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Author Topic: Just plain weird  (Read 4717 times)


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Just plain weird
« on: March 11, 2016, 10:37:48 AM »

Ok so  I am going cold turkey on hrt so consultant can get a baseline.....again! I have  already had a period and my second one  is def on its way bang on cue totally regular periods despite being told I am menopausal. Last day 3 bloods showed normal fsh but extremely low oestrogen to quote my gp. So on the build up to this period I have terrible pmt really sore boobs bloated tummy sick in mornings and now the whole stuffy nose thing I got when I was preg amd was told it was caused by hormones? Also the muscle pain is out.of.control and cramps in tummy bad. So is this my own progesterone causeing this? My periods have always been painful but if I am lacking hormones what is going on. Have consultant appt on 15th april if I make it that far.........


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Re: Just plain weird
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2016, 10:57:20 AM »

Poor you it's sounds very bad, but at least you have a date when hopefully you can start getting some help.
I stopped my HRT in December and all was well until the last 4 weeks when all my menopause symptoms have come tumbling back so I feel that the 4 years taking it was a momentary release from the symptoms.  On the up side I have not had a period or any symptoms so I will hold onto that one.
Hope you feel better soon.


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Re: Just plain weird
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2016, 01:25:43 PM »

Maybe you don't remember the pre-menstrual effects from years ago?  I do.  But I can't replicate the feelings, fortunately!

Hang in there.  Your body will sort itself  ;)


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Re: Just plain weird
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2016, 04:27:41 PM »

Tinkerbellj - what you have told us sounds like typical peri meno symptoms. Even if you are still getting periods your hormones will be fluctuating and causing all sort of problems. Headaches, sore boobs, cramps etc together with erratic and prolonged bleeds is exactly how my peri meno first started - in my mid 30s!!!!
If you do go back on HRT I would suggest a very low dose, to start with, to simply balance things out a bit. 
DG x


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Re: Just plain weird
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2016, 06:38:38 PM »

Yeah think u r spot on despite the fact the hrt consultant gave me femiston 2/10 thought I was going to die! I am asking for oestrogen gel or just the pill to be honest . I had sandrena gel when I had the coil and I liked it and felt the benefit much more than the tablets or patches tbh. Consultant kept saying hopefully.your periods will have gone when u come back. I am 47 with a one yr old child so I  doubt it think this is the tip of the iceberg!!!


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Re: Just plain weird
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2016, 10:18:12 PM »

Tinkerbellj - if you did well with the Mirena, why not have another? The Mirena keeps the womb lining thin and means you can use as little or as much oestrogen as you like alongside.  You could use Oestrogel once the Mirena is fitted and start with just one pump per day, so low dose, and then, if meno symptoms emerge, just up the dose to 2pumps per day.  The Mirena will usually stop all bleeding which can be a real plus.  DG x


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Re: Just plain weird
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2016, 10:30:46 PM »

I came off HRT about 5 weeks ago,same as you, to get a baseline and see what my body does naturally as I had been having excessive bleeding on HRT. I'm 41 and been on it for 2 1/2 years.

I've had the month from hell, headaches, aching back, neck, pins and needles  in feet, unable to kneel - just feeling old and aching all the time. not to mention memory loss, lack of sharpness and insomnia!

I started back on the HRT 2 days ago and feel better already. Maybe it's just psychological but I can feel a definite improvement so just shows how debilitating it can be to come off HRT and the resultant drop in oestrogen.

Hope you feel better soon 


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Re: Just plain weird
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2016, 10:23:08 AM »


Yesterday I restarted HRT, previously had been on Femoston but now have swapped to Oestrogel and used 1 pump in the morning. From about 6pm yesterday, I started to feel super calm and relaxed. Surely that can't be the HRT working already? I've been off HRT for 4 months but my anxiety levels were getting bad again and was desperate to try HRT again before increasing my AD's. I'm peri and have had 2 raised FSH levels over 2 years but never had o, p or t tested.  My flushes have returned with avengance too.

I'm 44 with 2 young children so need to function as well as I can.



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Re: Just plain weird
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2016, 10:43:23 AM »

To all you ladies in your 40s who are experiencing peri meno symptoms but finding the balance of hormones difficult to achieve:
I had a premature meno that started with peri symptoms in my mid 30s and was put on HRT.  I was given quite high doses of HRT and found I got headaches and other symptoms with this level.  The peri stage of menopause, when our own hormones are fluctuating and falling, is a very tricky time and whilst HRt will and can help it won't solve everything because of the underlying fluctuations going on.  Sadly, women are not educated about what happens when the menopause hits so naturally it can be scary and confusing.
When I was 40 I took myself off to a private meno clinic (Amarant Centre) in London and the doctor told me to take a one month break from the HRT I was using - I then got a period on my 4th week!!!! I then had bloods done which did show I was well into peri meno(high FSH, low oestrogen) and was then put on just one pump of Oestrogel per day with 10 days progesterone each month. This lower dose of oestrogen seemed to be perfect for the next 2-3 years.  Obviously I went into post meno by the time I was 42-43 and I then increased to just under 2 pumps per day.
I think this type of tailoring is important. Simply increasing the amount of oestrogen if symptoms come and go is probably not a good idea in the peri stage.
I really urge you to keep in mind that, often, less is more and certainly starting on a low dose for the first few months is a good strategy. Please, please don't chop and change doses, stick with a low dose for at least 3 months to see if the HRT is making difference - then adjust after that if need be.
Mis71Mum - I would certainly stick with this one pump per day and whatever progesterone you are using for 10-12 days each month - it may not be perfect but could just keep things ticking over for the next year or so.
Good luck  Dg x


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Re: Just plain weird
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2016, 01:10:46 PM »


Yes I agree, I'm going to continue with the 1 pump. I'm feeling quite relaxed again today but did have my first reflexology session last night too.

One thing I have learned over the last 6 months, HRT and AD medication are powerful medicines but still need time to build and by chopping and changing things too soon, will only lead to confusing symptoms.

I don't think I'm progesterone intolerant as I always used to welcome the 2nd grey tablets on Femoston 1/10 but did suffer a bit when I changed back to the white ones.

I have been thinking of getting my o, p and t checked privately but not sure if it's necessary if my FSH levels were 27 and 35. Not sure if a high - ish fsh means my oestrogen will be low automatically.


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Re: Just plain weird
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2016, 03:56:05 PM »

Mis71mum - My understanding is; if your FSH is high then this will indicate peri or post meno.  The oestrogen levels can be misleading, especially in peri meno as they will still be going up and down.
27 and 35 FSH levels I think are earlyish peri meno. You could try having the Mirenafitted, which would eventually stop all bleeds, and simply add in some Oestrogel - starting on the one pump and then increase as,when or if needed. This combo can be so simple, gives contraceptive protection through the peri meno stage and there is no hassle with the prog and bleeds.   Dg x


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Re: Just plain weird
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2016, 04:50:02 PM »

Thanks for the reply.

Once I've got a month or two of HRT under my belt, I may consider the Mirena coil. As anything that lightens my periods would really help. When I increased to Femoston 2/10 last year, I ended up having 3 heavy periods in a month, which then made my ferritin levels 6!

Because of this, my GP made me abandon HRT mid pack and to be honest, I don't think I've been quite right ever since. Slowly getting there though.

I think it's a long term solution too from what I've read. I think a gyny that I saw last year advised against if because of my depression at the time, then prescribed the exact same progesterone in a was a bit confused.  If it does affect my mood, I can always have it taken out.


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Re: Just plain weird
« Reply #12 on: March 13, 2016, 07:22:43 AM »

I had to have the coil removed. Stuck it out for 8 months and whereas it did make periods lighter I had constant spotting never knew when period would cime and had bad cramping throughout like my body was constantly trying to expell it. Plus I was really moody etc mind u I am like that now! But if it worked for u go for it I can see how its the best option for some but my body did not like a foreign body there at all!!.


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Re: Just plain weird
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2016, 10:29:25 AM »

Tinkerbellj - The Mirena doesn't suit everyone - as we always say on MM "it's trial and error". I had the Mirena for over 4 years in post meno and though I did get the occasional cramping and for the first few weeks felt rather sedated, it was my best option at the time.  I have recently been trying Utrogestan, which many hail as the perfect option, but I got bad cramps and erratic bleeding with this.  I will give Utro another go though and try it on a monthly basis again.  I do hope you find a good way forward.  DG x