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Author Topic: sleep issues  (Read 4415 times)


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sleep issues
« on: February 24, 2016, 07:31:26 PM »

I wonder if anybody else feels like this!! Its taking me ages to drop off to sleep and when i do im in such a light sleep its hard to know if ive actually slept at all .....its like im aware of what is going on around the room and im constantly tossing and turning every thing seems to ache neck aches changed pillows numerous times ... got myself a memory foam topper and still feel achy ...its driving me mad night after night ,any advice? welcome thankyou.


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Re: sleep issues
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2016, 08:00:32 PM »

Is it night sweats keeping you awake and do you take HRT?

I've developed the opposite really - I sleep much deeper than I used to and go to sleep fairly readily although I wake before I want to get up and can't get back to sleep. I was waking though with a lot of aches and pains just as you are - especially my neck and we've bought a new mattress, a new bed, and pillows - however in my case it has now got better because I take testosterone gel as well as oestrogen part of HRT. I had to get the prescription privately but it's amazing the difference it's made. I used to have neck/upper back pain when I lay down to go to sleep and always used to wake with stiff neck and back pain too.

If you don't take HRT I recommend it - but depends what your other symptoms are too.

Hurdity x



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Re: sleep issues
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2016, 08:16:07 PM »

Hi Hurdity tried hrt but it didnt agree with me made my moods really bad, so im only taking fluoxetine ,but its effects are now wearing off ,they helped me sleep at first as they calmed my anxiety down , not sure whether to try something new or not , my night sweats are very minimal now,but i still get that horrible fed up feeling near enough every day x


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Re: sleep issues
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2016, 11:30:37 AM »

My worst peri symptom is insomnia & I get nights very like yours Elaine.  I'll check the clock and note that it's a lot later than I thought it was and realise I must have been asleep for a while but don't actually feel like I have.  On nights like those, I very rarely get into a deep sleep and wake constantly from very light sleep.  It's horrible and exhausting.  If I go through a long spell of insomnia, I can end up hallucinating which just adds to anxiety that's already there about being unable to sleep.  I also get nights when I dream that I'm lying in bed so it's very difficult to differentiate between real & dream! I got Zopiclone tablets from my GP which I try and take very occasionally (partly because I don't want to be reliant on sleeping tablets and partly because I quickly build up resistance to them and they can cause rebound insomnia if you take them too often).

I got the mirena coil fitted last September and that's improved my sleep slightly, so I must have been deficient in progesterone before that - don't know if that affects sleep at all?

I started using Oestrogel recently but had to stop because my insomnia came back big time - shame, as the extra energy I had during the day was quite nice!


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Re: sleep issues
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2016, 07:17:58 PM »

I had never suffered with insomnia until peri menopause. It really is a dreadful symptom that leaves you feeling so wretched and it severely amplifies your other symptoms i.e. anxiety, low mood, headaches.

I have been really struggling with insomnia this last week. I find myself nodding off easily on the sofa, but as soon as I go to bed I can feel my sleepiness drain away. I lie there trying relax and just drift away but it's like trying to grab mist.

It's soul destroying because you know you're not going to sleep and you know that all you have ahead of you is a really crap day. And there's no guarantee that you will get a good sleep the following night either.

Tonight I have decided to change into my PJs early and get comfy on the sofa, and if I start to nod off then I won't stop myself and go to bed. I'll just go with it, and if I sleep on the sofa then so be it.



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Re: sleep issues
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2016, 08:01:28 PM »

I too have been prescribed zopiclone, but only take it in real emergencies,but they dont give you a good deep sleep either.
I cant never understand why i cant sleep or even stay asleep. I have tried relaxing before bed ,hot baths,milky drinks.nothing helps,just wish i could fall asleep like my husband within seconds lol, Thanks ladies for all your replies guess i am not alone ,just always hope there is a magic answer. X


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Re: sleep issues
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2016, 08:22:12 PM »

Hi sparkle

If I don't sleep then I'm utterly useless the next day. I feel shaky, jittery, near tears. Just misery, really. It just makes everything feel and seem 100 times worse. It really messes with your head. No wonder sleep deprivation is a very effective form of torture.

I only found out about hoarse voice = low oestrogen this week, after someone mentioned it on here. I googled it and found it is a well known symptom. Something to do with tissue drying up and lack of fat in your vocal chords. Apparently professional singers dread menopause for this reason.

My voice just suddenly went a bit hoarse at the weekend. Really odd. Will ask Annie Evans about it next week.