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Author Topic: Newbie, Hello!  (Read 2345 times)


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Newbie, Hello!
« on: February 12, 2016, 10:21:41 AM »

Hello Ladies,
I'm Jules and have been going through the menopause for the last 4 years, but only over the last year and a half has it really kicked in ! Sorry this might go on a bit !
I was on a combined HRT but came off 3 months ago and am now trying Menopace, now on my 18th day and have to say I am noticing a distinct improvement in my moods!

I have been going through a very rough period with mood swings & irrational thoughts to the point that I nearly walked out of my relationship!
 My focus at work diminished, found it difficult to concentrate and I was tired all the time, which made me feel so low. I felt unloved by my partner, thought he didn't understand what I was going through and generally felt sorry for myself!

Then I came across this site as I knew I had to do something and I couldn't be the only female who was feeling like this, glad to say I'm normal in that sense!
Well as normal as it can be for a menopausal lady!!

All the things that have been happening are what most of us are experiencing and I feel better just knowing that I'm not actually losing my mind, (which I thought I was!) but this is the menopause affecting my emotional state!

Anyway what I'd like to ask is this..... I'm on the menopace original and although it's still early days, would I be better on the menopace plus?
I get nights sweats, loss of appetite, no sex drive, irritability swings etc. etc. I just want to be "me" again but feel along way off from it, any advice or feedback how others cope with this would be welcome, I am trying so hard to be positive but the truth is some days I just feel like giving up and can't be assed, is this normal?



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Re: Newbie, Hello!
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2016, 11:46:41 AM »

Hi and welcome to MM Frenchmiss16
You don't tell us your age or which HRT you were on? Were you on a Sequential or Continuous HRT?  This would really help us support you better.
Menopace (even the Menopace plus) is unlikely to reduce flushes and general meno symptoms - it is a good general multi vitamin but is still no substitute for a good diet. I have tried virtually every remedy available and never found that they reduce my meno symptoms.
Do read up about the different HRT options as it may have been the type of HRT you were on that effected your mood etc. so it could possibly be worth trying something else?????  All the symptoms you are currently suffering from are typical for the menopause.  Lack of libido is difficult to treat but systemic HRT can help.  If the lack of interest in sex is because of vaginal dryness and discomfort then local oestrogen like Vagifem can really help with this  - this is  not full systemic HRT and is not absorbed around the body so just helps with dryness.
The night sweats are horrid and the result is usually a lack of sleep which does tend to effect mood negatively - You could try an SRRI/AD but they bring side effects and it is now accepted that HRT is the better option when treating meno symptoms.  Do keep posting  DG x


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Re: Newbie, Hello!
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2016, 01:48:50 PM »

Hi Dancinggirl,
Thanks for your reply and the welcome.
I'm 52 and was on sequential HRT, I'm seeing the Doc on Monday to discuss what else there is for me but I'm pretty confused by all the options!
As for diet, I eat healthily and have always been active, I do a lot of walking and cycling alongside my workout, which I do 3 times a week!

This certainly helps but as usual I have my good days and my bad. I am trying to minimize the impact and my head was in' a negative mood' for a lot of the time but have recently taking up the positive approach seeing it as a new chapter in my life, ie freedom from the monthly, not worrying about having my 'emergency kit' well stocked etc .

This is due mainly to reading a book called "How to make friends with the menopause" which is really good and puts a lot of info your way! It's by Sarah Rayner and all sorts of useful stuff as well a professional input by Dr Fitzgerald, it's easy to read and makes sense of the emotional side of the meno as well!

I'll have to read up on what you have suggested about the SRRI /AD, as I don't know anything about them, so thanks.

In the meantime I'll see what the doc says!



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Re: Newbie, Hello!
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2016, 06:15:05 PM »

When I asked you about which HRT you were on I meant what brand - were you on Prempak C or Elleste Duet? Have you tried Femoston? Most HRt preparations have different oestrogens and progesterones - there is also a choice in terms of delivery - so pills, patches, gels etc.  Do look under TREATMENTS above which outlines the options.
If you only tried one type of HRT and found you got side effects then you may do better on a different one -  a possibility is to have the Mirena fitted and use oestrogen as gel or patch (I've used gel fro many years and it's great) - with the Mirena in place this will usually result in no bleeding at all!!!.  If you are into post menopause then you do have the choice of continuous HRT (pills or patches) which means no bleeds at all after the first few weeks.
At your age I wouldn't actually go for ADs/SRRIs (one of the side effects can be reduced libido!)  - HRT would be more beneficial and is now recognised by NICE as the first line of treatment for menopause symptoms.

Some of these books on the menopause are brilliant and inspiring but can make one feel that using HRT makes you feel a failure for not coping - we all experience the menopause differently and quality of life is very important - e.g. if I can't sleep then my whole life becomes a mess.   Baring in mind that meno symptoms can last many years ( for some of us it can be 20 years or more) then using HRT is often the sensible option particularly in our 50s.  I believe that studies now show that 5 years of HRT in our 50s will reduce our risk of osteoporosis and heart disease in the long term and therefore improves quality of life for longer.  At 52 you are still under the average age for the meno which is 54!!
Having said all this, using HRT is a very personal choice and the benefits definitely have to outweigh the side effects.
I am about to turn 60, my meno started in my mid 30s so have been on and off HRT for over 25 years!!! I am currently taking another break from HRT to see how I cope - my husband is already asking when I will go back to HRT - I know he wants his wife back!!! I personally think the impact on our mental health due to oestrogen deficiency is greatly under estimated - I am doing a lot of 'Mindful Meditation' at the moment but it doesn't stop me getting very short tempered with my poor husband - I don't blame him wanting me back of those hormones.
DG xxx 


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Re: Newbie, Hello!
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2016, 05:44:56 PM »

Hi Frenchmiss16

 :welcomemm: from me too.

Glad you have a healthy lifestyle - you are doing the best you can for yourself at this important stage in your life! I agree you don't need to take ADs at this point - as HRT is the best option provided you find the right prescription.

Let us know how you got on at the docs :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Newbie, Hello!
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2016, 08:40:56 PM »

Hello All,
Thanks for your messages Hurdity & Dancinggirl, I can't believe DG that you've been going through this for what 25 yrs, jeez! I don't think I'd have coped with it!!

Well, I'm now back on HRT, I'm on Prempak C, which I haven't tried before and the doc reckons I should see an improvement in as little as 48hrs! To be honest I'm a bit sceptical about the time but if they help....

My hubby said "oh goody, does that mean I get my Julesy back and get rid of the grumpy old moo that replaced her"!! Had to laugh at him but told him it might take a while, don't want him getting too excitable, he might stop helping with the housework lol!!

I can't believe how your emotions get impacted so much with the meno, if it was just the physical I think you'd probably cope better but jeez throw in the emotions and its like one big continuous rollercoaster!

Never did like them ;)

Hope your break is going ok DG? How long before you go back on them?
I'll let you know how I'm getting on in a week or so with these, hoping it's all good though!
Thanks ladies :)
