hrt because I have an intact womb and ovaries

Mary G

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Re: Newby not sure what is going on
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2016, 02:08:50 PM »

Valsmart, you can use a continuous combined form of HRT if you have an intact womb.  This means that you take oestrogen and progesterone all the time and you will not have a bleed.


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Re: Newby not sure what is going on
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2016, 12:36:56 AM »

Hiya, your situation sounds similar to mine, although I am older than you.

From age 46 to 52 I was on Cerazette POP.  These stopped my periods - the reason I started them so brill!  I had no hot flushes but I did have VA which I got treated, very successfully with Estring (Vagifem just didn't do it for me). 

I came off the POP just to see where I was.  Apparently I was post menopausal.  As soon as I stopped the Cerazette I got hot flushes and night sweats and no return of periods.  After 2 years of this, I started on HRT, this January and I am still trying it on for size, but looking like it is something for me.  The flushes and night sweats disappeared after a week.

There are 2 type of HRT, those where you get a period and those where you don't.  Although to get the no bleed type you have to be naturally period free for at least a year it 54 plus.

Hope this helps.



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Re: Newby not sure what is going on
« Reply #10 on: April 15, 2016, 09:11:17 AM »

I too have been on Cerazette for many years.  At 45 my symptoms started and I had no idea what was the matter with me, I had flushes (which I denied as I was not old enough, surely?) major anxiety, depression and could not sleep.  Also had 2 useless GP's who were no help at all.  Once I found this forum, I changed GP (again) and have been on Estroil cream (for the VA) and AD's since December 2nd.

I am now quite stable.  Not saying this treatment is right for you, just that it works for me.  (btw, I turned 50 this week).


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Re: Newby not sure what is going on
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2016, 11:49:56 AM »

Hi sadlynda I now struggle to go to work have sleeping tablets every night my bowel function has completely changed my head feels muzzy all the time don't enjoy things at all feel anxiety all the time when I eat I don't enjoy it can't even look forward to anything is there any thing I can do  to lose this horrible mood and sleep 8 hrs again sorry to sound off thanks
« Last Edit: April 15, 2016, 12:11:37 PM by Emma »