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Author Topic: Coming off Sertraline...any advice?  (Read 11138 times)


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Re: Coming off Sertraline...any advice?
« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2016, 02:21:54 PM »

I have used homeopathy for years now and started using after having to come off citalopram many years ago after the birth of my son.  Because I couldn't sleep and was still emotional after finishing them they changed my thinking totally.  They worked and I have used homeopathy for myself and my family for many years now.  They have sorted me out with many physical and emotional issues.  Have taken then in peri but can't get them to make me produce oestrogen so that's been a bummer! 
They are good for detoxing and putting your reproductive system back in order and settling you down.  Have felt safer over the years handing my health over to this type of treatment than medical as it allows me to be in control and not at the mercy of something else.


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Re: Coming off Sertraline...any advice?
« Reply #16 on: February 22, 2016, 04:13:36 PM »

Funnily enough Kate, I was seeing a homeopath before I had my meltdown pre-Christmas but because I missed a couple of appointments because she was unwell herself, I then got worse so went off to Drs and got the ADs..... I think I will be going down that route after this to re-balance me because although improvement was slow, it was beginning to work I think.

Coldethyl,  I know you're right - I just typed out the 'feelings' at lunch time and deleted them so felt better for at least getting them out.  They're just ignorant and not worth any more stress.  I am just disappointed because this is the second time this has happened at work with this 'friend'.


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Re: Coming off Sertraline...any advice?
« Reply #17 on: February 22, 2016, 04:32:50 PM »

This is bullying in the workplace.  When you feel better maybe then confront this 'friend'; however, hopefully she is now 'off' your C.mas card list  ;)


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Re: Coming off Sertraline...any advice?
« Reply #18 on: February 22, 2016, 06:35:44 PM »

It shouldn't have to be a long process homeopathy.  I use someone who doesn't stick to classic homeopathy which can be slow using small doses. Check round for someone who uses LM  and M potencies that will probably indicate their range of training. Homepathy is big in India and Germany so there are loads of diverse training and ways of administering the remedies. I have had overnight changes before.


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Re: Coming off Sertraline...any advice?
« Reply #19 on: February 22, 2016, 09:13:31 PM »

I will check Kate but she is a lecturer in homeopathy at the local uni  too and seems to be well respected from what I've heard.


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Re: Coming off Sertraline...any advice?
« Reply #20 on: February 23, 2016, 03:59:14 AM »

I know this is gonna sound odd but I would never have acupuncture (which I've had for 20 yrs) from anyone trained through modern teaching systems they just seem to be modern versions tailored to suit the masses. 
However that's not saying she doesn't know her stuff it's just that some people stick to classical diagnosis and it gives it a bad name in my opinion.  I Had one of these types first and although it worked in some areas it didn't do in others and I found him unable to diverse. My homeopath I have had now for 11 years is much more diverse and has helped me at very difficult times in my life. Hope you get sorted . I'm always handing out remedies to family and friends!


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Re: Coming off Sertraline...any advice?
« Reply #21 on: February 23, 2016, 08:39:25 AM »

Kate, not sure I understand what you mean - I always thought that if they had the proper accreditations and belonged to the correct society of medical herbalists/acupuncturists or homeopaths registers in England and Wales and not just done it through some 1 year diploma etc. that these were the 'okay' ones so what makes your guy different - is it the way he has studied or has he studied in another country etc?  Hope you don't mind me asking. x


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Re: Coming off Sertraline...any advice?
« Reply #22 on: February 23, 2016, 12:38:45 PM »

I would ask the same question.  Acupuncture is acupuncture, hypnotherapy is hypnotherapy - homeopathy is ………  :-X

I couldn't tolerate acupuncture, it hurt too much.  :'(.  My Boss told me that I am not a suitable candidate for hypnotherapy so refused to 'do' any for me. 

How do you feel this morning?


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Re: Coming off Sertraline...any advice?
« Reply #23 on: February 23, 2016, 01:23:01 PM »

Really bad again first thing.  Got myself up and sorted for work and was determined to do without a diazepam but crumbled before I got out of the house because I felt so anxious and ill.  Managed to drive to daughters 5 mins away as she then drives us to work and was in the middle of a panic attack of some sort but thought I'd be okay when I got to work.  Takes me ages to 'calm down' once I get here and feel able to cope with the rest of the day.  This is awful.  I have read all sorts of scare stories during my lunch break about the bloomin withdrawals and was upset last night as the Pharmacist said I would need to withdraw slowly over 4 weeks! I've only been on the damned things 6!!!  I am supposed to be going away to Spain for a nice 6 day break in the middle of March and now panicking that I won't be well enough to go as the flight is early morning - right when I am at my worst  :'(  I am not a good flyer at all so unless there is some miracle between now and then, it looks like I won't be going and I'm cross.  I can't bear the thought of feeling like this for another 4 weeks....apparently, as you lower the dose as well, the worse the anxiety withdrawal is.

Strangely, I have woken up around 2:00am restless but feeling fine then drop off only to wake up again as usual around 5:00am feeling absolutely awful - why is it always that time and doesn't affect me earlier???  I am seriously fed up.


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Re: Coming off Sertraline...any advice?
« Reply #24 on: February 23, 2016, 01:32:15 PM »

Its like any thing in life you get good ones and not so good ones! Plenty of posts on here about no so good doctors!


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Re: Coming off Sertraline...any advice?
« Reply #25 on: February 23, 2016, 01:45:38 PM »

I would imagine that the panicky wake up at 5 is probably related to rising cortisol levels which everyone gets to get then up and going in morning, but when you are stressed they can be anxiety provoking as our levels are higher.
I don't think it's helping you reading horror stories online. Few people who get better quickly, come off quickly and have no side effects bother to post on forums. They are busy just getting on and enjoying life. You have to help your recovery by not doing these things - that way your high levels of stress hormones can come down a bit and you won't be reliant on Valium every day. It is hard and we all have really bad days ( I was sobbing all Friday evening for no apparent reason) but we can get better - if you keep thinking what if about your holiday, you will make it harder to cope for yourself. Just think that you will deal with it nearer time as you may feel much better by then anyway xx


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Re: Coming off Sertraline...any advice?
« Reply #26 on: February 23, 2016, 02:55:44 PM »

Hello Justjules.

I'm sorry you are having a rough time and you have my sympathy. I thought I'd tell you that I have the same problem with anxiety in that if I wake at night I'm always calm but come the start of the day I'm a flushing, quivering wreck. There's clearly some sort of chemical surge going on and like you I'm seriously fed up with it.

Sorry I can't be of help but sending hugs.



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Re: Coming off Sertraline...any advice?
« Reply #27 on: February 23, 2016, 03:01:02 PM »

 :thankyou:  Coldethyl …… I always forget about the cortisol levels  >:(

JJ - STOP googling ! your situation is totally different to anyone else's.  You won't need to take too long to wean off and so what if you do? you'll already be feeling more in control - been there, done it, survived! ;-).  I felt awful initially until I realised that I didn't become any worse each day and that the drop off dosage side effects didn't last any longer than 36 hours.  PHEW!

What you fear is rubbish! why would you feel worse?  You may find that original symptoms creep back but you won't feel worse!   You probably feel awful right now because the holiday is in the back of your mind: been there too  :sigh: your GP can give you something to ease flight-related anxiety.


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Re: Coming off Sertraline...any advice?
« Reply #28 on: February 24, 2016, 11:03:41 AM »

First slightly better morning in a long while today thank goodness.  Woke up without the awful adrenaline rush (still got it around 5:00am but told it to sod off...).  Only needed half a diazepam to get out of the house and apart from having little energy sat here at work, feel a bit better so hopefully on the way back up.  Managing to eat as well after all these weeks of bananas and soup.

CKLD, I am my own worst enemy with the Googling, I know.  I only 'look' to see if there's any 'advice' and then embroiled in the awful details and side affect stories.....

Coldethyl, I am doing my Mindfulness as much as I can and my deep breathing  ;)


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Re: Coming off Sertraline...any advice?
« Reply #29 on: February 24, 2016, 12:35:11 PM »

Little steps!
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