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Author Topic: Please please help me  (Read 93512 times)


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Re: Please please help me
« Reply #300 on: March 28, 2016, 12:46:57 PM »

I've been reading the forum about nausea and yes it does feel like the nausea I had in pregnancy and I used ginger biscuits then, so thanks for the reminder. Got to go and do the dreaded food shop so will pick some up.

My husband is similar when our kids are ill. He's always struggled with showing his feelings but he did have an awful childhood which has obviously effected him but just wish he could show a smidge of sympathy. Of course I run around after him when he's ill!


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Re: Please please help me
« Reply #301 on: March 28, 2016, 02:33:45 PM »

I don't! as a phobic I can't go near DH if he even as much as sneezes!


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Re: Please please help me
« Reply #302 on: March 28, 2016, 06:02:20 PM »

since joining the menopause matters forum and reading everyones posts it really brings home how many of us are suffering and struggling to get through the days,and it really does help to know your not the only one,which it can often feel like when feeling sorry for self.
I agree that things I used to do before my problems started I wouldn't think twice about,like perhaps meeting my mum for a coffee in a teashop,now I overthink,will I be ok,will I get flustred,what if its busy ect and I usually feel jittery,nervy before leaving the house,the brain just does what it wants,dam thing.Like everyone I just want to be how I used to be.
Justjules I see that you mention stopping your betablocker,how did you stop,did you gradually reduce the tablets bit by bit or just down to 10mg morn and night,but am going to try get right off due to ongoing low blood pressure.
Good luck to everyone trying to get on with life regardless of our dam hormones.


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Re: Please please help me
« Reply #303 on: March 28, 2016, 07:31:12 PM »

Dolly I was on beta blockers 80mg....I just stopped them I was on them about 3 months

I understand what you are saying about doing things you wouldn't think twice about and now makes you anxious .....I'm there just now too, it's awful

Be kind to yourself dolly xx


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Re: Please please help me
« Reply #304 on: March 29, 2016, 08:45:50 AM »

CKLD, my Mum and I are very close, like best friends, which, okay, is not everybody's cup of tea but I class myself as very lucky so that's why I would have been part of such a serious situation with her health. She doesn't tell me a lot of things she struggles with as she likes to be as independent as possible and knows I worry about her.

Halfpint, yes, son says his father reacts like he does because he can't bear to see me ill but I think he just doesn't feel empathy for anyone in that way, unless it his beloved parents of course, then he can't do enough.

Coldethyl, that's how I feel....this feels like such a different sort of anxiety and I can't blame the meno as I am 7 years post at least.  It seems like no matter what I try, nothing works. We've had loads of similar conversations on threads haven't we and are both trying the same sort of things i.e. mindfulness, meditation etc. it's so frustrating as we are desperate for something to work.

Dolly, I was only on a low dose of sotalol i.e. 20mg twice a day so GP said I could just stop. It I was terrified as I had been on them for over 20 years. I just took half a tablet for a week and then stopped.

Been signed off again this week as saw GP yesterday and as soon as we mentioned work, she saw how it brought me out in a hot anxious flush and said she was signing me off for another week with a phased return for two weeks....I woke up this morning in such a state worrying about ringing in, I got my son to do it  :( hubby said I should be fighting this and not giving in to it....have started the Citalopram so I am putting all hope into it as it always sorted me out in the past.  Still got head rushes from withdrawals from Sert but hopefully things will change soon otherwise, men in white jackets will be coming I think!!  ;D


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Re: Please please help me
« Reply #305 on: March 29, 2016, 08:52:51 AM »

JJ you are in my thoughts.  I am having head rushes from stopping E-Cit after only 5 months.  This morning I was making noises about starting it again but husband is not keen and would like me to try and ride out these discontinuation symptoms.  I only took 5mg a day and stopped it 2 weeks ago, the body must get quite depenednt to still be missing it now  :'(


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Re: Please please help me
« Reply #306 on: March 29, 2016, 09:24:48 AM »

Bj, out of interest why have you stopped the e-cit?? X


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Re: Please please help me
« Reply #307 on: March 29, 2016, 09:47:29 AM »

After 2 weeks the drug will have left your system.  It took me 9 weeks of weaning to stop one AD ……….

Maybe a different AD would ease symptoms.

As for OHs who tell their 'loved' ones to 'get on with it'  :kick::beat:


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Re: Please please help me
« Reply #308 on: March 29, 2016, 10:24:08 AM »

I think head zaps are a common withdrawal effect BJ and I know people who have restarted a drug that they fought long and hard to come off because of them. 5 months is quite a long time so perhaps hubby is right to say give it a little more time to see if you can cope. I guess it depends on whether it is the withdrawal side effects that are troubling you or the not having the ADs in your system re your anxiety/ low mood levels.


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Re: Please please help me
« Reply #309 on: March 29, 2016, 10:32:10 AM »

BJ, thanks. It's a hard decision to make when you are coping with other symptoms at the same time. I know what a different person I was when I took Citalopram, much calmer, happier and couldn't cry, which admittedly was a bit weird but preferable than just being in constant tears. I stopped it myself very slowly, because I'd been fine for so long but obviously still needed it but then Dr took me off etc.

I would try and stick with it, especially if you haven't had any luck with any others.

Hugs. Xxx


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Re: Please please help me
« Reply #310 on: March 29, 2016, 12:07:31 PM »

I get head zaps often  ::) - a really weird feeling!


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Re: Please please help me
« Reply #311 on: March 29, 2016, 01:35:24 PM »

I only wish escitilopram still worked for me because I was definitely a calmer person whilst on them (I only took 5mg too) but peri has caused havoc so that I cannot tolerate them anymore (I get a rash, itchy skin, sore itchy eyes & insomnia). I agree with Coldethyl & Justjules - this anxiety is different  (& I have always had periods of anxiety) - I woke up again with it this morning & started crying.  My DH wondered what on earth was wrong.  In two weeks, I am supposed to start training for a new job &, already, the anxiety about it is starting.  I just wish I could get rid of this problem as I have turned down jobs over the last year because of it & feel unsettled about work (especially after I finally found another Cover TA job, & just started to get some confidence back when everyone's regular hours were axed because of underfunding). I am supposed to be attending a party with my husband which is also in two weeks &,  instead of looking forward to it, I feel sick at the thought of going.  My old AD's used to help with anxiety before social events but I cannot fall back on them now - I just have diazapam (which I can still to!erate) for emergencies so I will have to take one beforehand.  Tried Amitriptyline to help me sleep but it leaves me zonked out the next day & I couldn't concentrate on my maths course! (Worrying about the exam as well!   :-\).  Has anyone tried Venlafaxine?  I only ask because a gynae GP mentioned it when I last saw her a few months ago.  I thought it was in the same group as Duloxetine which is supposed to be hard to withdraw from?


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Re: Please please help me
« Reply #312 on: March 29, 2016, 02:28:12 PM »

From what people have said about duloxetine it is apparently evil to get off once you are on it.  I thought Venlafaxine was for bi polar disorder? Probably got that wrong.

When I was peri (as far as I know because I don't know when it all started) I was very intolerant to all sorts of chemicals - alcohol, drugs, household cleaners, hair dyes you name it.  I guess I am now post meno as far as I can tell because my flushes/sweats have got fewer and milder and sometimes go away completely so maybe I can withstand things better now.  I am such a wuss though with little or no tolerance for discomfort and so my perseverance is very poor. It is for this reason I never got on with contact lenses although I tried them 3 times.

What I really want is a pill like a headache pill that you just take and it goes away  ::)


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Re: Please please help me
« Reply #313 on: March 29, 2016, 02:50:50 PM »

Venlafexine is an SNRI so it works on both serotonin and norepinephrine as opposed to the SSRIs that just work on serotonin. It used to be prescribed for hot flushes though think the latest NICE report questioned its efficacy. It is used got anxiety and depression but can have significant side effects , predominately elevating blood pressure so you are meant to have regular BP checks if on it. A friend took it and found it helpful for short term use.


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Re: Please please help me
« Reply #314 on: March 29, 2016, 02:57:44 PM »

All the symptoms you describe: itchy, rash etc.: can be related to a lack of oestrogen.  I never read the leaflets with my ADs unless I get several symptoms  ::)!

I get itchy eyes due to oestrogen causing the body to 'dry up' as well as VA for the same reasons.  Various parts of me itch at various times too!  :sigh:

I haven't had a Very Good Cry for years  ::)
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