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Author Topic: Hair Loss  (Read 3429 times)


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Hair Loss
« on: April 09, 2016, 04:58:34 PM »


I'm new to the forum, and I have a question about hair loss. I'm post-menopausal (haven't had a period for 3 1/2 years). I've been having a lot of problems with hot flushes, and so I looked into trying natural hormones. I didn't want to use conventional HRT as my mum has had breast cancer (and a mastectomy). I started using ProGest in 2013, only a very tiny dose of the cream. My hair, which was very thick, immediately started coming out, but as I also had it coloured for the first time the week after this, I thought it was the colour. I carried on using ProGest for some months and my hair kept coming out. Finally I stopped using it because it caused me nausea and gave me spots. But my hair didn't stop coming out. I stopped having it coloured, but that didn't make any difference. It was really upsetting - I hated washing my hair (still do) as when I finger-combed it so much came out. Last year I tried natural hormones again via a clinic in London - I was given a prescription made up for me, of oestrogen (Biest) and progesterone. I was told that this would help with my hair loss, as well as other symptoms. I tried it very gradually, as advised, but my hair seemed to come out more. it also gave me spots. After 4 weeks I stopped, but my hair loss continues - it's now so thin and keeps coming out. I don't know what to do, and no-one seems to understand. I saw my GP about and she suggested HRT, but I know you can only take that for so long. I asked her what would happen when I stopped, and she said the symptoms would come back. I have no idea where to turn, and wondered if anyone has any ideas? I don't want to use hormones, but is there anything else that can help to stop it? Also, if you've experienced hair loss during menopause, did your hair grow back again?

I'm sorry about the length of the post, and I'm just glad I've found this website. PS - I also posted this on the HRT thread before Dancing Girl showed me how to start a new topic, so apologies.



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Re: Hair Loss
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2016, 01:18:47 PM »

Hello Stellajane, thanks so much for this. I'm sorry about what's been happening with your hair - it is horrible, isn't it?

I've mentioned the hair loss to my GPs, but they just did blood tests. I am, however, going to see a dermatologist soon, about roseacea (which also developed after using Biest and progesterone), so I'll mention it to them then. I've had my thyroid tested, and the results were normal, thanks. Could I ask if your HRT was prescribed by your GP, and has it helped your hair loss at all?

Many thanks,


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Re: Hair Loss
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2016, 12:04:23 PM »

Hi Stellajane,

thanks so much for this - it's really helpful. It's a relief to know your rosacea went on its own - I had rosacea before, over 20 years ago, and was prescribed a long course of tetracycline. I took it, and the rosacea cleared up, but there were horrible side effects (stomach problems). Now, because I have ME (including IBS) and fibromyalgia, I'm really sensitive to medication, so I'll see what the consultant says.

Rreally interesting that you don't notice hair shedding when you're using oestrogen only. And I appreciate the fact that it's impossible for you to know what your hair would be like without oestrogen. I'd read that progesterone can be a difficult hormone to get on with, and when I went to see my GP to talk about HRT, she mentioned that, too. I also found out through research that some types of progestogen in some HRT preparations work like androgens, which can cause hair loss(!)  There are always swings and roundabouts, aren't there? And I'll look into Regaine, thanks. One thing that does confuse me is that I was on the pill for 30 years, and got on really well with it - no side effects - in spite of it having much higher levels of oestrogen and progesterone. Now, on much smaller doses of natural hormones, I seem to be affected really quickly (hair loss, spots, rosecea etc). It doesn't seem to make much sense - I think I'll ask my GP about it when I next see her.

I think what you say about not being bothered any more is really important - I wonder how much of our being really upset has to do with what we think other people will think, if you see what I mean.  ME keeps me largely housebound, and I use meditation and mindfulness to try and manage it. I've thought a lot about accepting things and I think, ultimately, being healthy is so important. But that doesn't mean I don't feel upset about the hair loss - I find it quite inhibiting at the moment, and I need to work on that, as you have.

Thanks again for taking the time to reply -I'm booked in with the dermatologist next week, so I'll let you know how that goes.  :)

Take care,
