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Author Topic: Supply problems for Premique low dose need advice on suitable alternatives  (Read 4030 times)


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Hi I am 60 and post menopausal. Have been on HRT for a number of years and felt great on it.  However, supply problems with Premique low dose have required me to look for an alternative.  Looking at previous discussions I can see that others have had the same problem.  However my first attempt was not successful as the doctor prescribed one which I used for 3 months but had loads of hot flushes even though the dose was higher than my previous one.  Have tried cold turkey and tried alternatives but feel dreadful. Have an appointment at the doctors again but need some advice on what might be a better option for me.  Anyone else had the same trouble and successfully moved to another type of HRT?  Please help doctor thought I needed a higher dose but don't understand why as was good on the low dose.


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Hi Annflan - It would help if you could tell us which HRT you were given as an alternative?
I am now 60 and it is considered better to move to transdermal HRT at this age if you want to continue with HRT.
Your best option would probably be to try Oestrogel or oestrogen patches with Provera pills taken alongside every day - this combination would mirror what you had in Premique quite well. You could start with just one pump of the Oestrogel each day (applied to inner thighs) and increase to 2 pumps per day if your flushes etc weren't under control. The patches come in different strengths as well so perhaps try 37.5mg first.
I am now using Oestrogel with Utrogestan which is very similar.
If you wanted to continue with HRT pills then Femoston is a good one to try or you could try the combined patches.
Do look at the TREATMENT section at the top of this page - go to the Post menopause part and you will see all the options.  Here is the link:
Here is info about Oestrogel - go to the bottom of this page:
Dg x


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Thanks for the advice. Just managed to check my medical record online and found out that I had been prescribed Femoston conti ultra low dose 0.5/2.5.  This was still a higher dose than what I was on previously but hot flushes came back with a vengence. Do you think the higher dose may be better?  Will certainly explore the idea of patches with the doctor.  Cannot believe how crap I feel probably mainly due to lack of sleep.


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The Ultra low dose Femoston may well have not been enough - do try the slightly higher dose. DG x


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Thank you will let you know how I get on x