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Author Topic: Allergy blood test  (Read 4529 times)


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Allergy blood test
« on: March 09, 2016, 10:47:18 AM »

Hi all
I'm really confused. My husband had a gluten free intolerance blood test and its come back negative, she asked if he was still drinking soya milk and gluten free cornflakes at time of test, I said no as I read somewhere that you don't about two weeks before the blood test as it won't show up if he's gluten intolerance, ok so that made sense to me, but she said he should of carried on drinking and eating those things so it would show up, that's confusing, so now she said he can have a dairy allergy blood test for milk, cheese and cornflakes, but carry on drinking soya milk and gluten free cornflakes, and gluten free cheese, how is that suppose to show up if he's allergic to those products, anybody please help me, before I go mad. Thanks. By the way since he's been drinking soya milk and gluten cornflakes he's been a lot better as regards to toilet wise.


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Re: Allergy blood test
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2016, 11:38:03 AM »

Who ever ordered the blood test should have been more explicit!

Why is it thought that he has any allergies?  Soya milk can cause problems in some ……..

Maybe give the Path Lab. a ring and talk to someone there?


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Re: Allergy blood test
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2016, 12:38:03 PM »

Hi clkd
He's had toilet problem for years, and the Drs always says its ibs and then was told by another gp that there is no such thing as ibs and explains in details, he's had camera as there bowel cancer in his family, everything fine, and then we started to log food details, were eating healthy no red meat, no ready made meals, plenty of fruit and veg, but noticed when he has cereal with semi milk with either cornflakes or weetabix he has the runs the next day and any cheeses, so I started him on aloe Vera juice and it seemed to have helped, then I put him on soya milk with gluten free cornflakes, haven't tried the gluten free cheese yet, it seemed to have made a difference, although he's going to toilet about 3 times a day no diahhorea,  where as before all this was once a day with diahhorea, so not sure, we are going to stop the aloe Vera juice, and see if he goes to toilet less. Or is it the fruit smoothie we have at lunch time. I suppose we will get there in the end


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Re: Allergy blood test
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2016, 03:52:33 PM »

I have recently been diagnosed with coeliac disease. You need to be eating a normal diet eg wheat for at least 6 weeks before blood test and endoscopy. If blood test came back negative then he most likely does not have coeliac disease. But if they are sending for a endoscopy then you must eat wheat for at least 6 weeks before.. Sometimes blood comes back normal but endoscopy shows up positive. I had positive blood test and endoscopy. There is not really gluten free cheese most cheese does not have wheat unless you buy ready grated packed cheese as flour is used to bind cheese so it does not stick. Your husband might allergie to dairy.


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Re: Allergy blood test
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2016, 03:57:23 PM »

I have found lactose free milk to be much better for me. But I have not been told I cannot have dairy. Im not pushing for that test as life without bread, cakes, pies is bad enough. The gluten free ones are just not worth eating.


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Re: Allergy blood test
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2016, 04:00:38 PM »

pj44 has explained it well.  My cousin who is type 1 diabetic also developed coeliac disease. She was eating gluten foods at the blood test which was positive but had stopped before her endoscopy which she should not have done but her biopsy was also positive.

I'm a bit confused as well.  Did you mean he had stopped eating all foods with gluten in them before his blood test as this could have affected the result. If he was eating foods with gluten in before his blood test then the test is almost certainly correct.

Lactose intolerance is very common and can be tested for easily.

I have hiatus hernia and acid reflux and found that gluten free products don't give me heartburn whereas normal bread does. You can be intolerant without being allergic.


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Re: Allergy blood test
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2016, 04:21:14 PM »

Just to confuse things further, my son had the coeliac blood test which was negative and endoscopy which was also negative.
However he chose to have private blood tests which came back that he should avoid gluten, dairy, yeast and 2 others he has stuck to this religiously his migraines have improved tremendously, his bowel issues and his bloating, yet the drs say the tests mean nothing.


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Re: Allergy blood test
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2016, 05:12:14 PM »

Hello rower.

Your husband may be reacting to the proteins in the milk rather than lactose which is a sugar. He may find that sticking with Soya milk or trying another of the so called ‘ motherless milks' like almond or rice, will be enough to help him.
Take care.



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Re: Allergy blood test
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2016, 05:24:32 PM »

Sarai ……….. sometimes private blood tests show results if the Company running the Lab. are also making food stuffs/supplements .  Does your son keep a food/mood diary?  Some people can develop sensitivities to various stuff in the air/diet and if cutting out has helped, as long as he eats a healthy diet, it's worth while!

Sometimes too, by paying for investigations we get a more thorough profile than what the NHS will run too  >:(.

There certainly IS Irritable Bowel Syndrome - otherwise why would so many people suffer !  My GP diagnosed me the day after I decided not to kill myself because I felt so ill and was unable to face another 24 hours feeling ill.  He gave me Colpermin peppermint capsules and I think, Motillium to swallow.  Saved my Life. >phew<

Fruits and veg. will cause the gut to expel quicker than might be comfortable.  If it's 'within normal limits' for your Husband with slime or blood then continue as is?  I had beetroot sandwiches at lunch for 2 days, my gut reacted in the early hours  ::).  Ruffage?

How is rice 'milk'  :-\ …….. we eat rice and pasta without problems, fortunately as I love curries.  Milk pudding was given to invalids, it was my Gr Grans standby for upset tummies.

Let us know how he gets on!


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Re: Allergy blood test
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2016, 06:53:49 PM »

Were the private blood tests - food intolerance tests , it sounds very much like it given the wide range of foods he should avoid. These are not available on the nhs as only true allergy or auto immune conditions are tested for and food intolerance is neither.

These food intolerance tests can be useful and I have had them in the past although I found that the results changed from one test to the other and were both times for foods I never ever eat! Saying that i do know someone who improved her sinus problems via food intolerance tests but they must not be mixed up with nhs tests for coeliac disease etc


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Re: Allergy blood test
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2016, 08:27:52 PM »

Hi all
Many thanks for your helpful replies.
He was having diahhroea for many years just by eating normal food. This is when he was told it was IBS.
So I decided to do some research. I got him to have aloe Vera juice, it has helped a lot. But when he has semi milk with cornflakes or weetabix the problem starts. So I decided to get soya milk and gluten free cereal, this seemed to have worked. But he empties him bowel about 2 to 3 times a day normal passing- 1-10 1 being bad an 10 good, his is around 7 upwards. Whereas before it was once in the morning( dish hires).
The dr said he would have a blood test for everything all came back fine, ie kidney ok, liver ok etc. The gluten intolerance came back negative.
My dr say we can do a blood test for milk, weetabix and cheese allergy, he must carry on having soya milk, gluten free weetabix/ cornflakes and lactose free cheese when he goes for the blood test.
My question was how does the test work if he's not having semi milk and normal cornflakes/ weetabix. How does the test know if he's  allergic to semi milk etc


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Re: Allergy blood test
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2016, 09:56:19 PM »

Lactose intoleralnce is not dependant on your diet for diagnosis so his test would be positive  even if he was totally dairy free at the time and prior to the test.  There is a genetic element to lactose intoleance and you can get a private test that is based on dna reading!

The weetabix wold have come under the gluten/coeliac test already done as its pure wheat.


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Re: Allergy blood test
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2016, 01:48:44 PM »

The tests my son had all came back with foods he ate, though one was carrots, that was a mystery to us, as to why, but he did eat lots of them.
he eats very healthily excluding these things and has also improved his sinus issues, yet all gp tests said he no problems. The NHS does not really every look for intolerance in my opinion which can actually ruin peoples lives.

He plans after 6 months to reintroduce one at a time and see how he goes on.

Incidently my daughter as a baby constantly brought back her milk and cried constantly and had the runs but she also thrived physically and gained weight. It took me until she was 9 months to see a consultant who said she was 'putting it on'. Luckily I took my mother and we fought our corner. Finally they agreed she could have 'Wysoy' and all her issues stopped very quickly. She was dairy free for a year and could then tolerate milk. It took until her late teens to be able to tolerate large amounts of cheese which she adores.


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Re: Allergy blood test
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2016, 04:59:09 PM »

Lactose intolerance is so common.  I know 2 people with it and they can tolerate a certain amount of it in cheese and yoghurt but as soon as they add any milk or butter or cream etc they really suffer.  Seems as if we all have a tolerance limit and once you go past it :o


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Re: Allergy blood test
« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2016, 05:07:48 PM »

I'm lactose intolerant. A right pain it was to start with, easier now with the free from ranges in shops. I was tested for other intolerances but all was clear. I take lactase tablets as recommended by GP. Helps a bit, stops the violent reactions, but still get upset tum from time to time. I tend to take a tablet if out for a meal, just in case.

Someone has opened a gluten free/sugar free/ low carb restaurant near us & they will even do lactose free. Can't wait to try it out!