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Author Topic: joint pain in upper arm and shoulder, crying, jaw ache, feeling low...NO MORE  (Read 11531 times)


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Hi all, new here - 51 years and really struggling.
Had these new symptoms now for about 8 weeks, been for MRI as I was convinced I had MS.

Horrendous insomnia, health anxiety - shoulder pain and think I have lung cancer. I'm going out of my mind. My poor husband. I have 2 kids who sadly I can't give any real attention to.  Has anyone else had these upper body symptoms (apart from my hip which has started playing up)

Just a wreck.
Normally I'm a confident and competent person - what is happening?


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Hi yorkshire

Welcome to the forum.  I'm new too and someone will be alongbsoon with lots of good advice  :)

're. Your arm ache I have had that too feels like the bone is burning in my forearm, and shoulder and thumb.  I thought I had trapped a nerve, but seems more like hormones as itbhasnt responded to a splint.  One of many symptoms few people talk about apart from on here!

I'm trying HRT, I haven't had good results yet but hoping that changes soon.  if you put more details about where you are in your cycle others will give you some tips if you want to try the her route, often you need to tell your GP as they aren't well briefed.

Take care and be kind to yourself x


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Hi Yorkshire

Taz  x :welcomemm:


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Hi Yorkshire

:welcomemm: from me too!

Obviously get your shoulder pain etc checked out but presumably as you have joined this forum and are posting on here, you are wondering if these are menopausal symptoms maybe, and perhaps your periods are going awry?

Joint aches are common as it says here: "Joint aches commonly occur, often affecting neck, wrists, and shoulders but recognition of their possible association to menopause is often lacking."

Let us know what your periods are doing and if you have any other typical menopausal symptoms of flushes and sweats (although you might not get these if you are taking anti-depressants).

Hurdity x


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Hi Yorkshire! Welcome!

Obviously no one can say with certainty the cause of your joint pain, but it is a common menopause thing. I had something called frozen shoulder for months, and wasn't aware at the time that it was connected to hormones. Thought I like I slept on it badly for weeks before I realized that wasn't the case. Even after being told it was frozen shoulder, and the info leaflet said it can be caused by hormones, I didn't know at the time that applied to me and didn't make the connection. If it helps to know, mine took about 2 or 3 months to recover, then I got it in the other one! The second round didn't give me near the anxiety thought as I knew then it would run its course.

As for other symptoms, it certainly does feel like I lost my mind for awhile. Feel free to elaborate on how things have changed for your body. The ladies here have great advice.


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hi, my last period was about 8 months ago, then 6 months before that.

I get night sweats (although they are easing a bit now), flushes if I sit still long enough.
To be honest I just feel terribly low and sad like I'm trapped and my body is disintegrating. I go for acupuncture, reiki and do yoga and pilates and walk the dog for exercise.  I have very little appetite.

Never before have I felt like this. Please tell me this will pass. Can anybody recommend a couple of supplements - for joints, insomnia.

Also is it common to seem to have a number of health symptoms, headache, shoulder ache, hip ache all at once?


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Thank you so much.

So vitamin D - anything else for joints?
what about the depression and low appetite? - as somebody who has never been 'depressed' I'm not sure what to make of it


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Horrendous insomnia, health anxiety - shoulder pain and think I have lung cancer. I'm going out of my mind. My poor husband. I have 2 kids who sadly I can't give any real attention to.  Has anyone else had these upper body symptoms (apart from my hip which has started playing up)

I don't know if this will help or not. During perimenopause I developed severe pain and extreme stiffness in one shoulder [much like frozen shoulder - but not]. After a while it developed in both shoulders. I was fortunate and had access to a physiotherapist. She gave me strengthening exercises to do. I did them for a while and they helped a bit. But suddenly out of nowhere the pain and stiffness disappeared and after about a year I was able to fasten my own bra again  :) It was very strange. But I believe what was happening was hormone related. That was a good few years ago now and I haven't had problems with my shoulders since.
So maybe physio could help.
Good luck and take care. ♥

Mary G

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Yorkshire, welcome to MM.

Sorry to hear that you have been having all these problems but it is very common.

Is there any reason why you are not taking HRT, like an underlying health problem for example?

Lots of women develop depression and health anxiety at this time and are wrongly diagnosed and put on ADs when they really need hormone therapy. 

To be honest, HRT is the only way to solve menopause problems, nothing else comes close and it might be worth giving it a try.  Most of us on here are using transdermal, bio identical HRT like patches or gel (my preference) together with bio identical progesterone (Utrogestan).  Don't be put of HRT because of out of date scare stories, they are all been discredited.  Have a look at the HRT section and then come back and ask any questions you might have.

You are only 51 so you really don't want to be struggling on like this for years.



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Hi yorkshire

I agree with Mary G - why not start HRT - it will deal with most of your problems that have a hormonal cause and make you feel a whole lot better :)

Hurdity x


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When I was 40 I started getting pain in my knees and startedbtking glucosamine and chondroitin and it worked brilliantly.  I also started practicing yoga regularly to build up the muscles around the joints and after about 2 yrs I didn't need the pills anymore.  Now I am getting arm , shoulder and hand pain since starting peri, confirmed by Dr,, and just reading your post made me wonder if the G&C might help again, as it is a pain killer in effect.  I'm going to give it a try as the pain in my arm keeps me awake sometimes...  It takes a while to build up but I will report back.
