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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Gyne appointment  (Read 3472 times)


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Gyne appointment
« on: April 05, 2016, 12:46:01 PM »

Hi ladies

I'm hoping to receive tele call sometime this week from local hospital with an appointment time and date, I was told I should receive it by 12 April.
Apparently it's under the Nhs.

I was just wondering what to expect.
Will they ask me what Hrt I'm currently on my symptoms now etc. Can I be prescribed what I want, I want to try the Oestrogel and Ultrogestan as its so highly rated on here and I've been interested in reading about it.

And does anyone know if the Ad Mitazapine stops hot flushes ?

I'm feeling really bad at the moment since I was reduced to 50mg patches from 75. tension heads burning mouth tongue  aching I feel like I have a bug with no obvious symptoms .

I'm 50 this weekend, and my Daughter is booking a Weeks holiday for us in 5 star hotel in Rhodes in May but I can't get enthuastic cause I feel so ill.
My head feels so strange. But no pain as such.


Ann x

Mary G

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Re: Gyne appointment
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2016, 01:50:48 PM »

Smokey, I wouldn't waste any time trying anything else, just go straight for the Oestrogel/Utrogestan and in order to feel good for your holiday, you really need to get cracking with it straightaway.  I've been round the block on this one and I can tell you that this is the best HRT regime I have used by a very, very long way.  The other drug you mentioned is not for the menopause so that should not be your first port of call.

Why did you reduce your patch dose from 75mcg to 50mcg?  I'm not surprised you feel bad, so did I when I was on the 50mcg patch and the 75mcg wasn't much better.  Some members take the 50mcg patch dose and are happy with it but I didn't find it anywhere near strong enough.  One of the great things about the oestrogen gel is that it is flexible and you can adjust the dose to suit your needs. 

I suggest you insist they prescribe the Oestrogel/Utrogestan and don't be fobbed off with anything else.  Quote the new NICE guidelines that state you can have this form of HRT.


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Re: Gyne appointment
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2016, 02:33:33 PM »

Thanks Mary G

That's what I want to try and I shall try and insist. I don't know why my Doctor said reduce my dose of Hrt I didn't ask and should have , I have spare 75 mg patch left should I just put it on maybe it will make me feel better in the short term until I get sorted., I was on them previously for six months so surly it can't do me any harm, I've got alsorts of odd strengths left and don't need any prog for another 14 days. I was on conti but kept getting fuzzy heads so after three weeks changed back to sequil ones and fuzzy  heads went so it must have been the continuous Prog Norestone in them causing it.

I also have the worry of Ms symptoms, especially with my head feeling strange, or maybe it's the Mitazapine making me feel strange but I'm on fifth week now so surly I would have had bad effects first.

Ann x

Mary G

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Re: Gyne appointment
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2016, 02:52:22 PM »

Smokey, have you got MS? 

If it was me, I would put another patch on immediately and keep the oestrogen dose up until you can get hold of the gel.  It won't do you any harm in fact it will probably do you the world of good.  If you are only 50, I can't for the life of me work out why they would even think about reducing your oestrogen dose.  I can only assume someone, somewhere doesn't know what they are doing and is seriously challenged in the menopause/HRT department but it's women like you that pay the price for dopey actions like this. 

Lots of women have trouble with continuous combined HRT because it contains so much synthetic progesterone which counters the positive effects of the oestrogen. 

I hope you start to feel better soon.



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Re: Gyne appointment
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2016, 03:12:54 PM »

Mirtazapine isn't one of the anti depressants usually prescribed for hot flushes Smokey. It's a totally different type and the side effects don't tend to subside as they do with SSRI's. It's one of the older types, a TCA, and is often prescribed in Fibromyalgia as it's aids sleep and also has a pain relieving effect. Have you been prescribed it for hot flushes or anxiety/depression?

Taz x


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Re: Gyne appointment
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2016, 04:31:00 PM »


Mary I've just stuck an extra 25mg patch on. So here's hoping I start to feel better tomorrow.

Taz I just said I was feeling anxious and had creepy feelings and presumed it was my hormones playing up but I think she may have prescribed it because I couldn't sleep and no sleep is bad for my ms.

She told me it's a new type of Ad! It did get rid of my nausea but maybe because I had just come off a ad  and-was a side effect of withdrawal.

Ann x


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Re: Gyne appointment
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2016, 05:54:14 PM »

I can only assume someone, somewhere doesn't know what they are doing and is seriously challenged in the menopause/HRT department but it's women like you that pay the price for dopey actions like this. 

Mary G - Go Girl  ;D  ;D  ;D

But you are as always absolutely correct....!!


Mary G

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Re: Gyne appointment
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2016, 06:05:50 PM »

Pollie, will do, one does one's best!!!  I know a lot of doctors read this forum so I hope they will take note and act accordingly.

Smokey, keep us posted.



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Re: Gyne appointment
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2016, 06:38:49 PM »

Mary G

Yes I have Ms, have had it for five years now, not bad mainly fatigue. I call it Ms exhaustion, cause that's what it feels like ,
I have to pace myself and have regular breaks for rest I had to give up work as I used to work for retail company which was very tiring and I also had meno arrive together with under active Thyroid all at the same time. I was so scared I would end up in a wheelchair to start with until I learned there are so many different types of ms, I started off feeling off balance and my r hand side of my body was uncoordinated but went back to normal After a few weeks but my balance is a bit off, but not noticeable to others, but if I get ill I'm much worse.

I Guess having CFS must be a similar problem with pacing your self. I think a few ladies on the forum have this.

Ann x