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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Can I have a new spine please.  (Read 11908 times)


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Can I have a new spine please.
« on: March 17, 2016, 05:00:47 PM »

I was diagnosed with prolapsed disc and severe arthritis in my neck when I was in my 30's and had to give up work totally by time I was 40.  All my lumbar discs are herniated as well and for past 8 years my lumbar back "goes" anything from every few weeks to having a few months reprieve.  When it goes I literally can't walk for days as I cannot straighten up and the pain is evil.  My neck problem also impacts on my rib/thoracic spine as well.

So in the past 5 weeks my lumbar spine siezed up and I was out of action for 2 weeks, I was just back to its normal very dodgy self when my neck threw a wobbler and I had nerve pain in my head and face for a week until the chiropractor did acupuncture and gentle stretching which got rid of the worst but not totally.  Then last week under my left shoulder blade went into spasm and I could barely breathe for 5 days.  For past week I have had tingling in both legs and feet and today as I feared I went from sitting to standing and the lumbar spine siezed up yet again and I can only walk bent over. 
I am hoping that I am having a bad spell and that things will settle down but really pxxxxd off basically as I am in constant pain that nothing really touches and have such a restricted life.  Todays siezed up back was caused by my neighbour knocking on my door - refusing to come in as they only wanted to tell me something and then spending next 40 mins standing on my doorstep talking!  I kept thinking I am going to have to say either come in and sit down or go away as I can't stand here with my back but didn't just gritted my teeth and 5 mins after she went bingo I siezed up.

Sorry for the whinge, I know so many people who are in a much worse state than me ( I have 5 friends battling cancer at moment) and I feel guilty complaining but just wanted to be able to have a bit of a moan sorry.


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Re: Can I have a new spine please.
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2016, 05:30:13 PM »

You moan away countrybumpkin - you have a lot to deal with. Is there no extra pain relief you can have for times such as these? Have you had any surgery on the herniated discs? It sounds as if this is really impacting on your life.

Taz x  :hug:


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Re: Can I have a new spine please.
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2016, 05:50:22 PM »

Normal pain relief like codeine does not work for me sadly, the only pain relief that was really good was distalgesic ( co proxamol) if anyone remembers this before they banned it because too many people were taking it and drinking alcohol and it was killing them.

I can go up to the nerve drugs like gabapentin but they have serious side effects and not all my pain is nerve pain so I have resisted up to now.  I have not had any invasive treatment for my lumbar spine.  What generally happens is that I go through a bad spell like now and am just at the point of sayng to my Dr can I go to the pain clinic for injections etc when it suddenly settles down again for a few months!  I think it knows. 
I think what gets me down is that its not just one part of spine that is a problem but all of it and it seems as if there is always one part being annoying.  Acupuncture at my chiropractor seems to help alot but its not long lasting. 

At least the bursitis in my shoulder has improved recently :)


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Re: Can I have a new spine please.
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2016, 05:57:00 PM »

Hello countrybumpkin.

So sorry to read of your troubles and totally support your right to whinge!

I saw a friend yesterday who has struggled with Rheumatoid Arthritis for 20 years and another woman I know has just been diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis. Of  course these conditions put my meno jitters in the shade but ideally I'd like to  feel better myself and fix them as well!

I can only wish you well and hope you find the relief you are looking for.

Take care and sending hugs.



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Re: Can I have a new spine please.
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2016, 07:20:29 PM »

Countrybumpkin - You aren't whinging at all, like telling it like it is.

Like SJ says, just tell callers you can't stand for long periods and have to sit down.
I can't stand for a long time, I have MS and get totally knackered so have to sit down.
It feels a bit odd when you first do it but people are usually very understanding. If they aren't then.........

I can understand you not wanting to take Gabapentin. I use as small a dose as I can get away with for pain relief but also use Tramadol. Have you tried tram at all?

Anyway - I really hope the pain gets easier soon  :hug:


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Re: Can I have a new spine please.
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2016, 07:52:11 PM »

How awful, you poor thing. Sounds like you need a referral to a brilliant neurosurgeon who will sort you out, my OH had similiar problems but after surgery is a different person, no amount of chiro nor physio helped.


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Re: Can I have a new spine please.
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2016, 09:00:21 PM »

I have seen neurosurgeons re my neck problem but all say that operating is a last resort because it is very risky.  If my lower back continues to be like it has been past month then I would consider going to the pain clinic, my neighbour burst a disc in her back and she only had surgery when she started using the use of her leg but it did get rid of her agonising pain.  She had no back pain at all but severe lower leg pain 24/7.

I have tried tramadol and it had no effect on me at all.  I have been told that some people don't metabolise pain drugs well becaue of a lack of a liver enzyme and they think I am one of them- typical.



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Re: Can I have a new spine please.
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2016, 09:44:03 PM »

Would Valium help the spasms?


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Re: Can I have a new spine please.
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2016, 10:21:21 PM »

They won't give you diazepam ( valium) for more than a few days and only occasionally because of the addiction problem.  It does help a little with muscle spasm. 



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Re: Can I have a new spine please.
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2016, 06:44:37 AM »

Hi countrybumpkin
Feel for you just had a bag back but nothing like you and that was shit!
I too use a chiropractor but I dint let them use the needles anymore after a particular bad placing of one once that hit a nerve near my lung and I could hardly breathe!  Luckily I knew what was going on as have had acupuncture separately for 20 years. There is a massive  difference  in the way they use needles and my advice would be to get yourself a decent acupuncturist as well.  They can work wonders where chiros can't.  My first acupuncturist trained in it because after years of back problems and operations he could hardly walk he is retired now but still has Liz Hobbs (she was a water skier back in the seventies and she broke her back) as one of his clients.  I just recently had 2 sessions with chiro and then leave muscles and nerves to the acupuncturist.  They should needle a lot gentler and can use warming and electrical stimulating techniques to get things better. 


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Re: Can I have a new spine please.
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2016, 01:36:00 PM »

Find a GP who will prescribe:  I have no problems getting it from my GP as we have discussed the risks and it is often the 1st drug of choice for acute spasm: or ask for referral to an anaesthetist ?  A pain Clinic is often run by the Anaesthetic Dept. of Hospitals.

In this day and age NO ONE should suffer acute pain  :bang:

Any improvement today?


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Re: Can I have a new spine please.
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2016, 02:57:01 PM »

Hi Countrybumpkin,
 Just discovered this forum and have spent a happy lunch time reading posts - I really feel for you too. I have degenerative disc disease and wish I could have a new spine too. My DDD was caused by being trapped in a car (crash) 40 years ago (so the orthopod consultant said) he said lose some weight and do pilates, goodbye! Fortunately I see a lovely lady GP who only works 2 days a month and she arranged a pain clinic appointment and as a result, I had a facet joint injection 8 weeks ago. The physio I had to see is not very good. She said she didn't have my notes as I was originally registered with another hospital (I wasn't) and she queried the anaesthetist only giving me the injection in my lower left back. Anyway, the excersises she gave me to do are core building ones and I'm afraid I don't have much faith in them (or her). One bit of advice she gave me was to bounce on an excercise ball, so I will buy one with the Amazon voucher my lovely son gave me for Mother's Day!
It was interesting that you mentioned tramadol not working as much as you thought - I'm the same as I'm in pain constantly when awake, thank goodness I can get a good night's sleep!
Sorry if I've hijacked your thread Countrybumpkin - I suppose I should have started a new one? Thank you anyway for all your helpful advice, I know this forum will be my favourite from now on!

Poppi xx


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Re: Can I have a new spine please.
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2016, 03:45:18 PM »

Well the back is easier today, I can actually stand up although it hurts to walk but so much less spasm than yesterday. I am getting spasm in my abdominal muscle on the affected side as well but thats not unusual and only bothers me when walking.
Just to add to everything, I organise a lunch group once a month and it was today and I felt I had to go being the organiser. There were 23 of us at a posh hotel in a small very hot room. I had eaten two courses of hot rich food when I went to talk to a member of the group and out of the blue I went very very faint, managed to stagger to the loo without actually keeling over but it was very close and I was very sick and after about 5 mins the faintness passed thankfully. I was so worried that I was going to be a heap on the floor and the embarrassment.

I know the faint was not connected to my heart as I happen to have an implanted heart recorder in my chest as of June last year because I do occasionally get super ventricular tachycardia attacks that make me feel a bit faint but I can feel them in my chest. I also downloaded the info from my recorder to heart hospital when I got home and they confirmed my heart was fine at the time so at least I can rule this out as a cause.

I hate not knowing how much is from my physical conditions and how much is me in severe anxiety worrying over my physical conditions!  Past 2 weeks I have had severe muscle twitchig in my lips and left eye and both legs and a feeling of intense tingling in my lower legs and feet.  Both these symptoms could be from my spine but also could be anxiety symptoms. Now I can add fainting on to the list as well.  I am now worrying about it happening again so guess what my anxiety is even higher now.

Moan over!

Poppi - so sorry you are suffering so much as well. You are veyr welcome to hijack my thread. I have lost over two and half stone in past 18 months but its not helped at all. 
Kate - my chiro is good at the acupuncture as i have experienced the stuff done by nhs physio ( dreadful) plus there are no traditional acupuncturists in my area of country.  I had no idea anyone would put a acupuncture needle in so far as to hit a nerve near your lung!


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Re: Can I have a new spine please.
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2016, 08:24:46 PM »

Losing the weight might not have helped the spinal condition but it will have helped your internal organs  ;) which get loaded with unseen fats ……. which makes them difficult to function properly.  Hips, knees, ankles will benefit from loss of weight too.  Humans are not designed to stand up-right, if you look at our nearest relatives (apparently), chimps - when walking they are slightly leaned forwards, rarely standing up right except to shout at each other!  So there is less stress on their hips as well as the total spine.  The heads weighs heavy ? 7lb ? which will also impact on the whole of the spine!


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Re: Can I have a new spine please.
« Reply #14 on: March 19, 2016, 10:02:36 AM »

Thanks CLKD, in a funny way you have helped me (again).  I often hear my mother shouting at me 'what have I told you about slouching? STAND UP STRAIGHT!  :-\

Hi Poppi, good to see you here  :welcomemm:.

Morning countrybumpkin,  :bighug:
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