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Author Topic: Bleeding on Evorel 50 and Uterogestan 100mg after being on it 10 months - query  (Read 4551 times)


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Hello all,

After being on Evorel 50 and Uterogestan 100mg since last April I was getting used to everything being fine until ... I started bleeding last week - it stopped and started and was brown coloured and very light - I barely noticed it except when I wiped myself after a pee and usually only first thing in the morning.  Some days it seemed sort of like noticeable brown strands but other days it was just a sort of brown colour discharge. I noticed it continued for a few days. Previous week to that the same thing happened only for about 3 days, then stopped, then of course it started again last week.  Also I noticed some days I had slight draggy period type cramps - very mild but I noticed them. I also felt out of sorts but as I've got a lot going on, that could be related to other things. 

When it first happened, I ignored it ... I have a lot going on and some stress and I thought that perhaps it was just occurring because of that. But when it restarted last week I realised I needed to get it looked into. I'm going off to a nurse practitioners place tomorrow (they are like Dr's here in Canada, so I'm told) and I REALLY REALLY do not want to have to change my medication because in all other ways, it's worked perfectly. Plus my UK Dr gave me quite a few months of it before I left the UK - and I'd like to use that up and save some money as drugs in Canada are rather more expensive.

Also I'm a tad apprehensive about messing with the meds at the moment in particular as I start a new job on Saturday - its at a store and it's probably going to be mainly p/t but I really don't want to go back to how I was with anxiety etc when I was ill.

I seem to recall reading somewhere that if you have bleeding it means you're getting too much oestrogen? Does this sound right?

The only other thing of late that's a major change is that I've not exercised much since moving back to Canada. This is partly due to the weather (hello minus 30 anyone!) and partly due to a shoulder injury (so I'm not doing much gym stuff at the moment) and partly due to dealing with finding work and also dealing with some stressful legal things with my ex.

If anyone has any advice/thoughts please post.  I really can't afford to be so ill again this time around.  I take Uterogestan for 25 days (and then 3 days off) and change the Evorel patches twice a week. 

Thanks and hugs from Canada!


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Someone who knows more will be along in a moment, but where in the menopause were you when you started on the drugs last April?


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I had some natural periods around Summer 2014 ... but I hadn't had a period in a while.  In March 2015 I was put on Nuvelle Continuous which did not suit me - I had huge highs and lows - alternating between feeling wired and feeling chronically fatigued (at this point I was also recovering from a nervous breakdown brought on by a few decisions I made while experiencing extreme menopausal symptoms - anxiety, panic attack, intense night sweats, constant hot flushes - in combination with a lot of stress).

I was taken off Nuvelle Continuous (thank God!) and began Evorel 50 and Utrogestan 100mg - and as I got better, everything worked well. Then I moved back to Canada in January this year and then I started getting bleeding recently and my heart sank!  Still feel mostly well in myself (no anxiety like I had last March) but the bleeding/discharge is of concern to me. 

I really really really(!) do not want to come off my current medication regime.  I start a new job this Saturday. I start a Masters course in the Fall. And I'm going through expensive legal proceedings (again) with my ex which won't be fully sorted until May at the earliest. Also currently trying to manage some kind of rotator cuff injury (seeing a physiotherapist for that and have exercises to do) as well as still settling into where I currently live (renting a room in a shared house at 52 is not easy), doing a ton of legal paperwork requested by my ex's lawyer (for upcoming legal meeting with ex), doing some online study for a lovely course that I signed up and paid for before I got request to do lots of legal paperwork(!) AND trying to work on sorting out doing an independent study course on menopause for my Masters (as I really want to do it!) - which involves more work which I've barely started ...! Oh and am trying not to spend money though with the health and legal issues, that's a challenge of late!     

Am happy in myself even though there's a lot going on ... but I don't want to bleed dammit(!) on the current medications!  And I really don't want to change them ...


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Hi Greenfields

Wave! (I was sure there was a wave icon but never mind!)

Do not fret - I am sure it will be something minor.

First thing - maybe you are not completely post-menopausal and your own cycle weakly kicked in and overrode the progesterone? Can't remember how old you are?

Second -  can't remember if you are using it vaginally or orally? If the latter then variation in absorption can cause prog levels to fluctuate and if the lining is building up then this can cause some bleeding or spotting. I am assuming this is not occurring in the 3 days off but at some other random time?

Obviously go to your doc as you plan, and if possible they may decide to scan you as you will want to check everything is OK if you haven't had any bleeding/spotting before on this regime? If all OK - I would suggest trying a course of increased progesterone eg during the last week of the 25 days - or if you can tolerate it, double it for the whole 25 days - and then see if that does the trick and also if you have a bleed during the 3 days off - in fact have you been getting one at all? I'm sure your doc might suggest something like this?

Sorry I can't be more specific but is a question of - get checked out, see what doc say, then try increased prog - maybe even permanent regine of every alternate day take 200 mg just to increase the dose slightly?

I'm sure you do not need to change the type of HRT you are using - especially if it is controlling your symptoms - just a bit of tweaking

Hope this helps and glad things are going well generally :)

Hurdity x


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Hi Hurdity!

Wave back to you!  :ola:

Thanks so much for that info! I'm 52. And am using the progesterone (Utrogestan) orally.

And I've not noticed the bleed in the 3 days off. I haven't had a bleed in a long time - not since the beginning of starting this regime with the utrogestan and evorel (I remember having some bleeding/spotting at the beginning).

It's so good to have your wisdom on this board!  And I will definitely get things checked out with the docs here.

Hugs xx


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You're welcome :). OK - so the bleeding is not usual for you even though you're on HRT, and let us know how you get on with the docs. Good luck with all your ventures and studying - great to do that at your age :). I'm a fan of lifelong learning which is why I enjoy being on the forum so much as it stimulates the scientific part of my brain and I don't work in that field any more. I did an Arts Open University course in my late 40's (Diploma) and started a new "career" - well - completely different area of work! I can't remember what subject your Masters is in?

Hurdity x


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I'm doing the Masters in Social Work - and really looking forward to doing it as well, especially if I can construct and study a whole course on menopause as part of my studies.

Will let you know how I get on with the doc - I was going to go today but after seeing the physio yesterday for my shoulder I was in so much pain today I didn't get much done (and he did warn me I might be in pain today!). Plus we started having a snow storm this pm/evening and it got really cold too - I guess the daffodils our out in the UK now?  Here it's cold and snowy!! (altho' I did see a snowdrop a little while ago, very briefly!). 


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Sounds interesting Greenfields!
Yes daffs are out - have been for some time as winter has been so mild - but last few days it has been freezing with gales even in the SW - and we had sleet/hail this morning - snow is also forecast and I think there has been some already in Wales Scotland and N England - so definitely still winter here!
Sorry to hear about your shoulder - and yes do keep us posted :)

Hurdity x