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Author Topic: Is a full hysterectomy the only guaranteed 'cure' for peri Hell?  (Read 15109 times)


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I don't struggle with hardly any of the traditional perimenopause physical symptoms. For me, it is the chronic mood swings + the awful anxiety which have so tainted the last 2 years. At times I have felt so low as to have some very frightening and dark thoughts. Other times have been so anxious that my poor DH has had to sit up with me in the middle of the night.

I have trialled various HRTs and the Pill for over a year now. But nothing has been consistently helpful for more than 2-3 weeks at a time. The mood swings, depression and anxiety always, always come back.

I have seen Dr Annie, and I'm trialling 3 sachets of sandrena + 100mg of Utro for 7 days a month (though didn't have any Utro last month as my own period started before I had chance).

So far, I haven't seen much improvement to be honest. In fact a few days into her regime my anxiety and low mood got much worse, and what followed were two weeks of absolute misery. Dreadful insomnia, feeling too anxious to leave the house alone, just wanting to cry into my hands much of the time.

Finally I broke down to my GP in tears. They suggested adding an AD to help, and I have been on 100mg of Trazadone for 11 days (I can't tolerate the newer SSRIs).

And for the last 5 days I have felt so much better. Finally, a bit of normality after roughly 6 weeks of just awful misery.

But yesterday my period started and BAHM, I'm back to feeling miserable and anxious again. It's just no life.

We have the money for me to have a full hysterectomy done privately. Dr Annie mentioned it as an option, and intimated that it is a very good solution to women who struggle like me. But said you now had to jump through a few hoops to get one, even if you are paying. I know Prof Studd is a strong advocate of it too.

I just can't really face much more of HRT, or taking ADs. It just seems crazy to take tablets to masque my symptoms, when it is my ovaries that are causing such misery. I hate never feeling any confidence that I'm going to feel okay tmrw or next week.

Any thoughts?



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Re: Is a full hysterectomy the only guaranteed 'cure' for peri Hell?
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2016, 10:01:42 PM »

No experience to draw on and share with you but wanted to say Hi and sorry to hear that things are still so up and down for you.  It must be so draining xx

I think it is such a personal thing, perimenopause and the decision to have a hysterectomy.  Have you written down a pros and cons list, sounds basic, but often with choices that can be tied up with emotion, I try this method to get a bit of objective thinking going. 

My gut instinct is to put the caveat out there that there aren't really any guarantees, because we all respond so differently and an element of the unknown is always there. Saying that, listen to the advise from Drs and women that have experience and you might come to a conclusion that feels good for you.

Another thought is that I don't know much about why anxiety and depression can appear or get worse at this time of life and how that relates to the ovaries production of hormones, but I would hate to think you might go through a major op and the anxiety/depression was not altered - do you know how these things relate?  For you personally and in general.  It does sound like the AD's do help. Has anyone suggested to you to stop HRT and just try the Ad's?  Forgive me if you have already tried this route or it's not appropriate x


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Re: Is a full hysterectomy the only guaranteed 'cure' for peri Hell?
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2016, 10:04:06 PM »

If you were to go down this route you'd still need Oestogen. I had hysterectomy, privately,  in mid 30's, ovaries left, then removed 10 years later. Without HRT, IE oestrogen, I'm not a nice person to live with. Weepy, moody, in dire need of sleep.

However, having said all that, you may well be different, we all are. You really need to discuss it fully, before making a decision. I was so cranky before my hysterectomy, that for everyone's sake it was the right decision to make.


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Re: Is a full hysterectomy the only guaranteed 'cure' for peri Hell?
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2016, 11:06:00 PM »

Hi cubagirl

I like you had a hysterectomy 3 years ago and at the moment trying out taking oestrogen ( you may have seen my post few days ago ). Could I ask what form of oestrogen you are using ? I've been on Premarine 0.625 for almost 3 months but not noticed much in way of relief. I'm also using vagifem about 2xweek( since last year ).

Gypsy rose lee ......... I would say that hysterectomy is quite a drastic measure and may bring with it other complications / issues for you. I used to belong to a hystectomy forum which was so informative , just like this one . Perhaps give that a browse and ask a few questions to other ladies there that may have had similar issues to you prior their op.

Bracken willowshimmer

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Re: Is a full hysterectomy the only guaranteed 'cure' for peri Hell?
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2016, 08:13:44 AM »


Think we have spoken before. We have very similar symptoms and a full hysterectomy is something I've often thought about. 

I went to see a specialist about this a few months ago and he said he thought it would help but wanted to try Zoladex first for six months.  He said the Zoladex would give me the same affect as having a hysterectomy so we could then judge if it would help me.  His advice was that if the Zoladex didn't work, there was no point having the hysterectomy as the results would be the same.

Unfortunately, I didn't get any further than this as he was private and couldn't treat me on NHS but Zoladex might be worth a try for you.

Hope this helps.



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Re: Is a full hysterectomy the only guaranteed 'cure' for peri Hell?
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2016, 09:22:29 AM »

Hello GypsyRoseLee.

I've been thinking of you and wondering how you are getting on after seeing Annie Evans.

I think you've had some excellent advice so far and I can completely understand your contemplating a hysterectomy. I don't have any insights or experience to add other than I've always felt that without a uterus and ovaries you'd only have oestrogen to worry about and with something like oestrogel it would be easy to tweak the dose.

I know it's a cliche  but it is early days with your new regime and improvement may be just around the corner.

Wishing you well and keep posting.



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Re: Is a full hysterectomy the only guaranteed 'cure' for peri Hell?
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2016, 10:32:28 AM »

GRL - If I remember rightly, you are still peri meno and have only recently started your current HRt regime und erh guidance of Annie? I really, really think you need to give things more time, at least 3-6 months to really assess what is the best course of action.  Nothing is going to be instant and a hyster is permanent and could result in other issues e.g. risks of bladder prolapse.
I know it is tough but try to relax, think positive, take each day as it comes and be kind to yourself.  The peri stage is tricky but I suspect in 6 months you will look back and wonder why you were so stressed. If after 6 months you are still really struggling then that is the time to make more drastic decisions.  DG x


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Re: Is a full hysterectomy the only guaranteed 'cure' for peri Hell?
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2016, 11:43:23 AM »


It's not something I am considering in the short term. But if I am still very up and down by the end of the summer, despite gold standard HRT and an AD, then I really don't see any other option for me?

After I had finished detailing my medical history to Dr Annie, I finished by saying I was prepared to write a cheque there and then for a full hysterectomy, as I was so sick of it all. She nodded and actually replied 'I am inclined to agree with you, but it's not such an easy operation to come by now, even if you are willing to pay.'

I got the distinct impression that trying me on sandrena gel + Utro was just a stop gap treatment.

I don't actually see a full hysterectomy as that drastic at all. Several friends have had them, as did my Mum and MIL. Just 3 days in hospital, followed by taking things very gently for 4-6 weeks.

I see waking my poor DH in tears in the middle of the night, or being signed off work for weeks or not feeling able to attend a family funeral as far, far more drastic and impacting on my life far, far more.


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Re: Is a full hysterectomy the only guaranteed 'cure' for peri Hell?
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2016, 11:52:42 AM »

I feel that you will need to try the injections which shut down your ovaries first GRL. This is the only way you will know whether a hysterectomy plus oopherectomy will help. It would be wrong, I feel, to put your body through this major operation only to still be in the same position. Of course hysterectomy is much better than it used to be but I still get problems eighteen months after mine due to my bowel not falling properly into the gap left behind - silly bowel - and also the risk of prolapse is very real. I'm not sure if you have a sex life or not but this can also be much less satisfying after hysterectomy due to the shorter vagina and the difference in orgasms. Consultants don't discuss these things with you but I can see that you are desperate to find an answer and to get back to a normal life.

I've forgotten what symptoms you have to be honest - sorry. Is it PMDD?

Taz x  :hug:

Mary G

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Re: Is a full hysterectomy the only guaranteed 'cure' for peri Hell?
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2016, 12:09:11 PM »

GRL, I'm so sorry you are going through this.  I think that a hysterectomy is a very good option for you to consider.  It's easy to talk about the side effects of a hysterectomy but what about the quality of life you have now and all the terrible symptoms you are suffering. 

Professor John Studd thinks that many women in your situation benefit enormously from a hysterectomy and he discusses this on his website which you may find interesting.

I've PM'd you with some other information.



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Re: Is a full hysterectomy the only guaranteed 'cure' for peri Hell?
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2016, 12:15:49 PM »

I agree that hysterectomy might be a good idea but not before shutting down the ovaries first to see how the body will react to having them removed surgically? I wasn't sure if there had been a diagnosis of PMDD as this is often missed.

Is there any up to date info on Professor's Studd's views on hysterectomy Mary? I did have a look at his site before when a friend was going through similar bu could only find something from 2008 when hysterectomy was much more often advised than it seems to be now.

Taz x

Mary G

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Re: Is a full hysterectomy the only guaranteed 'cure' for peri Hell?
« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2016, 01:32:55 PM »

Taz2, sorry your hysterectomy has not gone as well as you might have hoped.  I don't know how often Professor Studd updates his website but he only recently recommended a hysterectomy to me and I haven't got the same level of problems as GRL.  If he had seriously changed his view since 2008, I think he would update his website to reflect it. 

The other observation I would make is that GRL's life is a misery and she seems to be severely intolerant to all types of progesterone so that is yet another reason to look at the option of hysterectomy.  That way, you can avoid taking progesterone and it makes HRT so much easier not to mention more effective - there is no way that GRL would get on well with the progesterone part of HRT.

I have yet to (personally) meet a woman who has deeply regretted having a hysterectomy and had their life ruined by it.  Hopefully more women who have had hysterectomies will come along and share their experiences. 


Chi chi

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Re: Is a full hysterectomy the only guaranteed 'cure' for peri Hell?
« Reply #12 on: April 02, 2016, 02:21:03 PM »

I'm also very interested in this as I've been advised by both Annie Evans and Prof Studd that a hyster is prob the best option for me. I'm just terrified of going through with it and absolutely no change in my moods etc  :-\
I've also read where women have sunk into the most awful deep dark depression after having a hyster.
I'm just so so scared of it not working and ending up feeling even worse than I do now!
I've been seriously considering trying the option of shutting everything down just to see? But what if moods/anxiety are still bad? Would the added oestrogen HRT help? But then we'd have to also use the ***** progesterone so would be back to square one! Or would they allow the use of just oestrogen and poss testosterone only whilst trying?

I honestly think I could put up with all the physical symptoms of menopause, Christ I think I have most of them anyway except the flushes! As long as my mood was consistently better. I'm not asking to be overly happy every single day nobody is that lucky! I just want to be able to not have to worry about how I'm gonna feel from day to day, dreading things, not looking forward to things and just existing  :-\

I don't know? It's such a difficult decision when there are no guarantees  :-\ but I do know 100% if someone could guarantee it I would pay thousands!

I'm about to try the Mirena on Wednesday, GRL have you tried it? I had it years ago and the only problem I had was spotting and light bleeding but I think it eventually settled, I certainly had no emotional probs with it and only had it removed as I thought it was causing me spots on my chin!  ::)
« Last Edit: April 02, 2016, 02:24:03 PM by Chi chi »


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Re: Is a full hysterectomy the only guaranteed 'cure' for peri Hell?
« Reply #13 on: April 02, 2016, 02:32:41 PM »

Hey GRL is your sandrena ultimately meant to override your own cycle?
sorry you've had such a shit time- i totally get where you're coming from having just had a suicidal period! i have awful pmdd but the period itself is marked by a profound depression- i ended up in a and e this time. with regard to zoladex/hysterectomy- i've had zoladex and it put me into a depression- however i strongly suspect it was because the add-back oestrogel wasnt enough to combat this- and i feel that i'm someone who very much needs oestrogen! i've been offered a hysterectomy for the same symptoms you have despite the failure of the zoladex but i'm too scared to take it up! i dont care about the surgery but i'm terrified of feeling like shit!! right now i'm on venlafaxine and when it works sufficiently i will try to obliterate my cycle with evorel patches. and if that works i will ask for a hysterectomy possibly keeping my ovaries because i could continue patches without the need for horrible synthetic progesterone. if that makes any sense! sorry not much help but want you to know you're not alone x

Chi chi

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Re: Is a full hysterectomy the only guaranteed 'cure' for peri Hell?
« Reply #14 on: April 02, 2016, 02:35:14 PM »

That's interesting as I'm on 4 pumps and I believe that's enough to suppress my own hormones so does that mean a hyster wouldn't make any difference for me?  :-\
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