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Author Topic: How long have you been on the menopause?  (Read 10664 times)


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Re: How long have you been on the menopause?
« Reply #15 on: March 13, 2016, 10:21:06 PM »

Oh Night_owl :'( :'( :'(
I cried my eyes out when I read your post, I could be you xxxx


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Re: How long have you been on the menopause?
« Reply #16 on: March 14, 2016, 02:37:59 AM »

Dear Ladies, your posts comfort me, just knowing that others are experiencing such awful symptoms!
I too wonder and hope that more research is being done but have not read about anything which in itself is depressing.  I have lost so much of my confidence and courage through this hormonal meltdown.  I try to press on but it is a battle when the hormones drop and the confidence plummets.  The old me was nothing like this.  I know that my brain is trying to flog my ovaries to perform normally again and that they are having none of it.  This is having grave consequences on me mentally and physically.  I too wonder why some women seem to be so badly affected while some appear to be far less so.  I am glad that at least we have these forums as meno still seems to be something of a taboo subject with some women, at least it has opened up a little.



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Re: How long have you been on the menopause?
« Reply #17 on: March 14, 2016, 09:03:35 AM »

Oh dear Night_Owl

I am so sorry to read your post, especially having known you on here over the years struggling through your journey. Some of us seem to be more unlucky than others in this respect and you are one such. I know you have had a lot to deal with recently as well as menopause and please do not let yourself suffer more than you need to re mental health issues. Please go and get some help if you can, and ignore those competitive women - if they are making you feel bad then don't spend any time with them. You don't need that.

I wish I could help but sadly I can't but please have a :bighug: from me.

Take care

Hurdity xx



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Re: How long have you been on the menopause?
« Reply #18 on: March 14, 2016, 10:01:07 AM »

I can relate to so much in your post Night Owl- spent 3 hrs of my 50th yesterday in a and e with racing heart and feeling rubbish- male dr suggested further heart tests as a possibility but when he went off shift saw a lovely woman in her fifties who just said menopause is hell and she recommended sorting hormones and anxiety out before doing anything else- she was so kind and I felt that someone was acknowledging my pain and not writing me off as neurotic hypochondriac- my lady GP is nice enough but is everything I am not- cool, collected and holding down a high powered job whilst no doubt being in peri too as she is my age- and i just feel useless and pathetic turning up week after week with my woes. In the past, I'd look to my GP to tell me what to do, but now it is all just 'what do you want to do?" which is great when you are capable of making a decision but not so good when you can't even decide what knickers to wear.

walking the dog

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Re: How long have you been on the menopause?
« Reply #19 on: March 14, 2016, 10:43:07 AM »

what a sorry bunch we are I wish you could all pop around to mibe and we coukd listen to each other and have a hug. thats what this forun is like a huge room where we can pop in and out for support.

if anyone lives in north east Newcastle area pm me and maybe we coukd meet up for extra support ?

I still think until men suffer nothing will change !

coldethyl I laughed at your difficulty choosing Knicks but you had it spot on there . myvfemake gp is fab but about 35 im sure she looks and me and wonders if thats who she will become especially as im always tellibg her how im not tge person I was in my thirties !


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Re: How long have you been on the menopause?
« Reply #20 on: March 14, 2016, 11:37:56 AM »

I just wish there was access to walk in clinics like they have for family planning or even sessions at your GP surgery were you could book a longer appointment with someone who has had extra training in women's issues. Sometimes you just want a bit of reassurance that you aren't going mad/dying/ turning into your mother ( oh hang on that is true) but because you fear being labelled a time waster you struggle on getting more anxious and depressed. I've developed lots of weird symptoms since hitting peri and some old ones like ectopic heart beats and fibromyalgia  have returned or worsened and no one seems able to do the joined up thinking and see the bigger picture , or if they do think menopause, they just think you should be ok with the symptoms because it's just that. I just wish that someone in the medical profession that I see would say that they believe me that things sometimes feel so bad that dying seems a preferable option and spend some time seeing how they could treat the various issues I'm having as part of a 'syndrome' rather than individual random ailments.

walking the dog

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Re: How long have you been on the menopause?
« Reply #21 on: March 14, 2016, 01:33:48 PM »

very sad and very real.

maybe the reason there are no walk in meno clinics is because  they would be over ran with menopausal wome and the staff would be at a loss what to do with us all.

maybe we should try a petition ?

menopause strips us of ourselves and its the worse feeling in the world. im having a few tears now


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Re: How long have you been on the menopause?
« Reply #22 on: March 14, 2016, 01:39:23 PM »

very sad and very real.

maybe the reason there are no walk in meno clinics is because  they would be over ran with menopausal wome and the staff would be at a loss what to do with us all.

maybe we should try a petition ?

menopause strips us of ourselves and its the worse feeling in the world. im having a few tears now

I can relate to that. I sat sobbing alone in my bed yesterday which was my 50th birthday and thought that my only solution was to end it all as I felt so detached from who I used to be and life around me. Today I feel a bit brighter and ready to face living this way again. Hormonal swings suck and I wish there was more local self help groups for women of our age.


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Re: How long have you been on the menopause?
« Reply #23 on: March 15, 2016, 06:39:19 AM »

Well ladies what can I say?
My intention with this thread was not to create a sad one. However I think It highlights how much women go through mentally and physically with menopause. Thank you all for your frank replies, it's good to know we are not alone.
Next question I suppose is will we ever feel well again?


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Re: How long have you been on the menopause?
« Reply #24 on: March 15, 2016, 09:37:08 AM »

and my answer from my own experience is that yes, we can, but with some limitations that ageing can bring  :)


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Re: How long have you been on the menopause?
« Reply #25 on: March 15, 2016, 11:54:36 AM »

Ladies, so sorry to read that you are suffering so much - you ALL have my sympathies.  Meno can be truly ghastly and life-changing.  "If you are going through hell - keep going" springs to mind - 'tis all we can do and hope for brighter days.  In my 40s I thought that my 50s would be better, now I'm thinking maybe my 60s will be brighter.

Coldeythl - how awful for you on your 50th birthday to wind up in A&E.  By way of info, recently I had worsening palpitations and the GP arranged a 24 hour heart monitor to check on the ectopic heartbeats.  Have you had this done?  (My last birthday was totally ruined, beautiful sunny day, days booked off work, family trip to the coast - the heat/sun brought on a severe migraine. just great).   You made me smile - re: knicker decision-making - I'm with you on that one (my preferred choice: safe, comfy, baggy, old lady ones). 

I found the panic/dread seems to subside over time - albeit still there but the volume is turned down a bit - the body goes into some sort of shock when the ovaries first pack up functioning - but I had to take HRT and get referred to a meno clinic as I was a total basket case - and yes I felt like (and still do) a hypochondriac.

Hurdity - thanks for your kind words.  Feel I should get off these boards as all I do is bang on about negative stuff, progesterone intolerance and migraine, just wish it was different.

Shellb - "Will we ever feel well again".  Somehow we have to keep Hope, Faith and Willpower that there will be brighter days.  At least we are not alone on this journey - it's not just you feeling this way.


amended - I can't even spell properly these days!
« Last Edit: March 15, 2016, 11:57:34 AM by Night_Owl »


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Re: How long have you been on the menopause?
« Reply #26 on: March 15, 2016, 12:57:04 PM »

No one seems that bothered by my palpitations night Owl... I've had them on and off for years and was admitted to hospital for tests including 24hr monitor when they started. Saw a GP last weekend and they weren't concerned just said to up my BBs slightly to help with the adrenaline surges. I need to see my own GP about HRT as that was what hospital doctor suggested so will see what they say.q


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Re: How long have you been on the menopause?
« Reply #27 on: March 15, 2016, 04:16:45 PM »

  Feel I should get off these boards as all I do is bang on about negative stuff, progesterone intolerance and migraine, just wish it was different.


Night_Owl!!!! That's what these boards are for - to help women of all kinds get support and understanding for their symptoms and feelings. It is exactly the sort of place where you can be as negative as you like if you are feeling rough physically and/or mentally, and no-one will judge you for it. Hopefully you may be able to feel a little bit better some of the time - and definitely focus on the little things that help with this that you can latch onto when you're feeling down. Sorry if that sounds like empty words - I know I have been lucky, and I feel for you.

Take care

Hurdity xx

Rocket Queen

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Re: How long have you been on the menopause?
« Reply #28 on: March 15, 2016, 04:46:50 PM »

I don't know really.   2.5 years maybe.   I'm not doing well at all.   I am feeling terrible today, very unstable and very tearful.


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Re: How long have you been on the menopause?
« Reply #29 on: March 16, 2016, 11:48:01 AM »

sparkle -  :hug:
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