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Author Topic: So disappointed 😢  (Read 4612 times)


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So disappointed 😢
« on: February 22, 2016, 02:51:37 PM »

I'm 57 and I've been 8 weeks off Femseven and feel as if I am going mad!  The first 5 weeks were ok and I thought I'd cracked it but the last 6 days have been awful. The night sweats have been horrendous, Its been taking up to two hours to fall asleep even though I'm dog-tired.  I'm waking frequently with the feeling of heat and sweats throughout the night so now I have resorted to the bedroom being icy cold with the windows open and duvet just on my lower legs.  I wake with my hair damp and stuck to the back of my neck yuk!!

The days are no better as I still have to go 'outside' frequently to cool down, and in the evening I sit with the patio doors open whilst my poor husband freezes!  Alcohol and curries are definately out of the question!

I'm so disappointed that I couldnt see it through but I've had enough now as the flushes are so debilitating and making me feel so down and fed-up.  I have a few patches left so I'm going to restart my hrt and hopefully make a Gp appointment to 'once again' do battle for a new prescription.  Has anyone had the same problem with giving up Hrt or given it up sucessfully?

Jas x


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Re: So disappointed 😢
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2016, 04:48:09 PM »

You now know how far along the journey you are ………. try HRT for another couple of years to give yourself a break?  Then decide - I think that quality of Life is important, don't you?  "The Change" can be a difficult transition.


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Re: So disappointed 😢
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2016, 08:57:15 PM »

I agree, although I'm disappointed that at almost 58 my menopausal symptoms seem to be just as bad as they were four years ago when they first started!

I'm still interested to know if anyone out there has stopped taking Hrt and lived to tell the tale!!!
Also when Hrt was stopped were you symptom free or did the symptons return with a vengance for a while and then fade away?  Any advice gratefully received!!!!



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Re: So disappointed 😢
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2016, 10:26:18 PM »

Hello jasmine5.

I'm afraid I can't help with your enquiry however I did want to sympathise with you as I am 59 and still flushing despite using a patch.The intensity of my meno symptoms is only matched by my frustration and resentment that this blooming journey has yet to end!

Wishing you well and take care.



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Re: So disappointed 😢
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2016, 10:49:07 PM »

I stopped Femoston 2/10 2 weeks ago and have had a dreadful last week. My whole body aches and I feel as if I've been kicked, together with a migraine last Monday and on/off headache since then. there is no way I can continue like this. I feel for you and hope you get some relief soon or decide to restart HRT.


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Re: So disappointed 😢
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2016, 12:42:36 PM »

Did you decide yet?  If the HRT helped ………….  :-\


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Re: So disappointed 😢
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2016, 06:11:03 PM »

Hi jasmine5

I'm afraid I've never given it a chance. When I was about your age I stopped for 3 months because I had been given a conti patch which didn't suit me so I tried without and within 3 months the symptoms were back in full and worse ( they started to return after a few weeks). Two or three years ago I reduced from 50 mcg patch to 37.5 mcg and even then flushes began to creep back so I have kept to the dose that stops all flushes and sweats for me - which is 50 mcg.

There was a limited amount of research which showed that coming off slowly or quickly did not make any difference to whether the flushes came back - ie if they were going to they would - but did affect how quickly they came back - that's all. The problem at your age is - say you gave it a year - then you will be 58 and may want to re-start, and then docs may be more reluctant at this point to prescribe.

The generally accepted view amongst gynaes anyway is that under 60 the benefits of HRT exceed the risks ( if no medical reason why you shouldn't continue) and between 60 and 70 they are approx the same.

As long as you are doing other things in your life to keep healthy - re diet, weight, alcohol and lifestyle generally - then you are doing the best you can so why not continue? One thing is - you don't actually go through the menopause again as your ovaries have stopped working - but of course your body has to react once more to lack of oestrogen in the short term (flushes and sweats) - which only happens for some women , and long term (vaginal/bladder problems, possible osteoporosis).

I'm 62 and still on it and happy (ish!) to continue for a while yet :)

Hurdity x


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Re: So disappointed 😢
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2016, 01:26:33 PM »

Went back to Gp yesterday and explained that I had stopped my Hrt and my symptoms were now after 8 weeks, through the roof! She said no problem to continue with Hrt but unfortunately Femseven 50 (which I've been on since January last year and felt very good on) is only for women who have had a hysterectomy!!! 

I was a quite shocked at this as I'd had a long discussion with the Gp who originally prescribed,  and we came to the conclusion that this was the most suitable for me??

Anyway Gp said that I would have to take Femseven Conti instead as it has progesterone to balance out my hormones.  When I came home I realised that I've tried this patch before and had awful bloating and bad moods. I also remember some break-through bleeding, but I've had that with almost every Hrt I've tried apart from the Femseven 50. 

I've applied it anyway now as I cant put up with the sweats any longer but Im waiting apprehensively for things to go pair-shaped! 




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Re: So disappointed 😢
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2016, 03:59:41 PM »

Thanks for the update. I think - and someone will correct me if I'm wrong - that some ladies take a non-progesterone route with a progesterone tablet every 3/4 months ……..

Maybe you will find this HRT will suit.  Let us know.


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Re: So disappointed 😢
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2016, 05:19:37 PM »

Yes have def read here that some ladies take the prog part less than stipulated.  From what I gather if you want to come off HRT you need to do it very very gradually - may take a  year or longer for your body to adjust .  I still get some flushes - when stressed especially while on it so heaven help me without - I would be a gibbering wreck.  Ideally if thats the route you want to go then I like the idea of just having a tiny patch of say 25 to see me out , however wont attempt that for a few years yet and prepared and quite happy to be on it forever .


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Re: So disappointed 😢
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2016, 05:30:09 PM »

Oh dear jasmine! That doesn't sound good.... fortunately you didn't get any breakthrough bleeding but in view of the fact you have been on oestrogen only for that length of time ( without bleeding I presume?)  I would ask the doctor to send you for a scan - preferably Ultra-sound and transvaginal just to check all OK. It is their error so they should refer you automatically.

What might happen when you start the Femseven conti - as you have been without progesterone for that length of time  - is you could get bleeding. In fact if you have been on oestrogen only for 13 months I am surprised you didn't bleed.

It is really important that you get this checked but the good news is all is likely to be fine if you haven't had any bleeding - as this is usally the first sign of overthickened lining. Don't be alarmed but it would just be a precaution.

Yes as CLKD says several of us continue to take progesterone on a cycle - because we don't want to be on permanent progesterone and this could be an option for you - you might do well on this if you haven't had any bleeding on oestrogen only. This avoids the side effects - well they are then only temporary especially if you are on a long cycle - although most GPs don't sanction this. Utrogestan is the most "natural" one to take if you are going to do this as it consists of micronised progesterone and is the same hormone that our body produces so is bio-identical. there are lots of threads on this.

Hurdity x :)


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Re: So disappointed 😢
« Reply #11 on: February 27, 2016, 06:48:06 PM »

I was so shocked to find out I had been taking oestrogen only for over a year, but no I haven't had any bleeding at all.  Gp explained that she would see me in a months time to monitor if there are any problems and if bleeding starts then I should have a scan to see what's going on. 

I did take Estradot and Urtrogestan for quite a while and felt very good on it, but again I had a bleed and the Gynae Consultant suggested I use a combined once-weekly patch instead as it would be more suitable.

I'm very interested in the progesterone tablet every few months, how does it work and would it stop the bleeding?  I think I used to take 25 tablets and a patch. 
