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Author Topic: Hello All -Going to see Prof Studd- advice please?  (Read 52305 times)


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Hello All -Going to see Prof Studd- advice please?
« on: March 16, 2016, 05:52:42 PM »

Thank you for letting join this web site.
I'll admit to being overwhelmed by the great range of the information and I'm clearly not as knowledgeable as some of you!
So apologies in advance if I am intellectually challenged on the subject
I've made an appointment to see John Studd in a couple of weeks and saw there seemed to be differing views on his regime.
I'm 55 years old and been on Femoston 1/10 for 5/6 years.
Originally went on Femoston as I had no physical symptoms but psychological problems (generalised anxiety, depression, feeling de-personalised, etc)
It was effective but I've noticed an increase in the past 18 months of generalised anxiety, depressive episodes etc, along with noticeable thinning head hair, increased facial hair, very dry skin, etc. I thought that indicated I needed more oestrogen?
 I went recently to my GP who was about 12 years of age and less than helpful.
She said I should be "weaned off" HRT due to my age (!)  that the menopause was "natural" (it might be, but depression and anxiety isn't)  and prescribed me liquid fluoxetine (AD) which paradoxically made me feel more anxious, so I stopped that.
Still taking Femoston.
I asked and finally got  my blood tests back today and I have:
serum FSH level of 49 iul
LH level of 40.6 iul
and testosterone of 0.65 nmol/L.
All of these I was told were in the "normal" range.
Am I right in thinking these are "normal" for a post menopausal woman who is NOT on HRT?
Also am I right in thinking my oestrogen levels have dipped?
I know everyone is different but there seems to be varying opinions of Studd and wondered if any one else had similar symptoms to myself and found him helpful?
Any advice appreciated and apologies for not being as aware of some of you re HRT issues!


Mary G

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Re: Hello All -Going to see Prof Studd- advice please?
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2016, 07:33:04 PM »

Freckles, welcome to MM!

I am a patient of Professor Studd and I think he is fantastic, he changed my life. 

Your "suck it up" doctor sounds utterly clueless not to mention completely out of date.  She doesn't know what she is talking about and is giving you dangerously bad advice.

Professor Studd despairs of doctors who wrongly diagnose women with depression when they desperately need oestrogen therapy and you are a case in point. 

Firstly, oral HRT is nowhere near as effective and transdermal HRT because much of it gets lost in your digestive system and the dose you are on is way too low.  That is why your symptoms have come back because you have (probably) stopped producing any oestrogen of your own - it would appear that you have gone on to develop new symptoms as well, all of which indicate low oestrogen.  When I was taking 1mg orally, it was so ineffectual, I might as well not have bothering taking it at all.  In a nutshell, you are on the wrong medication.

I am in no doubt that Professor Studd will prescribe Oestrogel (2-3 pumps everyday) together with Utrogestan (best used vaginally) and possibly testosterone.  Believe me, the Oestrogel is life changing stuff and it was only when I started using it that I got back to normal.   

Have no fear, he will understand your problems and get you onto the right medication.

Hope that helps.

PS Sorry if I am being dim but I can't see your oestrogen blood levels. 


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Re: Hello All -Going to see Prof Studd- advice please?
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2016, 09:34:01 PM »

Thanks Mary G for the reassurance!
Really appreciated!
My GP is newly qualified, knows sweet Fanny Adams about the menopause and HRT  and thinks AD's are the way to go for woman with depressive menopausal symptoms.
I'm a bit overweight (too low in mood to get active) and still smoke (I know) but would risk a stroke in 10 years than spend the next 10 years being a bearded, semi bald woman, and felling like life just isn't worth living.
I'm seeing Prof Studd in three weeks so really hoping he can help.
You aren't  being dim - they only tested for my FSH level, LH level and testosterone, but for some reason omitted a test for oestrogen - good old NHS! I despair sometimes.
I've also got Hashimoto's disease (which is an autoimmune disease resulting in low thyroxine levels) which I take prescribed  thyroxine , so don't think that helps with oestrogen production from what I read.
Anyway thanks for the reply Mary G- really appreciated.

Mary G

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Re: Hello All -Going to see Prof Studd- advice please?
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2016, 11:17:21 PM »

Glad to be of help.  Why on earth didn't they test your oestrogen levels?  I despair.

You may be interested to know that once I started using the Oestrogel, my thyroid function improved so this regime might have a positive impact on your condition.  My cholesterol levels also returned to normal.

Good luck with Professor Studd and please let us know how you get on.



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Re: Hello All -Going to see Prof Studd- advice please?
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2016, 01:39:51 AM »

Thanks Mary G. God only knows what they didn't check my oestrogen - really despair of the NHS sometimes.  Seems a no brainer to me.
Getting my hormone levels checked was a battle in itself but may go back and ask for them to be done- might save a few £'s re the appointment with Prof Studd re bloo tests.
I will post again once I've seen him.
Still trying get to get grips with the forum mechanics  thought I'd checked the necessary boxes  asking  to be notified when I get a response to posts but it's not working.
Of course I may be a numpty at all that!

Thanks again Mary G. much appreciated



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Re: Hello All -Going to see Prof Studd- advice please?
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2016, 02:21:09 PM »

Still trying get to get grips with the forum mechanics  thought I'd checked the necessary boxes  asking  to be notified when I get a response to posts but it's not working.
Of course I may be a numpty at all that!

Not sure, perhaps you won't be notified till you're a member (10 posts I think) rather than first flush.
Don't fret, you're not a numpty!


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Re: Hello All -Going to see Prof Studd- advice please?
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2016, 04:46:58 PM »

Hi Freckles
Just wanted to let you know that I ve been on Prof Studd s regime for just over a month now and can honestly say it has changed my life.  I hope you get the same great results that I ve had, please keep us posted.  GOOD LUCK  ;D



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Re: Hello All -Going to see Prof Studd- advice please?
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2016, 06:06:16 PM »

Thanks Panda, Limpy and StellaJane
Think I have sorted out the notification problems, so not as much as a numpty as I thought I was!
Thanks too for the positive replies.
I'm not as anxious as I was about spending hard earnt money on seeing John Studd after reading them.
I chose him as I read some variable reviews about the Marion Gluck clinic, plus MG was a lot more expensive
I've been back to the GP and asked if my oestrogen levels could be checked (God knows they didn't but did standard FSH and LH  tests, which is useless), so hoping for once they don't get arsey with their "suck it up attitude" and it may save money on private blood tests (?)
Thanks again everyone- really appreciated and I will let you know how I get on!


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Re: Hello All -Going to see Prof Studd- advice please?
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2016, 10:30:46 PM »

I m no expert on hormone tests but in my experience they are a waste of time especially if done using blood or urine testing.  All the many hormone checks I ve had over the years at the GP s surgery showed "normal" readings when in fact things were far from normal!  I m not sure if the tests Prof Studd does are done differently from the GP ones or if he just knows how to read them properly but in my experience they are useless.  My GP has admitted that she knows next to nothing about how to treat women going through the menopause and has been very interested by the information I have passed on to her about Prof Studds regime as she is coming up to menopause herself!


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Re: Hello All -Going to see Prof Studd- advice please?
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2016, 06:30:41 AM »

Hi Freckles
I went to see professor Studd in February as of yet I'm still not 100%
I had all my bloods done before I went and they were worth doing! I was made to have a bone scan at studds which wasn't too pleased about but my own doc's wouldn't do one as I was low risk.  I have been contacted by several ladies all with different views on Studd and his regime some agreeing and some not. It's def better for me cos of side effects but as yet has not been effective enough as oral hrt in combating sleep and VA  problems this I have been told will take longer.  Due to start utrogestan so that will be interesting?  I have tried to speak to him twice since going and he is in my opinion not great on after care unless you paying.  Luckily for me my doctor has offered me full after care with scan and no problem getting testosterone etc. She also said I can get a referral to Chelsea and Westminster hospital to see Nick Panay if I want he is the other guy mentioned on here that you can also go see private.  Similar prices. Take care x


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Re: Hello All -Going to see Prof Studd- advice please?
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2016, 02:33:30 PM »

Thanks Kate50.
Hopefully I will be one of the women who find Studd helpful.
Bit worrying re your comment about his after care though
My GP is less than helpful, compared to yours- she specialises in "women's issues" but bizarrely thinks HRT is for physical problems only and advocates liquid AD's to treat anything else! I despair.
Will see how I get on with Studd, as I can't afford to pay for two private consultations and it's unlikely my GP would refer me to anyone.
I am still trying to get a NHS blood test to get my oestrogen checked.   
Will let you know how I get on with Studd.


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Re: Hello All -Going to see Prof Studd- advice please?
« Reply #11 on: March 19, 2016, 05:12:21 AM »

You are allowed to be referred to anyone in the UK if NHS registered that's the law!  And you need to tell your Dr you got a private appointment and you need oestrogen progesterone testosterone FSH and LH bloods done!  I did and that's what I got done at my local hospital instead of waiting for a 3 week appt at doctor's for bloods.  It's your right!  It's not a case of whether your Dr will? ? Once you been to see Studd Dr will have to take notice or you can report them. They are not God!  That's Simon Cowell job oh no it isn't its noel Fitzpatrick Supervet job now!  Lol

Mary G

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Re: Hello All -Going to see Prof Studd- advice please?
« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2016, 01:34:07 PM »

Kate50, how right you are, they are not God and need to remember that.  Far too many people are in awe of doctors which is why they get away with so much.  Other public sector workers have to face far more criticism and scruntiny and doctors should not be exempted from this.  They are over protected like football referees.

I should have mentioned that Professor Studd is always happy to write to GPs detailing his prescription and they should prescribe it for you but there is no guarantee they will. 


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Re: Hello All -Going to see Prof Studd- advice please?
« Reply #13 on: March 19, 2016, 07:32:56 PM »

Kate50- my GP is one of the most arrogant I have come across.  I'm hoping to go back on Monday and see if she has agreed to my oestrogen blood test being taken-  all the others were done except that.
I very rarely visit my GP, maybe once a year  for my thyroxine blood test to be done but that's about it. I really have to bite my tongue when I do see her in case I get in touch with my inner bitch ;)


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Re: Hello All -Going to see Prof Studd- advice please?
« Reply #14 on: March 19, 2016, 09:30:31 PM »

Maybe you need to put her on the spot and say what you want and if she doesn't agree ask her is she saying you can't have them?  The consultant you are seeing has asked for them.  She absolutely cannot refuse you
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