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Author Topic: Fed up!  (Read 2136 times)


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Fed up!
« on: March 21, 2016, 04:39:20 AM »

Just so fed up! Had a busy morning yesterday and over did it. Spent rest of day lying down. Felt a bit iffy due to period. Gradually the negativity, anxiety and general feeling of something bad is going to happen all reared up,I even got emotional and cried! I fell asleep early and when my other half came to bed, I woke with a start and thought it was the next morning. Consequent I've been awake since 2.30am and have to get up for work soon. I feel sick now because I'm so tired.
What do you do when you are like this?


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Re: Fed up!
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2016, 05:58:14 AM »

Hi Shellb I am sitting here feeling exactly the same - contemplating trying to see doc today. I find lying in bed trying to get back to sleep just makes it all worse so I get up, come downstIrs, have a up of tea or two, do some ironing, watch some TV. anything to take my mind off worrying about anything and everything - reading doesn't always help as my mind will still wander.  I am looking for answers myself as to how to get a decent sleep - without sleep everything else seems a hundred times worse and also in the dead of night you feel completely alone; I hope you manage to get through today a bit better.


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Re: Fed up!
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2016, 06:37:28 AM »

Hi Annidav,
Thanks for your reply. I use HRT and Ad's so there's not a lot the docs can do. Having suffered from depression and anxiety and a breakdown I always worry that I'm heading that way again when I feel like this, that's the irrational part of it all, I blame it on every thing initially except the hormones, when it's them that are making me feel like this.
It's just like being on a roller coaster. I do think some of my own hormones have kicked in though.
I hope you get on at the doctors ok and that you feel better soon.


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Re: Fed up!
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2016, 02:21:40 PM »

Unfortunately with anxiety it's a viscious cycle when you have lack of sleep. I have suffered from anxiety since childhood and in the last few years, it has got worse and worse (no doubt due to menopause) and some days I just wish it would 'p' fact, that's what you're meant to say to your anxiety...tell it to 'F'' off!
I find that if I have lack of sleep, my anxiety is worse so when I have a sleepless night and can't fall asleep and everything is going round and around in my mind I start to panic even more as I know my anxiety will be worse with lack of sleep.
I don't have many solutions to offer you other than I try to never let the anxiety beat me. I only work part time but on the days I have to work, I spend most of the morning imagining in my mind phoning my boss with some excuse or other not to go into work but when I make the effort and go, it does give me a boost. I feel I'm saying to my anxiety 'ha, you didn't beat me'.
I have never had medication or CBT for my anxiety but as it has worsened during menopause, I am wondering whether to ask my Dr for something but I use the website 'no more panic' which is really helpful but there are lots of different opinions on there about whether medication is the correct route. I would suggest you look on the website though as there are lots of helpful tips to combat anxiety and insomnia.
Good luck..