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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: PMS off the charts these days  (Read 3556 times)


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PMS off the charts these days
« on: March 15, 2016, 05:08:50 PM »

Hello again to everyone...I will be 45 in June.  I am still having regular periods, but my cycles have shortened considerably over the past 5 years. 

I have been having some perimenopause symptoms for the past few years that have been quite bothersome.

1. My PMS headaches are insane and hard to treat.  I have had migraines my whole life and am currently taking amitriptyline daily for them.  About 5 days before my period, and then during my period (and a few days after), my migraines are just awful.  My usual triptan meds don't work so well. 

2. I have terrible insomnia about a week before my period now.  My doctor has given me Ambien but I don't like to take it.  I have read too many terrible stories about Ambien and links with cancer.  So most of these nights, I just either lay awake or sleep in some weird dream state, where I don't feel rested and have VERY vivid dreams that are sometimes disturbing.

3. I just don't feel like myself anymore, especially during PMS. I feel like I've lost who I was.  I don't know any other way to explain it.  I cry so easily, I'm so emotional.  I have never had a weight problem, and now I have put on about 10 pounds I can't seem to lose.  And I can only blame myself because I have NO, and I mean NO will power in the evenings.  Food seems to comfort me now, where it never has before.  I know that amitriptyline can contribute to these cravings, but I cannot stop taking it because my migraines will come back with full force.

It doesn't help that I also have interstitial cystitis.  I've been diagnosed now for about 3 years, even though I had symptoms a few years before that.  I really have to watch my diet and it flares sometimes, which is very hard to handle along with the perimenopause.  I also have tried Prozac, but it really bothered my bladder (IC). 

I am currently taking a very small dose of vaginal estrogen cream twice weekly because I was having burning and vaginal pain.  That part has improved.

I just don't know how I'm going to make it another 5 years or so of this.  I am due for my period in about 3 days.  I literally cannot wait to start every month.  At least emotionally, I feel SO much better after I start. 

My poor husband of almost 23 years is very patient with me, but I can feel myself being a horrible person, and sometimes can't stop it!!  I guess I just really wanted to vent to some people I hope will understand.

Thanks for listening,


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Re: PMS off the charts these days
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2016, 05:59:33 PM »

I hope you get some help very soon. It sounds as though some of those issues, especially the pms, are hormonal. We're your migraines always cyclical?


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Re: PMS off the charts these days
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2016, 07:27:00 PM »

HUGE  :bighug:

When I had PMS I was told by NAPS to eat every 3 hours, 24/7, 52/12.  If I woke in the night I had to eat a biscuit. 

Dehydration can cause headaches.  I couldn't bear migraines as some of you ladies suffer with  :'(  :-\.  Are you able to up the dosage pre-bleed?

If your body is using energy then you will be hungry.  Can you give us a hint on your daily diet?

I know some here think that my use of Dextrose tablets 'bad' but they have kept me going for years.  As has eating every 3 hours.  As has honey sometimes, it's a good healer and pick-me-up.  Honey on toast can ease hunger feelings. As can slow release food stuffs like bananas, porridge - years ago I would make runny not porridge, can't remember the name  >:( but the product was supposed to give you a glow - oh! Redibrek  ::).  I would boil milk and add to a packet of the stuff keeping it quite runny and found it comforting.

Would the birth control pill ease symptoms?


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Re: PMS off the charts these days
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2016, 09:37:48 PM »

Trufflecat, my migraines have always been worse around my period, but never this bad.  Sometimes, I cannot get it under control and it's hard to function for days.

Sparkle, thank you for giving me hope that these migraines will hopefully let up soon.  And yes, you described it perfectly...people can't understand how I can have a migraine for a week...and I don't understand it either!!!

CLKD, I am currently taking a different triptan medicine 3 days prior to my period every day - it's called Amerge.  It helps a little, some months.  I'm grateful to have it.  I also take it 3 days into my period, but then I have to stop.  So the migraines I have as my period ends are wicked.

My daily diet usually consists of toast and honey for breakfast with hot water and honey (we are bee keepers) :-), lunch is usually a cheese stick, some almonds and some sort of protein (imitation crab meat or lunch meat), a pear in the afternoon, then dinner is usually a meat protein of some kind with a veggie and often a starch (rice, potatoes).  I have to avoid any food that are acidic or create acid because of the IC.

Unfortunately, I cannot take BCPs.  They really affect my headaches, so I have them every day.  Darn headaches!

Anyway, thank you all for your advice.  I was surfing the internet for perimenopause and came across this site.  It seems very helpful.


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Re: PMS off the charts these days
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2016, 11:35:05 PM »

I don't usually eat anything mid morning, but I'm really hungry by lunch.  I don't usually go longer than three hours without eating either.  I guess I'm kind of a "grazer".  My husband skips breakfast and lunch half the time.  I told him if I did that, I would feel sick and probably have a headache.  I usually bring snacks with me when I go out, like a cheese stick, some almonds, a piece of fruit, some cottage cheese. 

I'm assuming by porridge, you mean what we call oatmeal?  Or is it different?  I do use flax seeds too.  I like them on toasted oatmeal bread with butter on it.  It's actually quite tasty.

I have to drink water all day because of my IC.  I drink way more than the average person.  I really think it's these darn fluctuating hormones that are playing a big part.

What do any of you do for insomnia?


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Re: PMS off the charts these days
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2016, 09:04:40 AM »

I have been a migraine sufferer all my life and they intensified just before I started skipping about 2 years ago. I had the one from hell on day 3 of a period, and then nothing as bad since but it was horrendous with the worst visual disturbances ever. Also PMT yes horrific but easing now. Things will get better -I know it seems hopeless but you will get there.

Increase your protein levels as much as you can. Always eat protein with carbohydrate as this keeps blood sugars stable and avoids swings. I would change your breakfast to include protein- an egg or high protein cereal.If I eat pure carbs I am in trouble and stable blood sugars help sleep.


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Re: PMS off the charts these days
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2016, 10:14:13 AM »

Hi my2boys99

Sorry to hear about your worsening pms symptoms and migraines - unfortunately this is what happens during the late reproductive stage - before peri-menopause hits and your cycle starts to go erratic and irregular.

My first comment would be you are not eating enough! I totally agree with Machair - you need to stabilise your blood sugars and not let yourself get so hungry and especially have a bigger breakfast and lunch and eat more protein!! You're barely eating enough to keep a fly alive. I would be unable to function during the day on what you eat! However your snacks sound good so if you are grazing that much then that's probably fine.

For breakfast I eat half a grapefruit, a bowl of unsweetened stewed apple and low fat greek yogurt and two boiled eggs. This will probably last me until lunchtime (sometimes I need to eat some nuts mid morning). For lunch I have a big bowl of home-made veg soup with dollop of cott cheese or yog in it. Salad in the summer. Then some protein eg pastrami, tuna, sardines, ham or something, perhaps a tomato. Maybe some fruit and yogurt afterwards. Evening is normal meal (low fat) but no carbs ie bread, rice pasta spuds. Some days I will have carbs at one meal eg muesli or porridge for breakfast (where do they call porridge oatmeal? You must be outside UK perhaps?), or rice or spuds at eve meal. My snacks of choice are nuts or a piece of fruit. However I know that carb cravings are common with migraines and when I have one that's what I want to eat - but I do try to avoid sugars, to keep my weight down. I do 3 exercise classes a week ( not just now as have had flu) so can eat a but more than if someone is relatively sedentary eg office job or a bit of housework.

l agree with CLKD re the birth control pill. You might benefit especially from the newer one Qlaira (available on NHS) which contains the bio-identical estradiol. This would stabilise your mood swings and only has 2 ( or maybe 3) tablets free days.

Hurdity x


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Re: PMS off the charts these days
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2016, 01:19:11 PM »

You are hardly eating anything  :bang: - and there is no such thing as 'imitation' crab meat  ::) - it's either crab or not!  I know, we go fishing for them.

How much do you really drink?  Too much fluid can be dangerous as it depletes the body of minerals which can cause sudden death.  Maybe keep an input/output chart for 3-5 days?  People forget that they take in fluids when eating a healthy diet as well as drinking. 

Since I began eating "Lizies" oat mix for breakfast I haven't needed a mid-morning bun, nor have I missed it.  I was finding that buns were making my body sluggish so Himself searched for a breakfast substitute rather than toast and butter.  He has porridge every morning which sustains him.  You may find that the headaches improve if you eat a lot more! every 3 hours throughout day and night i.e. if you have a bathroom visit in the early hours, eat a biscuit before going back to sleep.

I have grazed for years ……… when I am able to eat anything at all.  Bananas, dried fruits and nuts as well as small packets of Kellogs, you know, those in sets of 9.  OK so they have sugars but I find these 'stay' my stomach.  Without I wouldn't be here.

Himself cooks small meals: grilled chicken or chopped chicken breasts stir fried with home grown veg. when possible.  Pancakes are a good standby - with honey ;-) …….. he makes curry which is filling as well as cooking fillet steak with veg. or on a bed of rice.  As a recovering anorexic facing food is difficulty on a daily basis!  Lunch time is my hardest meal to fill, so he made Cornish pasties in bulk which defrost and reheat really fast. 



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Re: PMS off the charts these days
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2016, 04:52:54 PM »

CLKD where do you get that info about fluid? Not heard that one before!

Hurdity x