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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Hot flush or panic attack?  (Read 6724 times)


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Hot flush or panic attack?
« on: April 09, 2016, 04:19:35 PM »

I can't tell a hot flush from a panic attack. Sometimes I get the heat and don't feel anxious. Other times I feel a little panicky and no flush. Right now I started with the heat and the sweaty, then the racy heart and panicky feeling cale along too all together. These are the worst. Chicken or egg? Are the flushes making me panic, is the panic making me flush? Please can anyone relate to this?


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Re: Hot flush or panic attack?
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2016, 05:27:26 PM »

Sounds just like me. The flushes make me anxious and panicky as I feel hot, heart feels like it's racing( even though it isn't) , chills, adrenaline rushes and so on. Then if I feel anxious, I get more flushes as too much adrenaline sloshing round. I try not to worry which is which as they're both helped by calm breathing, refocussing my attention outwards and just being in the moment rather than worrying if they're ever going to stop. xx


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Re: Hot flush or panic attack?
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2016, 05:59:05 PM »

My heart definitely speeds up. I check my pulse when it happens, instinctively from years as a runner. I lied down for a few, and it all subsided. Here an hour or so later I feel completely fine. I just don't know how to cope with these when I'm out and about and can't sit down and wait it out for a few. Removing layers is useless, as it radiates from within. Chugging water helps. It's extremely uncomfortable when it happens and I can't stop and wait. I actually tried to carry on through it today since I'm home and I knew it was only a flush or panic, just to train myself, but I couldn't handle it. :-\


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Re: Hot flush or panic attack?
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2016, 06:04:54 PM »

It is very difficult and these feelings were the main reason I started HRT. At work having a drenching sweat every twenty minutes was horrible. The rising panic each time, feeling like I was going to be sick or need the loo quickly, the rapid heart beat and slight dizzy feeling just before it hit made concentration impossible. Like you, Lizab, I found that drinking water just as it was beginning did help. I had to take clothes into work so I didn't have to be in damp stuff all day. Horrible times. Mentally it got easier as I recognised that it would pass after a few minutes but physically it was still the same.

Taz x


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Re: Hot flush or panic attack?
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2016, 06:45:00 PM »

Spookily after I typed my reply I had one of those is this a panic or hot flush moments. Was happily reading some website and suddenly  a feeling of doom, then empty head feeling and soooo hot. Still flushing now. Like you, LIzab , I take my pulse ( though I've cut back a lot on that as it only reinforces the anxiety) - it's never mega fast but can be beating strongly and it's that I notice in my chest. I try and do the mindfulness three minute( it can as little as three breaths ) space technique just to centre myself a bit as I get all fuzzy headed and sometimes a bit tearful. It does help to tell myself that they will pass though sometimes I can't do that and get caught up in the accompanying anxiety. Xx


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Re: Hot flush or panic attack?
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2016, 06:48:15 PM »

Ah yes - I forgot to mention the feeling of doom. Do you suddenly feel really tired - exhausted even - when the doom feeling hits?

Taz x


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Re: Hot flush or panic attack?
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2016, 06:52:23 PM »

Sometimes I can feel that. I've noticed that I am feeling more exhausted of late generally as my daytime flushes are more frequent. Thankfully the night sweats aren't waking me up any more-  I just wake up with curly hair and a wet nightie instead these days. X


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Re: Hot flush or panic attack?
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2016, 07:37:01 PM »

I get the doom too, but it usually comes before a mild warmth if it's associated with a flush at all. Usually the flush is a relief because I'm thinking "Something's wrong. What's wrong? Something is very wrong" then of I get a flush it's like "Aha! Of course!" My husband now reminds me when I get that weird feeling "It's just a hot flash. Sometimes this is what a hot flash is for you." I don't think I get the doom with the super strong ones, although I must have felt it a bit since I worried enough to post on here while it was happening.


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Re: Hot flush or panic attack?
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2016, 06:45:45 PM »

I've had this too!

Started off just getting hot flushes but then I started waking up in the night feeling as if my skin was crawling all over and panicking that I had something to worry about but couldn't figure out what.

Then the nightmares followed and I used to wake in a real state, sometimes in floods of tears!

Eventually I figured that the panic attacks were menopausal, particularly when they started in the evenings when I was relaxing and were closely followed by a hot flush!

I would have about four or five attacks a night and the only thing that seemed to alleviate them when they were happening was for me to get up and walk round and then get back in bed. I woke up the following morning exhausted and often feeling really low.

This coupled with vaginal dryness and a constant thick head led me to go to the GP and ask for HRT patches.

I'd previously had a partial hysterectomy so only need oestrogen HRT and so far so good. The attacks are few and far between now and getting less so I can highly recommend HRT... I feel normal again!!




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Re: Hot flush or panic attack?
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2016, 08:41:23 PM »

I've had this same experience too!
I think its an anxiety attack when your thoughts lead you to it. But when you are totally engrossed in something, then this feeling of heat, panick, doom and fatigue pass over you, this is defo meno related.
It's almost as if the blood in my body just drains out of me and my heart falls to the floor.
I too drink water, and try and remember that it will pass.