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Author Topic: Colonoscopy prep, tips please!  (Read 15741 times)


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Re: Colonoscopy prep, tips please!
« Reply #15 on: February 13, 2016, 11:21:16 AM »

Glad they've moved on from Fleet...sounds like Fleet did a lot of moving  :)


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Re: Colonoscopy prep, tips please!
« Reply #16 on: February 13, 2016, 04:55:46 PM »

I have had procedure done twice, both with picolax. Usually starts to work after second dose, and usually stopped running by dizziness or anything with me.....I am sure you will be fine  :)


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Re: Colonoscopy prep, tips please!
« Reply #17 on: February 13, 2016, 11:40:25 PM »

Thanks Ellie, that's good to know.

Although I think I've been so worried I may not need the Picolax   ;D


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Re: Colonoscopy prep, tips please - update!
« Reply #18 on: February 18, 2016, 12:56:47 AM »

Hi Ladies

Thanks again for all your tips and experiences!

Well, I survived everything and got the all clear apart from some small internal piles. It's a big relief to know that there isn't anything nasty lurking in there and that the bleeding was probably the piles or a touch of colitis following the gallstone attack.

The prep wasn't as bad as I thought, I ate lots of thick jelly which was quite filling plus loads of herbal tea, some stock etc. The hardest part was from getting up and not being able to have a cuppa the next day. The Picolax was fine, tasted okay but was a bit nervous waiting for it to work. The first time was the worst and then got less and less from there but did have to get up twice in the night.

I think maybe because I'm eating light because of the gallstones may have helped plus from the Sat night I ate less fibre as well. I had a bit of a nervous tummy before the prep so that may have also helped!

On the day they were very nice, very organised and got the meds and had the best sleep! I came around quite quickly, had a cuppa and biscuits and then waited a few mins for the results and then off home and felt fine although a bit tired because of the broken night. I did spend the rest of the day gurgling quite a bit but that wore off during the night.

They only gave me a brief report there just to say no biopsies were taken but to see my referring doc which I did this morning. The only comment was to continue to eat a high fibre diet.

I'm very happy considering my digestive system isn't the best and often wondered if years of that plus the IBS I had some years back would set something off. I just think it's sluggish and seems to need lots of liquid and fibre to make it work properly.

I would have reported back earlier but just wanted to get the full results first!




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Re: Colonoscopy prep, tips please!
« Reply #19 on: February 18, 2016, 08:35:38 AM »

Great news Wombat.  :congrats:

I had mine on the 23rd Dec - not ideal on the busy run up to Christmas but that all-clear and no need for biopsies was the best pressy I got at Christmas.

Hehe Sparkle - yes I enjoyed that 'clean as a whistle' feeling afterwards but not the wind. I could have given a brass band a run for their money  :o

Galadriel x


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Re: Colonoscopy prep, tips please!
« Reply #20 on: February 18, 2016, 08:38:39 AM »

Brilliant news wombat!!! Such a relief for you, in more ways than one!.  ;)



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Re: Colonoscopy prep, tips please!
« Reply #21 on: February 18, 2016, 10:30:48 AM »

Great news. I was told that polyps take 10 years to go from benign to nasty so if you have no polyps on test then thats great for years. They are even considering doing sigmoidoscopy on everyone at 55 to see if they have any polyps because if you don't then your risk is low and if you do they can keep a closer eye on you but whether it ever becomes screening is another matter!

I have had 1 colonoscopy and 2 sigmoidoscopies and got awful wind and pain for a few hours after each one but was totally fine by the next day.


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Re: Colonoscopy prep, tips please!
« Reply #22 on: February 18, 2016, 10:57:28 AM »

Good news  :)


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Re: Colonoscopy prep, tips please!
« Reply #23 on: February 19, 2016, 07:26:43 AM »

Thanks Ladies!

Sparkle I think mines always been sluggish, not an age thing, it's actually got better once I started taking care of it.

My gp thinks everyone should have one as a 50th birthday present and I guess for a day of starving and the procedure it is peace of mind. It seems the FOB test is useful but I do wonder how many people get a false negative result so a sigy or colony once you are in your 50's seems like a good idea and things can be caught early. I do wonder how Geordie Girl is getting on, I hope she is ok.

Next stop, gallbladder removal! I have a date in just under 2 months which I was able to choose around work etc. 

Then I realised it's mammogram year, so another couple of weeks I can worry...


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Re: Colonoscopy prep, tips please!
« Reply #24 on: February 19, 2016, 05:19:52 PM »

Hello wombat62.

So pleased everything has worked out well.

 My friend who took Picolax for chronic constipation tells me that the treatment worked and she is now 'going normally' lol. Her consultant told her to eat more fibre and take some Linseed oil daily and she says that is definitely helping. My trusty meno book mentions constipation at this time in our lives so maybe a sluggish bowel is to be expected and we all need to counter this by altering our diet.

I wish you well for your forthcoming op and scan. It sounds as if 2016 is your year for a refit lol.

Take care and keep us posted.



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Re: Colonoscopy prep, tips please!
« Reply #25 on: February 21, 2016, 10:44:02 PM »

Yes, my doc is very good but maybe it's different here as you part-pay for everything. We have "free" doctors (it means they charge the rate Medicare sets so you don't have to part-pay) but anyone I know has yet to come across a good one!

It does give a good base point to work from especially as sometimes BC can be quite advanced before symptoms which is always scary and the surgeon said there was a lot of it around. At least they whip anything out found at the time or take a biopsy if something looks suspicious so I'd agree with my doc that everyone should have one at 50!

Everyone is saying I'm looking very well and I do feel much better now I've lost a lot of weight. I just have to make sure I don't put it all back on after the op but then it's difficult to know how the digestion will be. I guess I'm not using my gallbladder much but then I'm being very strict, the first burger or fish and chips will be the time to find out!  It will be strange eating those foods again as at the moment I just look at them and know they will make me very ill so it's easy to resist!

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