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Author Topic: No Thyroid No Overies, No more control and a Newbie  (Read 5332 times)


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No Thyroid No Overies, No more control and a Newbie
« on: March 23, 2016, 10:39:16 PM »

Hi there

My Story is long and quite an adventure as far as medical story's go, I hope that some information I have learnt will help others, and I have already read many stories which are now helping me, so who ever created MM, thankyou, in the past 48 hours I have read so much advise and seen so much support, it has encouraged me, when I had begun to be in a very dark place,

My story starts 21 years ago, I brought my beautiful daughter home from hospital, and then I collapsed, a faint, this continued to happen so I saw my GP, she said I had sleep depravation, and to get more sleep, this continued and also brought on seizures, very scary when your holding a new born, lucky I never dropped her, I think  ;).  for the past 18 years Doctors looked at every part of my body did every imaginable test and concluded I had Physdo Seizures, a name no longer used as its very sole destroying to patients. I had for years told doctors, I had common signs of when these would happen, and always around ovulation which has always been painful, and whilst I had my periods, which were always painful and heavy, but only since child birth.

so leading to a breakthrough they have now stopped that is up till December this year, here is my medical background and the point to my post.

at age 21 - tonsillectomy
at age 31 - Mekildiviticulium - a large growth (Benign) near my appendix, growing onto my bowel and pancreas, resulting in bowel resection and partial removal of pancreas - complications caused this to take 5.5 hours in surgery.
at age 40 - Complete Thyroidectomy,  Large goiter had destroyed the entire Thyroid - x 2 surgeries due to complications both taking over 6 hours each
at age 41 - Hysterectomy - Due to a prolapsed Uterus - complications caused this to take 5 hours - both ovaries checked and both healthy and normal
at age 42 - Left Ovarian Mass Territoma Tumour 13 CM by 12CM, attached to Bowel and intestinal wall, speed of growth less then 6 months, another 6 hour surgery followed by multiple complications,
at age 43 - Right Ovarian Mass - Territoma Tumour 14CM by 12 cm, rate of growth, less then 4 months. surgery 5 hours,
With each surgery my lungs and heart have weakened and meant I have had to go to ICU for assisted breathing for some hours to recover, I have been given medication by mistake due to hospital staff being overworked, on medication caused me to have a heart attack while in A&E for complications following surgery, my bowel has been completed laid out and relaid back into my body, I am only just beginning to grieve for the loss of all of my women hood some 2 years later. I will be turning 44 this year, and with no overies or thyroid, you could say I feel like a total alien to myself and every day is a lottery as to how I wake and what level of competency I have to deal with life.

Because I was told that the medical system couldn't find anything wrong with me and my seizures where in my head, or that I had depression, I became almost like a victim of abuse.....sounds strange, but I lost all my confidence, so have for years doubted every time I walked into the doctors, and have not been able to express directly how I feel, something that is hard anyway when your not feeling well, but made worse, by the fact you are pretty sure they are going to say "Its all in your Head". so my post and its point, ALWAYS listen to your intuition, always act on it, there is no one in the world that knows the intimacy of your body better then you, we as women have the most amazing engineering under our hood, that hold a world of beauty and complications, In other words if it doesn't sound right keep checking get second opinions, my second point is don't take medications synthetic and natural until you understand what all the affects good and bad mean, you are putting something into your body on the advice most often then not of not knowing if it will work, so there will always be a trial period, keep a diary of how you are tracking on new meds,

I currently take a mixture of synthetic and natural, and I have a homeopath and a GP I now know that working with them both helps me far better to understand my needs....THIS IS WHAT WORKS FOR ME,  so finding that recipe that is right for you is the key, if you are having side effects, it generally means the dosage is to strong or not the right medication, don't put up with long term trials, it generally takes around 6 - 10 weeks for the body to align to new drugs in your system I have been advised, but my point being, if your uncomfortable don't put up with it an example for me, is I was prescribed HRT with both hormones, and have been on these for 4 months, I have breast painfulness that has me in tears, I am now trying a more natural remedy and will give this some time to see if it fits my body better.

anyway, I think I have said enough for a newbie, thanks for listening, I also really needed to get a whole lot of my system so thank you for providing me a platform.

Warm regards xox


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Re: No Thyroid No Overies, No more control and a Newbie
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2016, 01:07:04 AM »

Thank you sparkle for your lovely message,

I hope I didn't sound ranting, I think I have just been bottling up a heck of a lot and needed to get it out of my head and make sense of it all, I have had so many up's and down's in mood swings since my last surgery,  its really nice to find somewhere to put all my thoughts, I have just started a whole new regime of natural medicines along with Thyroxin things to help my hair grow back as it falls out in handfuls etc the things that make us feel feminine, also natural remedies to help me with Menopause, God that's a shocker, now I know what my poor mother went through, and as kids, we simply thought she had gone slightly insane,

Its horrific to think women use to be sent to mental institutions when they had terrible menopause due to intolerance and ignorance, I guess that's something to be thankful for,

Have a wonderful day, and thank you again,  :)


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Re: No Thyroid No Overies, No more control and a Newbie
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2016, 02:06:38 AM »

Hello OverIT43,   :welcomemm:  having just read your post after waking up with an anxiety attack, I echo Sparkle's comments - you obviously have enormous strength to keep going through such a horrific ordeal;  and to have to go through the utter frustration of having your doubts dismissed, only to be proved right.  In this day and age, there are still doctors out there who appear to be hopelessly out of date with regards to knowledge about the menopause (as some ladies on here know only too well) but there are some good ones as well &, as you said, we do still have a lot to be thankful for in that women are no longer sent to asylums.  It certainly does feel like a type of madness (hence my name on here!) at times but your post is an inspiration to us all to keep persevering in finding what regime will work best for us (I started to experience that breast pain that you mentioned about, earlier this week so have lowered my HRT dosage as this happened when I last tried it two years ago).
I have found the ladies on here to be an immense source of support - you have definitely come to the right p!ace
Thank you for your post & I am hoping that you have now found a regime that appears to be working for you xx



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Re: No Thyroid No Overies, No more control and a Newbie
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2016, 09:02:32 AM »

Hi OverIT43

 :welcomemm: from me too. Wow you have been through a lot! More than most people of your age and no wonder you feel as you do.

I just wanted to pick up on your point about HRT as I wasn't clear whether you are still taking it? At you age you really do need to continue to replace oestrogen (but you do not need extra progesterone - so assuming you were not given this?) to help protect your future health - heart and bones amongst other things. The medical literature and recommendations are quite clear about this.

I totally understand your desire to want to do things naturally - I am the same - which is why I only use HRT which is "bio-identical" ie the same molecular structure of hormone that is made in our bodies ie estradiol (the type of oestrogen). This is as natural as you can get - because it is just replacing what your body should be making at your age. You should take this at least until the natural average age of menopause of 51/52. Your doctor should have recommended this - and the most natural way to get it into your system is through the skin ie as an oestrogen patch or gel which you spread on.  Depending on the dose you were given, there can be side effects initially - eg the breast pain you experienced - but this should settle and is better minimised by starting with a low dose and gradually increasing over a few weeks. Even a low dose would be beneficial for you.

The other thing is many women benefit from testosterone after hysterectomy with ovary removal - as the ovaries also make this essential hormone.

There is some information on this website about it here:

...and information on the oestrogen types here:

Fine to try out other "natural" remedies but nothing will do the same job as oestrogen in your body - except oestrogen!

I hope this helps and please rethink about oestrogen replacement if you have stopped taking it.:)

Hurdity x



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Re: No Thyroid No Overies, No more control and a Newbie
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2016, 09:44:44 AM »

You have been through so much and you are indeed a strong woman. Thank you for telling your story and I hope you start to feel stronger everyday xx


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Re: No Thyroid No Overies, No more control and a Newbie
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2016, 07:42:16 AM »

Hi Hurdity, Halfpint, Madbloss,Thank you all for you lovely messages. After every surgery I have always felt very grateful to have got through it, and have always dusted myself off got through recovery and carried on, but not this time, this time I feel defeated, and come to the realisation I will never be my old self again, so I have to start liking the new me, 30 KGs heavier with a quarter the energy I use to have. But alive with a wonderful family and plenty to be grateful for, xox

Thank you for the site references I will have a look through them, to answer your question I am still looking into the best alternative for HRT and osteoporosis avoidance,  I am just beginning to learn how more now and this site is certainly helping, I do know I can't handle the HRT tablet I was on, the pain in my breasts was so bad and intense and my breast tissue had begun to harden leaving my GP a bit speechless and very apologetic and his advise was to stop immediately and to have my appointment with my homeopathy,  and then to come back to him as also waiting on blood test for Hashimotto's Disease, so we are going to talk about the whole lot both appointments next week, I am expecting we will sort out the hormone medication, I will read more into the alternative you have provided, thank you for this info,

Happy easter everyone,



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Re: No Thyroid No Overies, No more control and a Newbie
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2016, 09:03:34 AM »

You obviously know your own body well after all you've been through. Its great to see you have a positive personality despite all your experiences ,hats off to you.
I think the hardest hurdle is excepting the changes our bodies go through at this time ,I found once I stopped trying to chase the " old " me I seemed to get on better. We cant stay the same all of our lives its just not realistic,so good on you for starting to love and embrace the you now.


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Re: No Thyroid No Overies, No more control and a Newbie
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2016, 09:12:15 AM »

Thanks Dazned - appreciate your lovely message, and your absolutely right, and ill certainly try.


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Re: No Thyroid No Overies, No more control and a Newbie
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2016, 01:32:35 PM »

Welcome to the forum OverIT43. My goodness, what a journey you have had. Hope you find some comfort on here. You can vent and rant whenever you want. Sharing is a release and nobody judges you on here.

Happy Easter to you too. xx


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Re: No Thyroid No Overies, No more control and a Newbie
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2016, 04:53:40 PM »

Hi again OverIT43

Hope you manage to get some joy from your doc - not sure what the tablet was you were on but sounds like it was probably too strong too soon? As I said transdermal is best ( through the skin) - so gel or patch.

Re liking your new self - that is a fantastic philosophy to have - although maybe see if your doc can help you do something about being 30 kg heavier? I can appreciate that with all your problems and especially re thyroid - it will be difficult to exercise and prevent weight gain - but in terms of your future health and prevention of diabetes etc then if you felt able at some point to start looking at this a little at a time - your body would thank you for it and you will be surprised at how much better you feel. Perhaps your thyroid meds need tweaking and maybe ( apologies if you know all this) have a look at your diet and see if this is contributing to weight gain? I can imagine this must seem daunting but try to think of it as part of your journey and desire to improve you health naturally. There is some information on this site:

Homeopathy won't do anything to replace your oestrogen nor the other hormones though - but I am pleased to hear you sound like you are in good hands with your doc. Do keep us updated about your visit to the doc and have a good Easter too :)

Hurdity x


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Re: No Thyroid No Overies, No more control and a Newbie
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2016, 04:47:19 PM »

Goodness me OverIT43,  what a journey!
I'm making contact as I too have had multiple surgeries - colostomy aged 26, ileostomy aged 29 then severe endometriosis which means 20 years of more surgeries with complications.  I reached 50 and thought Great as I had been told the menopause would kill off the endometriosis and I would be better!  Well I was better but also had suspect mass on ovaries - so in January 15 I had hysterectomy and my bowel perforated,  long long story.  I feel wiped out by that op as I haven't fully recovered.  I have sinus holes in my abdomen which won't heal without more surgery.  It's a long story.  I also seem to be having meno symptoms even though I went through meno at 50,  was told,having ovaries out would have no effect but I feel as if it has.
Lovely to make contact with you and hope you will keep posting xx


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Re: No Thyroid No Overies, No more control and a Newbie
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2016, 09:30:00 AM »

so many awesome brave women out there - all your stories make me want to cry and give you big hugs and tell you how strong and wonderful you all are.  On the days I feel I can't carry on I come to this site and just read other people's posts and it makes me realise I really am not insane or different but I m just like so many other women trying to get through life the happiest way we can and trying so hard to find answers and help.

Here's to us!!
Panda xxxx


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Re: No Thyroid No Overies, No more control and a Newbie
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2016, 05:38:16 PM »

Hello OverIT43 and welcome from me too.

You have certainly been through a lot and I admire the way you've coped. Hats off to you madam!

Groundhog - I know a 78 year old lady who didn't have any problems with the menopause but in her late sixties she had a hysterectomy and only then experienced hot flushes etc. Her consultant told her that even post meno ovaries produce some oestrogen so that could explain your situation.

Panda - Here's to us indeed. The search for answers and help continues because we are worth it!

Best wishes everyone.
