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Author Topic: Feeling down & fat 😥  (Read 4357 times)


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Feeling down & fat 😥
« on: March 07, 2016, 03:11:55 PM »

Hi everyone, I'm a newbie here & after a little advice & reassurance - apologies in advance for the long post.
I've been having hot night sweats for a while now & I've put 2.5 stone on in 2 years - despite trying to keep it down. I decided just before Xmas something needed to change, I wasn't losing weight despite trying so maybe I had been kidding myself! I do Pilates, yoga & barretoned & have packed in sugar completely & reduced my carb in take. Still no budge downwards on the scale & measurements aren't changing either.
I went to see the doc this morning thinking (hoping) she would say it sounds like a under active thyroid but no she thinks it's probably premenopause!! I'm 43!!!
Now I can cope with the night sweats & whatever else Mother Nature can throw at me but I've put so much effort into losing weight & it's just not budging.
I been on the edge of tears all day, I'm destined to be this fatty forever, I look in the mirror & I really don't want to be me anymore.
Any help would be truly appreciated.
P.S the doc is doing tests for thyroid anyway - she was lovely, I'm just feeling completely helpless 😔


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Re: Feeling down & fat 😥
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2016, 03:22:59 PM »

Hello and  :welcomemm: I'm glad your doctor is attentive and looking at your thyroid too.

I think I went perimenopausal in 2001 when I was 44. By 2003 I had increased in weight from 9 and a half stone to 11 stone 2 and I stayed like that for a year and then dropped a stone in a year to 10 stone 2.  I stayed like that for quite a long time and then 2 years ago, aged 57 and post menopausal I dropped back to 9 stone 10.

I do believe that hormonal ups and downs can play havoc with your weight, but yes, so can underactive thyroid so it is good this is being checked.


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Re: Feeling down & fat 😥
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2016, 03:35:57 PM »

Hi, welcome to the forum. Loads of lovely ladies on here who will offer advice and experience. I don't take HRT but do suffer from anxiety and depression ..... Oh the joys of menopause.  :welcomemm:

Ju Ju

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Re: Feeling down & fat 😥
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2016, 04:10:39 PM »

If you are serious cutting out sugar, check labels on processed food. Sugar has many alias in ingredient lists. It's probably safer to avoid processed food as much as possible. If the ingredient list is long, don't even bother!  Remember to look out for natural sugars too. I was advised to only have 2 pieces of fruit a day and then only with meals.

 I have a friend who has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes recently. This was a big shock and he has taken it very seriously, researching and cooking from scratch. He has already lost a stone. Lots more to lose, but a good start and he is eating how he intends to for the rest of his life. At your age, I weighed 2 to 3 stones heavier. It crept up on me. I lost a load, because I became intolerant to wheat, then more again when I was told I was insulin resistant. I cut down on sugar of all kinds and now weigh less than I did when I was at college. I'm in my 60s. The added benefit is looking better in clothes, as well as being healthier. I don't exercise as much as I should, but I do think about what I eat.

Don't lose heart. You can lose weight. Eat as you mean to carry on for life and allow some naughty things as a treat occasionally.


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Re: Feeling down & fat 😥
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2016, 05:40:31 PM »

So hard to lose weight at our age, but don't give up. I managed to lose 2 stones 2 years back. Unfortunately it slowly started creeping on, so before I hit 60 in a few months, plus have an outfit to get into for sons wedding later in the year, I took matters into my own hands. It's still hard, but slowly but surely it's coming off. Don't lose heart. Small targets.


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Re: Feeling down & fat 😥
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2016, 05:47:32 PM »

Awwww meme me ...sending much hugs

I lost 3stone 3years ago and felt good about myself, through slimming world, but I've piled it back on..... I'd love to be slim,but I love food too....

Just wanted to say there is hope..... Try not to be hard on yourself

M x


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Re: Feeling down & fat 😥
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2016, 06:01:50 PM »

Thanks for the info - I am serious about giving up sugar juju & have cut all processed foods as well as the obvious cakes, sweets etc.  I did plenty of research before I took the plunge.  The only fruit I eat now are berries and I don't really have many of them.
I'm just so disheartened as I changed my diet so drastically, from processed foods, take always & chocolate (1 or 2 bars a day) & I'm not seeing any reward & to find out this is part of the menopause, and not a medical condition just  feels like a life sentence. Sorry for being so depressing x

Ju Ju

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Re: Feeling down & fat 😥
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2016, 07:41:25 PM »

I understand. When I lost weight I either had no choice or the threat of diabetes, of which there is a very strong history, loomed. You need to be motivated, but that's not easy. I had and have that motivation. Have you considered something like hypnotherapy? I've heard good things about Paul McKenna's book and cd on slimming. The sad thing about going on a diet is that you successfully lose weight, then relax and bad habits creep back. You have to change how you think about food and habits so that healthy weight loss is maintained.


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Re: Feeling down & fat 😥
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2016, 08:09:49 PM »

It's not dieting as such - we are all on a diet from the day we are first fed.  It's a change of Life-style that is needed. Find out what 'diet' works then see what else can be changed in order to maintain the weight you feel you ought to be.  This includes keeping hydrated, having a good exercise plan as well as 'me' time.  Remember too that exercising is likely to build muscle which can weigh heavy.

Also, middle aged spread ain't a myth.  Nearly 12 months ago my apron suddenly dropped so I have lost muscle in the belly area.  As oestrogen levels drop muscles become lax  ::).

Browse round.  Ask anything you like. We have a 'funny' room too  ;):welcomemm:


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Re: Feeling down & fat 😥
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2016, 04:32:15 PM »

Hi Mememe


Sorry to hear about your weight problem. In fact you should not put weight on quickly around menopause - but as we age our metabolism slows down so we need to eat less. Here's some info on this site:

Most of us noticed as we reached a certain age (or hormonal stage) that we were not able to eat as much as we could when younger. In my case - I just reduced my portion sizes so that I didn't put on too much although at one point I have been 3/4 stone heavier ( lost it now). A couple of years ago I made sure my evening meal was on a smaller plate so that it looked full, and when all of that wasn't preventing weight gain I have also fairly recently drastically reduced carbs to zero - I mean carb-rich foods like bread pasta pastry rice and spuds as well as sugar. I have lost 10 pounds since September - aged 62 and now weighing 8st 11/12. It is possible!

If that doesn't do the trick for you as well as all that exercise ( I also do 3 classes per week - two of which are cardio) then I would be looking at some other explanation of which you say that thyroid is the most obvious. Good that doc is doing bloods for this and do ask for a print-out of all your blood tests and the actual thyroid TSH reading when it comes back. Do you have any other symptoms eg fatigue or feeling the cold?

Are you on any medication which could be causing weight gain?

Do not despair! You won't be that fat for ever! Maybe you could run through a typical day of food (and drink including alcohol) that you have ( although we can't see how much) and the snacks - also how tall you are etc, and those of us who have dieted a lot through our lives might be able to help you and support you with small steps (provided there is nothing else causing the weight gain?).

The most important thing is to feel well and to feel good about yourself so getting yourself on the right track for that so that you can buy yourself a new item of clothing that you couldn't fit into before - can pay dividends to self-esteem. For me I am so please that I can now get into all my jeans/skinny trousers and do them up without a muffin top, even after washing them - and also have way more energy at my classes as there isn't as much weight to jump up and down  ::)

I agree with Ju Ju - you have to change for life. I am a bit sad that I can't eat everything I used to all the time but prefer to be this weight - and once the weight is lost - well no need to be boring all the time - I go out for meals and eat what I like, have wine at the weekends - even chocolate (the high cocoa type!), and roast potatoes!!

Good luck and let us know about your thyroid tests.

Btw what are your periods doing - over the past 12 months?

Hurdity x :)


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Re: Feeling down & fat 😥
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2016, 11:07:17 AM »

Hi,I'm a newbie too
Sorry your feeling down about your weight gain.
I'm too have an under active thyroid(18yrs),weight gain & post menopausal aged 42
Please don't give up keep pushing your Dr after all you sound like your doing everything right to loose weight.My Dr didn't believe at 40 I was having menopausal symptoms do I bought a kit from Amazon which was similar to a pregnancy test & it was clear I was.They tested me & confirmed I was in perimenopause-maybe try a test yourself 1st.
I know it's easier said than done but stay positive I'm sure everyone loves you for who u are & not your size & ive been told it's only me who sees me bigger.... Saying that when I'm down those words don't help,I truly believe someone up there wants me to be fat.
The only thing that snaps me out of it is when I watch/hear of others who are very poorly then I stop & think I'm just abit bigger,as long as it doesn't become a health issue being abit curvier can be sexy ;)


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Re: Feeling down & fat 😥
« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2016, 12:45:23 PM »

I hate the amount of weight I have put on.... I have no medical reason, I work from home and I am seated most of the day, but I do walk at least once a week for around 5-6 miles (at a good pace) and I go to the gym 2-3 times per week where I do 20 mins of cardio and the rest is strengthening exercises.  I have always carried weight and at 5'1" it shows I am heavier now than I have ever been but I have always been able to drop a few pounds quickly and easily..... not this time, but I am going to start and do something about it, I know that I have to but being woken in the night 3, 4 or 5 times with hot flushes and feeling generally rubbish it is hard to be motivated but I am going to try..... keep the faith ladies


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Re: Feeling down & fat 😥
« Reply #12 on: March 17, 2016, 01:01:54 PM »

 i understand how you feel, when i got to 50 i thought i better lose some weight before the menopause hit me
so i went to weightwatchers, lost 24 pounds took me 2 years, so i guess the menopause was already affecting me
then when my periods got erratic the weight started going back on almost as soon as i got to goal
now i have regained it all and a bit more, i know i have to change what im eating, portion sizes, adding more protein and less carbs thanks to the ladies here who have pointed out that i need to eat less
i do a lot of walking, as a carer i dont get much time for any other exercise but i do keep as active as i can
good luck Helen you will do it


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Re: Feeling down & fat 😥
« Reply #13 on: March 17, 2016, 09:52:21 PM »

i had that problem when i was at  weightwatchers i was 2 sizes smaller but i couldnt even see the difference ;D