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Author Topic: New member saying hello!  (Read 1821 times)


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New member saying hello!
« on: June 20, 2017, 09:39:38 PM »

Just saying hello! I have been a member for a little while but only just plucked up confidence to post. 
I have just past that big 5-0 and I am guessing I am peri-menopausal. Periods range fro 20 to 150 ish days, occasional hot flushes but night time only, shocking mood swings, tired, achy, all  the usual symptons!
I had my usual dreaded smear test appointment with nurse a couple of months ago and thought I would ask a few menopause questions. Usual response, what did your mum go through? I don't know, I lost her at 53 to cancer. The only other useful advice she gave me was Evening Primrose oil or Starflower oil (which I am already on Starflower) and to look online.
Well, that did not inspire me to go talk to a doctor (I am conscious of time wasting at mo with NHS) so where else do you go? No mum to talk to,  mother in  law is mid 80s and never been easy to talk to so here I am!
I was on anti depressants about 3 years ago (came off them 18 months ago) which I am almost sure was down to this peri menopause thing. When I said this to the nurse she looked at me like I was daft. There are times I think it would be beneficial to go back on them but haven't so far. So sorry for a very jumbled post but having a bit of a stressy evening!
Thank you xxx


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Re: New member saying hello!
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2017, 09:54:24 PM »

Hi Jenni67- unfortunately a lot of nurses and GPs seem to know so little about what some of us go through.
I know you are going down the natural remedy route but you certainly sound peri menopausal and as such you shouldn't be offered AD's as a first line of defence. Maybe you might want to have a read of the various treatment options on the site and decide what you'd like to try.
The decision is highly personal and is basically a choice between HRT and alternative therapies to try and alleviate any troublesome symptoms.
Ask lots of questions, have a good browse around and see if you can refer to a menopause clinic or speak to your GP. It's worth a try- some are more clued up than others. Let us know how you get on and  :welcomemm: x


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Re: New member saying hello!
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2017, 10:08:06 PM »

Thank you Michellemabelle!
Not really considering HRT as I was advised against it with my mum  having breast cancer.
When I saw the nurse, she did say they couldn't do a hormone check with me still being on the pill (progesterone only). Really it's just a case of lots of reading and chatting, comparing symptoms and realising it's not just me lol! Thanks again for your reply! Xxx


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Re: New member saying hello!
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2017, 04:58:14 PM »
