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Author Topic: feeling soo much better with HRT!  (Read 6770 times)


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feeling soo much better with HRT!
« on: April 09, 2016, 11:37:36 PM »

Good evening, I'm a newby & first post. Just wanted to say how wonderful this site is!
 I've been dipping in & out for the past few weeks due to feeling increasingly awful & been suffering unpleasant symptoms for months but they escalated & developed different symptoms & some got scarily worse probably in the last month. I'm nearly 53 & post meno.

After noting down some of my worst physical & mental symptoms on my mob notebook - at least a dozen classic ones, I went to see a doctor with my notes. Our practice has v high turnover & never seen this youngish dr chap. Consultation started ok but afraid deteriorated after he concluded I was 'a bit fed up' & wanted to prescribe antidepressants! I wouldn't have it & insisted on trying low-dose of HRT. He did the checks & medical history etc. After he came back into room (obvs been consulting his mentor) he agreed to Premique lowest dose, I started taking it last Tuesday afternoon & honestly this has been a minor miracle! Mood lifted, burning mouth syndrome gone, night sweats gone, palpitations gone to name a few. The burning mouth/tongue 👅 thing was hideous & I was dreading returning to work as a smiley chatty receptionist this Monday after Easter, no such worries now thank goodness.
Anyways, fingers crossed all stays good on the Premique. If anyone not sure, like me, maybe give it a go. Also, don't be fobbed off by an unsympathetic doctor!

Best regards
Karen :)


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Re: feeling soo much better with HRT!
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2016, 05:36:51 AM »

Hi Karen - glad you're doing well. I'm also a newbie and very similar to you, post menopausal and had been surviving the various Meno symptoms until they seemed to suddenly escalate to the point where I was hardly sleeping and hot flushes were becoming ridiculous. Thankfully my GP was helpful and saw the importance of quality of life.  I've been on Evorel Conti (patch) now for two and a half months and feel so much better.  I didn't realise how bad the last two years had been.

I'm so glad I found this site as it gave me the information I needed before I went to see the GP and meant that I could make an informed choice.  Despite being female and about the same age (48) as me my GP didn't really offer an awful lot of information or explanation on the different types of hrt.   I'm so glad that I didn't just grin and bear it.


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Re: feeling soo much better with HRT!
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2016, 07:44:28 AM »

Hi, you mentioned burning mouth syndrome.. oh my i have had this for years and never ever found a cure! Im currently taking citolapram to help with the anxiety and also bought myself some menopace from over the counter ( day 5) The anxiety is getting easier but the burning mouth is a nightmare.. When i go back i may suggest hrt!! Anything if it helps:)


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Re: feeling soo much better with HRT!
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2016, 08:54:57 AM »


Thankyou for replies 👍

The burning mouth/tongue 👅 condition started a couple of weeks ago, absolutely awful. Sticky mouth, sore tip tongue, tingling sore inside top lip, horrible taste in mouth. It would worsen during day from say lunch time & scared me. I read about it & thought thank goodness not alone.

Anti-d's I'm certain wouldn't have helped me but, the HRT has, it's like gone, felt so much better even the day after first Premique pill amazing.

Snakebite (love the name!) poor you, give HRT a try it may just help you too.

Kew, I also considered patches but was concerned I would wash them off in my daily shower ?

It's a beautiful sunny day & following a non insomniac or a waking up sweating night or laying there with my heart palpitating thinking morbid flipping thoughts I'm feeling so much more 'normal' & back to my 'old' self.

We mustn't just suffer in silence, thanks again for this wonderful site.

Clair Howell

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Re: feeling soo much better with HRT!
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2016, 06:41:21 PM »

Hi all, I'm a newbie on here too, I was diagnosed as going threw the menopause 2 years ago, at age 36 and failed IVF , I had tried for a baby for 7 years before that, but had no luck, I am now 38, and 5 months ago finally started my HRT, I am so glad I did!, I had been suffering from all the terrible symptoms, even to the extreme of thinking about leaving my job, and even my partner of 20 years!! I felt so low, I had lost myself, but I didn't really want to face up to it all..... most of my friends have had children,or are having children, and all the girls in my office too.. and I was going through the menopause, at such an early age,  thankfully I did start my HRT , prem-pack 0.625.  I have just had them doubled in dosage,  as I found myself getting the symptoms again, however I must give strength to anyone with any doubts about starting HRT, is DO..  I feel like I have my life back, I can sleep, function, my memory,and bladder my mood swings, my whole mental health is much better, I was on the verge of loosing everything around me, all because I was hormonal unbalanced, I can now see the difference in all aspects of my life, and I can also see lately that I knew that my HRT needed to be a higher dose, I want to let anyone reading this, that I can honestly say that starting my HRT has been the best thing for me and has saved my relationship,as I am now my happier self again! Xxx

Mary G

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Re: feeling soo much better with HRT!
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2016, 07:09:24 PM »

KarenR, well done for sticking to your guns and getting HRT, it really does change your life doesn't it.  I find it worrying that your doctor was reluctant to prescribe it and was trying to put you on ADs, that was all supposed to change with the new NICE guidelines etc.

I hope it continues to work well for you but you may find you need to take more oestrogen as time goes by.   


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Re: feeling soo much better with HRT!
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2016, 08:39:41 PM »

Good evening

Thanks for the heads up Mary & noted re: up dose in future, guess the symptoms creep back after a while eh ? Yes I was most shocked & upset doc wanted me to go away with just antidepressants - lordy what that all about? Btw I did give feedback to my gp practice following consultation as they sent a txt request, bet they wish they hadn't! 👎

Clair, amazing story, so sorry to hear all you went through hon & fantastic that you had perseverance & support to carry on & to be how you now are. Hope others can take inspiration from you 😊

As you say, hormone inbalance is a major cause of some major problems. If we can strike a happy balance again, omg what a difference to our day to day lives, physically & emotionally.

Thinking of anyone going through similar meno tough times, it is horrible & scary,you are not going mad or being silly, please go back to see a doctor to discuss. Jot down your symptoms 'cos memory loss & crying are normal! Try & explain to doc you are informed & reasonably well read up on subject & need their help to regain your quality of life. If HRT is an option, like me, if medically ok, insist, give it a try.
Meno-Women rock 👊😉 xx



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Re: feeling soo much better with HRT!
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2016, 09:10:57 PM »

Hi KarenR, it was so up lifting to read your post today. I'm a newbie myself and still can't get over the fact that less than five weeks ago my life was normal, i knew i was menopausal, hadn't had a period since last june and was having the odd flush day and night not to much of a prob. Then i woke one morning and just felt so low, i struggled to get through the day, the next day was much the same, i was a crying mess, my stomach was in knots, have not slept through the night since, flushes increased in amount and strenght. Have seen G.P and started HRT on thursay, to be honest i snatched the prescription out of the G.P's hand and sprinted to the chemist, got the prescription filled went straight to the cafe next door, got cup of tea and glass of water and the first tablet taken! (Live for today)  To be honest although my mood is slightly better, i still feel anxious and cry at the drop of a hat. Not sure if the anxiety is because im scared of ever feeling that low again? So still fragile at the moment, but so glad i found MM, support is amazing and it helps to know ur not alone.


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Re: feeling soo much better with HRT!
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2016, 10:15:10 PM »

Hi aarell, lols 😁 at your description of your prescription 'snatch & dash' & gulping down the tab in cafe 👍

Do hope they make you feel better. After reading interesting content on this fab site noted that some makes/dosages need to be tweaked a bit to suit. Give it a little while see how you go. If not, back to the doc for chat & maybe a new prescription snatch & dash!

All the best.

Must go to bed now, back to work tomo, but thankfully not a problem now, it sure would have been had I not 'snatched & dashed' off to get my first HRT prescription a week ago...


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Re: feeling soo much better with HRT!
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2016, 09:15:30 AM »


Oh god  didn't realise that was a symptom my mouth has been awful thought it was  something I was eating.

I am so pleased that I can  get answers to things on here that I cant anywhere else.



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Re: feeling soo much better with HRT!
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2016, 09:41:03 PM »

Lol it could be the new thing  ;)
         'Snatch & Dash'
Got the giggles now, I really am losing the plot ::)


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Re: feeling soo much better with HRT!
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2016, 06:47:25 PM »

Hi Karen

I am very interested in your post because I am also post-menopausal (age 52) and really not doing well. I saw my GP recently and she wanted to prescribe ADs (I've posted about this in another post).

Can I ask - have you had other side-effects from the HRT you are taking?
