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Author Topic: Breakthrough or withdrawal bleed?  (Read 4508 times)


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Breakthrough or withdrawal bleed?
« on: February 25, 2016, 05:54:38 PM »

Hi, I've 'googled' it and searched in here but I'm still confused so I'm hoping you very supportive ladies can help. I missed a period in September which made me realise all the other symptoms I was having was hormonal. But then my periods were each month. I've now missed January /February period and so I'm on approx 40 days with out. But this morning I had the tiniest bit of blood quite bright and now nothing since. No stomach pain either. Do I see over next few days if it turns into a period or would it be classed as something else. And I don't know what is break through bleed and withdrawal bleed if that's what I could be having?


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Re: Breakthrough or withdrawal bleed?
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2016, 06:05:02 PM »

mandypep - Are you on HRT?  I'm assuming you are not and that you're entering the peri menopause stage.  Erratic bleeding and/or spotting is typical in the peri stage. A withdrawal bleed is what happens when you are on sequential HRT and is the shedding of the womb lining when you finish the progesterone phase of HRT - a withdrawal bleed is not a natural period.  Breakthrough bleeding is erratic and usually unwanted bleeding that can happen when on HRT. So if you are not on HRT then you are simply getting the usual erratic bleeds of the peri meno stage. Hope that makes sense?  DG x


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Re: Breakthrough or withdrawal bleed?
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2016, 10:01:56 PM »

Thanks for replying. It makes complete sense and has explained everything I needed to know. I'm not on HRT so it's the erratic bleeding. I've had nothing since this morning apart from a little bit of the thick white discharge so I am interested in seeing if anything happens over night or tomorrow. Once again, thank you.


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Re: Breakthrough or withdrawal bleed?
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2016, 06:24:43 AM »

I'm still searching the forum and reading as much as to help me understand more what is and why it's happening. If I don't have a period with this bit of blood, could it be also termed as spotting?


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Re: Breakthrough or withdrawal bleed?
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2016, 09:12:11 AM »

Hi mandypepe

Just to add to Dancinggirl's post - as well as withdrawal bleeds happening on HRT, the normal period is also a "withdrawal  bleed". To explain - normal periods are when the egg is not fertilised, oestrogen and proigesterone levels fall and this triggers a bleed - ie the uterus lining which was growing to nourish the embryo - is no longer needed. This is progesterone withdrawal bleeding which is normal - both as part of HRT and your periods.

Most other types of bleeding are unscheduled bleeding.

Oestrogen breakthrough bleeding occurs when the lining gets too thick ( eg in peri-menopause where you don't ovulate in some cycles) and comes away sporadically - but this wouldn't necessarily be the same time as a period, nor the same amount and would not be accompanied by any pms symptoms. Then when you next ovulate your period could be really heavy because two months worth of oestrogen could build up - well in effect that's what happens.

There are other types of bleeding/spotting eg some women experience oestrogen withdrawal bleeding - a small amount of bleeding/spotting when oestrogen levels fall after ovulation, or reduction of the oestrogen part of HRT.

There is also bleeding due to cervial ectropions and other conditions (fibroids etc).

Spotting is what we call any time we just get a bit of blood and isn't a period. You won't know what it is due to though!

There is a great article on this site called Perils of Perimenopause you might like to look at which explains better than I can about what's happening at this time: The thing is at peri anything and everything can happen re bleeding and a bit of blood is nothing to worry about - re what to call it! A period will come when it's ready but unfortunately this is not predictable!

Hope this helps!

Hurdity x



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Re: Breakthrough or withdrawal bleed?
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2016, 05:41:56 PM »

Thank you thank you thank you that is so helpful. It's a mind field and I can only take in information when it's specific to me (I promise that's not because I'm selfish :) ).  I really do appreciate the time it must take you to reply to me.
I had a tiny tiny bit of blood again this morning and then nothing so no period yesterday or today.


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Re: Breakthrough or withdrawal bleed?
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2016, 06:22:30 PM »

How are you doing now - did you get a period or just an attempt? I have had the sort of pattern you mention as well. My advice is to keep really good records so you can show your GP if you are not happy with any kind of bleeding pattern further down the line.


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Re: Breakthrough or withdrawal bleed?
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2016, 07:46:31 PM »

Thanks for asking. Yes I got the mother of all periods on Sunday. Approximately 5.30am extreme stomach ache - similar to onset of labour - woke me. Crying out and writhing in pain for about an hour and very heavy period with lots of flooding. The pain and the flooding is totally opposite to any of my normal periods.