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Author Topic: Gurgling stomach  (Read 13150 times)


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Gurgling stomach
« on: March 12, 2016, 03:59:40 PM »

Hi Meno-friends

Until recently I had been doing OK. After a mega-bleed in early December I'd been reasonably OK, and I thought that finally I was getting somewhere with controlling the HA using mindfulness meditation. Then in February I had 'flu - proper five-days-in-bed unable to do anything 'flu, followed by chest infection (antibiotics, though didn't take them all as made me sick) and still blocked sinuses, but getting better daily. OH says I have post-viral problem ad to 'just get on with it'  but it has made my HA kick off and now I am annoying him. >:(

Sorry, I'll get to the point...In the past I have experienced wind/ gas/ indigestion / IBS-type issues; meno/ hormone related I'm sure, seemed to be cyclical. I see a lot of you posting about these type of symptoms and can relate to them. I've got this sort of gurgling on left side, just below rib cage, no pain and it doesn't hurt in that area when I have a good poke and prod. It isn't constant, mostly after eating. Also got wind too at the moment. I'm sure someone posted about there being a valve-thingy in that area, or am I imagining it? I read somewhere ages ago that gurgling stomach is not a bad thing, but I don't allow myself to use Dr Google now... It doesn't seem to be bad enough to go to Drs, but of course it makes the HA go into overdrive and then as a consequence everything else is worse.

Thanks for reading this far



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Re: Gurgling stomach
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2016, 05:24:48 PM »

Anything out of the ordinary can send any of us into a spin  ::)

If you rub your belly around the button area does it move the wind?  The gurgling is probably in your stomach which may well be hungry if you've had the 'flu.  ABs can cause tenderness/upset I rarely manage to complete a Course  :sigh:

Maybe eat little and often?  Dry biscuits.  Ginger biscuits/stemmed ginger.  I use those small packets of Kellogs mid-morning if necessary.  Dried fruits and nuts, good nibbles which fill the stomach. Stops the chance of wind getting a grip.  Drinking slowly helps. 

If the gurgling is bothersome rather than painful, I would use a couple of Rennies/similar to 'stay' the stomach.  Slow release foods such as bananas or porridge can be helpful too.


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Re: Gurgling stomach
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2016, 05:39:14 PM »

 :thankyou:  Sparkle - had forgotten live yoghurt good after a course of ABs ;-)


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Re: Gurgling stomach
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2016, 05:42:04 PM »

Yep.  Except mine shrunk in the wash  ::)

Ju Ju

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Re: Gurgling stomach
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2016, 08:36:35 PM »

My tummy gurgling can be quite musical. It has been known to join in when I am singing!


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Re: Gurgling stomach
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2016, 08:42:18 PM »

 :o …………..


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Re: Gurgling stomach
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2016, 08:43:01 AM »

Thanks everyone for your replies.

CKLD - you have a good point, perhaps I am hungry? I try not to eat much in the daytime because of HA issues (scared of needing to find toilets - that's a whole other story) but thinking about it I don't get as much gurgling in evening when stomach is fuller or maybe I am relaxed then (and have had a glass of wine).

Tiggergirl   I think its called borborygmus. Just looked it up. I did have a very brief look on Google, but I can't stay there long when the pancreatic cancer sites start coming up. The general gist I got was that gurgling is normal and lack of gurgling is a bad sign. Seems a common problem although most people were complaining of pain/ discomfort with it, which I don't have just wind. It also seems to be always on the left side.

I will try to keep a food diary. Following the antibiotic episode I did increase my activia intake to three a day - usually I have two. I can't get Yakult or Actimel here (France). Last year I was getting more IBS/d type issues especially in the morning after breakfast, so I stopped eating museli/ milk and eat these sort of breakfast biscuit things, but they are still wheat based. Not sure what else I could eat for breakfast. I suppose my diet is a bit weird - I'm mostly vegetarian although we will have fish once a week/fortnight and I don't eat any cheese except goat cheese (OH intolerant to cheese), don't drink any milk or tea, don't eat much fresh bread - more toasty type stuff, 'cos I felt that the fresh bread was too yeasty, usually have a boiled egg for lunch. It's difficult to work out what it could be - coffee perhaps? only have two cups in the morning, too many activias?

On balance I think it is probably related to the HA issue and that is something that I am struggling to control, like so many of us  :(


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Re: Gurgling stomach
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2016, 10:59:07 AM »

Hi Bettyboo - I asked my doctor about this as the gurgling was always on the left and I believe she said that the stomach empties into the small intestine which is slightly on the left. While having a look around the internet to try to find out about my IBS symptoms I found this site which, I think, gives a really good description of how the digestive system works.

I hate the gurgling feeling when you're not near a loo!

Taz x


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Re: Gurgling stomach
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2016, 04:55:33 PM »

It did explain things well I thought.  The mysteries of the digestion system  ;D

Taz x


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Re: Gurgling stomach
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2016, 07:51:15 PM »

Bettyboo - put me on a UK Motorway and I need the loo  :-\ - sometimes with a sense of desperation  :sigh:

LIVE yoghurt from Greece is lovely.  I often mix a large spoonful of sugar in for a pudding.

Being vegetarian will cause 'wind'.  You've had a course of ABs and if you haven't eaten 'properly' there will be a gap between the stomach and the last meal.  Maybe have dry biscuits or ginger biscuits with you? I find that helps any gurgling.



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Re: Gurgling stomach
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2016, 08:51:39 PM »

Fight or flight response.  Even though I know what causes it knowing doesn't alter how I feel  :-\.  For years I knew every lay-by on the A5  ::).


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Re: Gurgling stomach
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2016, 10:45:24 AM »

Once again, thanks for your ideas and support.

I read your latest answers on my phone and then when I came to reply on computer one had disappeared, or maybe I am going meno-mad...? Yes, I seem to plan trips out on whether or not I know where the toilets are or whether I have 'been' or not. It's getting ridiculous. As mentioned in the post that's now gone, I too take an Imodium if I have to go somewhere that I'm worried about or out for a meal, then I worry that it's not a good idea to be abusing the tablets in this way. We've a holiday coming up soon and I'm dreading it. It'll be OK while we're in the campervan ( think you'll relate to this CKLD) as own facilities on board, it's the trips out that worry me.

This meno-s**t is a never-ending circle of worry.  :(


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Re: Gurgling stomach
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2016, 12:31:28 PM »

Our camper van has a Portapotty but I have to walk to the facilities to shower etc., tend to use the toilet when there are less likely to be people listening  :-X - or I flush first  ::) (who empties your facility, apparently it's usually a man chore)


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Re: Gurgling stomach
« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2016, 08:29:43 AM »

We have a big white box on wheels with the bathroom jobby, so I'm lucky there. But you're right - strict demarcation of pink jobs and blue jobs in the 'van, although at home OH does a lot of housework as he's retired and I'm not.

Funnily enough the gurgling has stopped now, or at least I'm noticing it less. I wonder if it's like the palpitations and when I get in a state I notice it? I'm pretty sure that there's a 'period' down there trying to start, it's been three months since the last one, lots of pre-symptoms especially mood (sniffling all the way through Crufts for example) and a little typical pain and staining yesterday. In fact, when that happened I was so relieved - it's as if when I know what a symptom is then I don't worry about it, it's the not knowing that starts the HA even though virtually everything can be attributed to this wretched meno. 


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Re: Gurgling stomach
« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2016, 10:37:57 AM »

We have a thread about my camper van " Look what we've Bought" I think I called it  ::).  Of course, I"m hankering after something a bit larger so that I don't have to traipse to the facilities in the snow  :D

When I get twinges like I used to when menstruating i.e. low back ache, low pains in the bikini line I wonder ……. I have to remind myself that a) I've not bled for eversomany years and b) it ain't killed me yet  ::)