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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Mirena tomorrow  (Read 13550 times)


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Re: Mirena tomorrow
« Reply #30 on: May 03, 2016, 05:18:50 PM »

Chi chi - it's very early days.  Using such a high dose of gel will mean that bleeding etc. may take longer to settle.
I felt a bit sleepy for the first few weeks after I had the Mirena fitted and I put that down to the initial big hit of progesterone. All these things should settle - you were bleeding a lot before the Mirena and as you are using such a high dose of the gel I would expect the bleeding to continue, especially if you are still peri meno.  I really would try dropping down to 3 pumps - if flushes return then go back up but you need to try at least 2 weeks on 3 pumps and then possibly go down to 2 pumps per day (which is considered the normal dose) - I think your bleeding would settle on less oestrogen.  High oestrogen makes me jittery and wired.  Dg x

Chi chi

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Re: Mirena tomorrow
« Reply #31 on: May 11, 2016, 08:24:34 PM »

Just thought I'd give another little update, 5 weeks today!

Still bleeding  ::)
Still getting the bad bad headaches, right at the base of skull radiating up and over to my eyes which still feel weirdly glazed over?
Sleep is still an issue, either really really dog tired or unable to sleep or sleeping but not feeling like I have.
Mood still hasn't improved.
Seem to be having gum/toothache problems again  :-\ I had lots of this before and was at the dentists almost every month! I was only thinking the other day how I hadn't been for a good few months and that maybe all that was behind me  :-\
Appetites gone up a bit too.


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Re: Mirena tomorrow
« Reply #32 on: May 11, 2016, 09:16:33 PM »

Chi Chi - remind me how much oestrogen you are using? The headaches could be to do with tension and lack of sleep.
Have you tried Nytol or some other antihistamine type sleep aid?  If I go a few nights not sleeping well I find a couple of nights using Nytol can break the cycle and get me back sleeping again.
As to mood, I'm afraid it is early days - 5 weeks is really not long enough for everything to settle.  I think it took at least 3 months when I had the Mirena with Oestrogel. The gum and tooth ache problem could be to do with grinding your teeth - has your dentist suggested a shield? If you are grinding your teeth this could cause headaches as well.
It is easy to blame the Mirena and HRT hormones for the way we feel but one must always look at other causes as well.  I'd have a chat with your dentist and ask if there is evidence of tooth grinding.
Are you getting out for some brisk walks?? - it's spring, the birds are singing and everything is wonderfully green - fresh air and nature can work wonders for the mood - great form of exercise as well which gets the endorphins going.  Dg x


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Re: Mirena tomorrow
« Reply #33 on: May 12, 2016, 09:51:00 AM »

I got the mirena coil fitted last October & I can definitely relate to the eyes glazing over - mid-afternoon onwards that's me!

I sleep really well on the coil alone but if I add in Oestrogel, I'll have a totally sleepless night so I've stopped using it, which is a shame as it improved my energy levels.

I have a gum sheild as I clench my teeth in my sleep and I have a dental implant which could break if I clench to hard. 

Did you sleep ok before adding on the Oestrogel, Chi Chi?  Might be worth getting your oestrogen levels checked by the nurse - I know these blood tests aren't wholly accurate but it should at least be able to tell you whether or not you need added oestrogen at this stage.



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Re: Mirena tomorrow
« Reply #34 on: May 12, 2016, 12:31:18 PM »

good points elsie001 - if you are still peri meno (so still producing some oestrogen yourself) then having too much oestrogen can make one feel wired and headachy in my experience.  DG x


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Re: Mirena tomorrow
« Reply #35 on: May 12, 2016, 01:14:55 PM »

Hi Chi Chi

I'm really sorry to hear that you're still feeling poorly.

I have been considering your description of your jaw/tooth and gum pain along with your constant severe headache. Could this be migraine? 

Migraine affects the trigeminal nerve which is a cranial nerve that has three branches on either side of the head. Each branch supplies sensation to either the forehead, cheek or jaw. I suffer severely with migraine that are totally hormonally driven and when in migraine I have severe toothache, earache, sinus pain and tooth, gum and jaw ache. I too have seen my dentist about this and he, as a fellow migraine sufferer, is well aware of this connection. I am totally unable to tolerate HRT and unfortunately very sensitive to any hormonal change or attempted manipulation.

I am not a doctor but this is something I am well aware of from my own experience. Do check it out online and then speak to your GP or whomever is managing your HRT. Perhaps your dosage could be adjusted but either way if it is migraine your suffering from, they should be aware of it.

I think there is a school of thought that the trigeminal nerve is in some way involved in the creation of migraine (very little is still understood about the condition) but many migrainers suffer with this type of pain whilst others are not as affected by it.

I do hope you get it sorted, it's not a very comfortable experience.

Good wishes.

Chi chi

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Re: Mirena tomorrow
« Reply #36 on: May 12, 2016, 02:41:32 PM »

Funny you should mention that elizabethrose but last week my ear felt odd on the same side, almost like an infection was erupting or it was blocked ??? I just put it down to prob another gum/tooth infection  ::)

I used to grind my teeth at night but think I've stopped at the minute as hubby hasn't said anything lately??
I was on 4 pumps of estrogel as I've always been since starting HRT but just recently dropped to 3 to see if it would help with the bleeding (as recommended on here ) to be honest I don't think it's made much of a difference yet but I think it's only been about a week maybe a little more. I think I'm beginning to feel slightly less anxiety but my mood seems slightly lower too  :-\ I just don't want to do anything, got no enthusiasm for anything  :-\
Do you think it's a coincidence that on the days the bleeding's been slightly heavier my mood's been worse?
Just wish I could see an end to it all  :-\


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Re: Mirena tomorrow
« Reply #37 on: May 12, 2016, 03:47:46 PM »

Oh poor you, can you not go back to the GP who fitted it? Surely if you have lots of questions and concerns they should address them. I'm absolutely NOT an HRT expert and I think I'd be knocking on their door requesting some reassurance and support.

Some of the ladies on here seem to have a real depth of knowledge re HRT, Dancing girl, Hurdity, perhaps you could ask them? However, if you're not knowledgable yourself how can you have the confidence or experience to start adjusting dosages? Blimey, I'd be completely out of my depth. I've had long old sessions on all sorts of combinations, all with horrible results but everything was managed by specialists. They wouldn't give me a Mirena.

I'm sorry I couldn't be more help to you, I just thought that there may be a connection with this jaw, tooth pain etc and the pesky headaches. I too had a mouth guard made because they wondered whether I was grinding but it became clear I wasn't. I only had the tooth, socket pain etc with the migs.

Get on the phone, start demanding women's rights! ;)


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Re: Mirena tomorrow
« Reply #38 on: May 12, 2016, 04:33:03 PM »

I think we are all out of our depth with complex situations re HRT! We can only give the info as we understand it from what's available on the web - but with individuals and their history it's impossible!

(As an aside are you a different Elizabethrose - you sound different - there is another Elizabethrose who started with another name, deleted her account so her posts have gone to her old name and then rejoined again as elizabethrose. Maybe the spelling is different but she talks about jaw pain too! This is going to get confusing !!!)

Sorry to hear about your ongoing problems Chi Chi - see if you can ride it out for a while longer to see if the side effects ( if this is what they are) settle. Do you have a review appointment coming up where you can discuss this with your gynae - I'm not sure who you are with now?

Hurdity x


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Re: Mirena tomorrow
« Reply #39 on: May 12, 2016, 04:47:10 PM »

Hi Hurdity

No I haven't been on this site before, I joined up after discovering it listening to Radio 4 just a few weeks ago. I noticed there is an English Rose, is that who you are thinking of? Hah, that could be a little tricky if there are two of us with the same username. How do I check that out?


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Re: Mirena tomorrow
« Reply #40 on: May 12, 2016, 04:54:46 PM »

Just checked through the members list and it appears I'm the only Elizabethrose, lots of Elizabeths!


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Re: Mirena tomorrow
« Reply #41 on: May 12, 2016, 04:57:32 PM »

Oops sorry - now this is really embarrassing! I'm getting mixed up with Englishrose and there are definitely two of these! Sorry!!!!!

Hurdity x


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Re: Mirena tomorrow
« Reply #42 on: May 12, 2016, 05:04:46 PM »

Hah, thought you were trying to see me off!
No problem  ;D


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Re: Mirena tomorrow
« Reply #43 on: May 15, 2016, 11:30:30 AM »

Hi Chichi

I'm awaiting appointment to have a coil fitted too.

Did you have it fitted towards the end of your period ?

If so what happens if your appointment misses your period dates? Do you have to wait for the next period and hope you can get another appointment to coincide ? Or can you have it fitted anytime.

I think I may not be having my own bleed so I guess I could change my current patches round to generate a one maybe 🤔

Ann x


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Re: Mirena tomorrow
« Reply #44 on: May 15, 2016, 11:52:59 AM »

Smokey....I had one fitted 4 weeks ago it was not during a period as my last one was a year ago.
I don't think I would have managed to get a fitting appointment if I was still having mine were  always irregular and the doctor who fits them is only part time!
I had no problems with the fitting even being post meno.
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