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Author Topic: re- switching from estrogen cream and micro prog to femostan  (Read 3152 times)


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re- switching from estrogen cream and micro prog to femostan
« on: February 17, 2016, 05:57:47 PM »

Hi ladies

I haven't posted for ages- in fact this is my 2nd one i think? Been so damn miserable and now realizing I've been in a sort of denial and just putting up with feeling like S***! Where did my life go?!!!!!!

Was wondering if anyone who was on the oetrogel/utro regime had switched to Femostan? Have been under the wing of hormone specialist clinic but try to avoid calling on them as the cost is so high! Now am considering trying via GP.  I'm due to see hrt lady at GP's this week.

I have not been doing very well on the bio route. Am 53 now and seem to still be in peri, although i only get small show of blood when i finish the prog part. Also only 100mg of prog for 9-10 days as any more and I'm knocked out or super hyper and can't sleep. I also freeze it and cut in half so take 50mg x 2  day- vaginally is better for me.

I have also noticed that if i put the prog in on day 15 my mood is much worse- full on depression. I suspect this is bcoz my own estrogen is still following a pattern when the estrogen i my body would be heading down on the scale to have a period. So I don't put the prog in until day 19 or 20. Then i try to go as long as i can but usually by day 28 I am super low again. 

My ability to tolerate prog seems to do with estrogen levels- if I am high enough i can handle it- even feel good on it. If my est is dipping and then i add in the prog that often leads to full on mood swing down.... down into misery land!
What I'm realizing is..... that I seem to have just been putting up with this regime, even though I have about 8 days on and off, when I'm low or depressed or with no energy- literally a mess and on the floor. I think I've been in denial about how bad it is and almost too scared/too miserable to try something different. Recently I have increased my estrogen to 1.5mg. Where before this would have been too much for me.. I seem to be needing more. Perhaps as I am getting older and now going into meno?

I did email Dr Curry who suggested i either come off- (arghhh too scared)- or try the e gel/orpatch as the creams are not recognized.. and have read they may be less stable in the body- which could be why things are sooo up and down for me?!

My issues seem to be more to do with own hormones swinging wildly- keep praying for a settling! I wouldn't be offered the pill as I smoke a few cigs ( I know, I know... but life is hard enough right now!) and anyway when i tried it in younger days i felt dreadful! I also don't want to take the drastic route of a hyster.... and there is no guarantee that i would feel better for it.

Aannyywaay.... I am wondering if anyone here has made the switch to Femostan and actually felt better? Was gonna ask for sequi first and if that doesn't work then try conti.


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Re: re- switching from estrogen cream and micro prog to femostan
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2016, 02:13:14 PM »

Hi ladies

I haven't posted for ages- in fact this is my 2nd one i think? Been so damn miserable and now realizing I've been in a sort of denial and just putting up with feeling like S***! Where did my life go?!!!!!!

Was wondering if anyone who was on the oetrogel/utro regime had switched to Femostan? Have been under the wing of hormone specialist clinic but try to avoid calling on them as the cost is so high! Now am considering trying via GP.  I'm due to see hrt lady at GP's this week.

I have not been doing very well on the bio route. Am 53 now and seem to still be in peri, although i only get small show of blood when i finish the prog part. Also only 100mg of prog for 9-10 days as any more and I'm knocked out or super hyper and can't sleep. I also freeze it and cut in half so take 50mg x 2  day- vaginally is better for me.

I have also noticed that if i put the prog in on day 15 my mood is much worse- full on depression. I suspect this is bcoz my own estrogen is still following a pattern when the estrogen i my body would be heading down on the scale to have a period. So I don't put the prog in until day 19 or 20. Then i try to go as long as i can but usually by day 28 I am super low again. 

My ability to tolerate prog seems to do with estrogen levels- if I am high enough i can handle it- even feel good on it. If my est is dipping and then i add in the prog that often leads to full on mood swing down.... down into misery land!
What I'm realizing is..... that I seem to have just been putting up with this regime, even though I have about 8 days on and off, when I'm low or depressed or with no energy- literally a mess and on the floor. I think I've been in denial about how bad it is and almost too scared/too miserable to try something different. Recently I have increased my estrogen to 1.5mg. Where before this would have been too much for me.. I seem to be needing more. Perhaps as I am getting older and now going into meno?

I did email Dr Curry who suggested i either come off- (arghhh too scared)- or try the e gel/orpatch as the creams are not recognized.. and have read they may be less stable in the body- which could be why things are sooo up and down for me?!

My issues seem to be more to do with own hormones swinging wildly- keep praying for a settling! I wouldn't be offered the pill as I smoke a few cigs ( I know, I know... but life is hard enough right now!) and anyway when i tried it in younger days i felt dreadful! I also don't want to take the drastic route of a hyster.... and there is no guarantee that i would feel better for it.

Aannyywaay.... I am wondering if anyone here has made the switch to Femostan and actually felt better? Was gonna ask for sequi first and if that doesn't work then try conti.
Femoston is a popular and effective hormone on here, but my problem was the other way around, I couldn't find anyone who had not got on with femoston.
I think my meno induced IBS stopped me absorbing the tablets, they were just going straight through.

Eventually, I met a great doctor, who was willing to try me on evorel only, and use utro for twelve days of the cycle, because I was just too scared to use norethisterone after haivng hearing all the bad stuff about it.
Are you sure you are on the right dose?
I ask, because when I went on evorel, it didn't work, and I expected it to, given I was only peri, and a lady on here told me of a colleague who said hrt didn't work on her.
This worried me, as I was getting flushes every half hour, really bad hair drenching ones, the hair on my neck and head was constantly wet and sometimes dripping.
All it turns out was, I wasn't on a high enough dose, and my beliefs about meno were wrong, apparently it is possible a woman in peri will need to up her dose, so I eventually got to 100mcgs before I saw any changes.

Everything is now good meno wise, now I am on the right dose, could that be the case with you.

The only problem I have now is that my utro cycle is all over the place. It's supposed to be day 12 to 16, but calendars, dates and numbers allways confuse me, and I was taking it at the wrong time or forgetting it all together. I even had the wrong dates on my calendar and computer. day 14 to 28 would be easier for me.
I came on my period a few days before I Was due to stop my utro, so it turns out I am only a few days out, but with the whole thing, I am only a few days early, and I am sure that I must have forgot to take urto some nights, so I am sticking to what cycle and I am now, and if I get my period a few days earlier, I am not that bothered, the anxiety and the flushes bothered me most, periods are not a problem, so long as I have enough bunnies and tamps in supply. bunnies are ne word for san towels.
As being off hrt was so bad, I am not willing to have a couple of months off to see where I am,


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Re: re- switching from estrogen cream and micro prog to femostan
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2016, 02:47:39 PM »

Ah dandelion... thank you so much for your reply. I was wondering if my post had made sense, as I hadn't got any replies  :-\!

Am glad you are now getting some sort of relief.

Am I on the right dose? Well how it seems is that whether I am on high dose of e or lower... it's the mood swings with my own hormones fluctuating like a bucking bronco that I can't sort out. So for example- this month I have needed to increase my e dose... maybe i am getting closer to full meno? So i can feel e level quite high.. boobs a bit sore etc. but the swings still hit! Like last night... I got a warning something big was on it's way.. headache coming on then a hot flush.. followed by the most intense depression and energy drop. Still not recovered today. It's a tsunami when it hits!

I saw lovely lady at GP yesterday and she has now prescribed oestrogel and utro. I am picking it up today. The issue is I don't hold out much hope as it isn't that different from what I've been on. But we both decided for me to try that first. Then if that doesn't work I will beg her for the Femostan.

I think what I really need is something to just cut off my own cycle.... which although doesn't give a full bleed is still following some sort of pattern. So birth control pills would  probably do the trick but they won't give to me as too old etc.

Thinking also i maybe need an anti d as I am totally at the mercy of the swings... so intense and overwhelming.. crying, exhaustion, migraines. I try to up my e dose on those days but it doesn't help when it's a big one!

What dose of prog do you take Dandelion? I can't handle more than 100mg per day for those 10 days it goes in. 


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Re: re- switching from estrogen cream and micro prog to femostan
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2016, 11:05:36 PM »

Hi catlike

Good luck on your new treatment - if you apply the gel consistently each day onto clean dry skin without products eg creams and lotions, and make sure it dries properly, you should get a more consistent dose. However if your own hormones are fluctuating then you can't prevent that but the constant oestrogen should cushion you from the intense dip just befre your period starts.

Have you been told it's OK to freeze the utrogestan? I mean is it stable at these low temperatures? It must be cold when you insert it or do you warm it up a little? Does enough stay in the vagina when you insert it in the morning? I would be a bit concerned if only getting a small show of blood - but this could be either due to not enough oestrogen getting through to build the lining, or not enough progesterone to shed the lining. However if the latter you would eventually get random spotting or bleeding and then perhaps a heavy bleed so you would know if so I would imagine..

Anyway hope all goes OK with the new HRT :)

Hurdity x


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Re: re- switching from estrogen cream and micro prog to femostan
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2016, 12:41:56 AM »

Hi Hurdity

Thank you for reply and for being here... you are exceptional in your support on this site!

I seem to absorb the prog this way.... and by the time i pop it up it's already melting anyway. It always knocks me out a bit, so i think it's ok to do that. My previous clinic knew i was doing this way.Think i read about the splitting the prog on Powersurge a while ago!  Have also had scan and lining was fine- but that was over year ago now. I have been buying my microgest online (again with my docs knowledge)- and it's a more of a pear shape from the utro- so was easier to cut. Don't think will be able to do it with the utro.

Yes not sure why no bleed. Could be either really. My e dose has been quite low- about 1.00mg per day- sometimes more- til this last month when i felt i needed to add more. I get constipated if take too much but do take some liver herbs to help with that. If i take too big a dose in morning it can stop me going! So I used to pump the cream into a container and would split it up so as not to overload my system. Thinking now that I may have been making things worse in terms of keeping, as you say, a steady consistent dose.

I do feel i am moving into meno now... the dips are bigger.... my body this last week just drinking up the estrogen. GP doc happy for me to go 2 pumps of the gel. She has also requested another womb scan. I nearly kissed her was so happy to be taken seriously and offered a scan- rather than having to beg for one! Much has changed since i first began all this 6 years ago.

Anyway i do so appreciate your words and concern. Will keep you posted on how i go.
