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Author Topic: Hello and hope i am posting in the right place:)  (Read 3013 times)


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Hello and hope i am posting in the right place:)
« on: April 02, 2016, 12:24:09 PM »

Hi im Polly and new to the site.. Approx two years ago i started with what i can only describe as needing to yawn all the time and take a deep breath. The more i tried to do it the harder it got.. Went to docs who prescribed prozac.. took it for 10 weeks,never felt so ill and came off it. Went back docs and put me on another anti d  sertraline, took that 4 months gradualy feeling worse and worse. Went back 3 weeks ago and a different doc said why are you on anti ds.. I said i am getting treated for anxiety.. she was like OH!! your symptoms sound more like menopause or peri menopause.. Im 47 and periods all over place.. Ok so she put me on citolapram to help with the anxious feeling but said give it 4 weeks if no better we will try hrt! Was just talking with a friend who suggested Menocure and says its amazing! Apparently you can buy it over the counter. Anyone familiar with it?
Thanks in advance.


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Re: Hello and hope i am posting in the right place:)
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2016, 12:27:52 PM »

Hello &  :welcomemm:

No experience of Menocure, but I'm sure someone else will have some advice.

Hope you are able to find something to help.  At least you are now diagnosed & that's often half the battle!


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Re: Hello and hope i am posting in the right place:)
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2016, 01:08:23 PM »

Thanks for reply will find my way round. :)


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Re: Hello and hope i am posting in the right place:)
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2016, 01:23:50 PM »

Hi Polly and welcome!! I've just googled menocure can't find that one just curious to no the product? I've never heard of it so let me no.Always looking for alternatives!!
Jan x


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Re: Hello and hope i am posting in the right place:)
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2016, 02:38:42 PM »

My mistake its called  Menocare sorry!!  My friend bought it from chemist and been taking it 9 days and says she just feels so much better already. It was recommended to her by her physio women..i think its just a combination of all the vitamins etc that we tend to lack or be low in when going through the menopause. It just comes in one tablet form that she takes daily, I am at docs next week so will see what she says. May try it before HRT. Thanks for all the replies. x


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Re: Hello and hope i am posting in the right place:)
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2016, 06:49:24 PM »

Hi snakebite495


Oh dear! Doctors hand these out like sweeties I'm afraid - it's shocking! However good that you have seen a different doc who doesn't - well she does but......

Anyway - when you say your periods are all over the place - what exactly are they doing or have they been doing over the past 12 months - and have you had any other symptoms eg flushes or sweats? Come to think of it if you've been on ADs then you probably won't have done.

It is still against the new NICE guidelines on menopause to give you ADs before HRT when you have menopausal symptoms. You are at the age when blood tests are not needed but your irregular periods are a sign that you are peri-menopausal. It is a good idea to have a baseline blood tests though and many doctors do them at this time - if only to give a baseline and check your general health, thyroid function, blood count etc.

The vitamin supplement - well fine if you must but really it's better to start looking at your whole health, diet, exercise regime and lifestyle (if you need to that is) at this point rather than take supplements. Better to have a good diet and exercise, together with one of the bio-identical HRT types, than ADs and supplements!

There is some information about lifestyle etc here - but also on NHS website there's masses of info.

Hurdity x :)


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Re: Hello and hope i am posting in the right place:)
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2016, 07:59:54 PM »

Let the Citalopram do the job it's designed for, once the anxiety is improved you can see the wood for the trees!  Have a browse round, make notes to take to your GP.

Make a mood/food diary so that you are able to chart what is happening - feelings, flushes, anxiety, bleeds.  That way HRT can be tailored to where you are in The Change right now.

Let us know how you get on!   :welcomemm:


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Re: Hello and hope i am posting in the right place:)
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2016, 07:04:51 AM »

Thank you for all the messages so kind! Hurdity in terms of my periods, well they can last anything up to 17 days, they were coming every 3 weeks but the last few are taking longer to come. This last one was due a week ago but still not sign. In terms of hot sweats.. im either red hot and then so so cold its unbearable. I was having really bad night sweats but thats stopped. When i last when to docs she did a full blood count and so when i go Tuesday  i will get the results.  Very weapy!! mood swings , achy joints etc.. Oh the joys!!

 You wouldn't believe what i have given up to see if it improves things.. alcohol:( chocolate:( coffee:( . I keep a mood diary etc and also if i suddenly feel extremely anxious and try and think maybe its something i have eaten that could of triggered it. Im about 9 pound over weight so on a mission to get rid of that. I swim once a week, jog for approx 15 mins a day, bike ride everyday for about an hour so im quite physical..
Anwyays thanks for all the input will keep you all informed of my doctors visit.


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Re: Hello and hope i am posting in the right place:)
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2016, 05:39:41 PM »

From what you say I definitely think you would benefit from HRT rather than ADs at this point! Also it should  help regulate your cycle! When you go to the doc - ask for Femoston if she suggests HRT - or even ask for it anyway - this one is very well tolerated. Start with 1/10 and then if you need a higher dose as you get into peri-menopause, there is a stronger one 2/10. Alternatively there is a combined contraceptive pill called Qlaira which only has 2 tablet free days and the oestrogen is bio-identical - not like the stronger synthetic oestrogens of most of the Pills.  If you can tolerate the synthetic progestogens this one might just be what you needs at this stage as it should also stop the heavy bleeding. It is mentioned on this site here (scroll down):

Hurdity x :)


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Re: Hello and hope i am posting in the right place:)
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2016, 07:27:49 PM »

 ty you that Huridity. Will let you know how i get on. x


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Re: Hello and hope i am posting in the right place:)
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2016, 09:01:19 AM »

Hi all.Hope everyone is feeling ok:)
I had my doctors appointment yesterday.. My blood results were all ok, which is good news. She thinks i should continue with the citolapram which should decrease the anxiety(which is the biggest and main issue for me) Then if we get that under control there is a good chance that all the other things i feel may subside! Well i am going to give it ago any ways.. Also i asked about the menocare/menopace tabs that you can get at most chemists and she said well they wont do you any harm so perhaps give them ago,  they are just a mineral and vitamin supplement. If of course i don't feel any better when i go back in a month then she said lets try the HRT route.

Thanks for listening:)