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Author Topic: Heart Palpitations  (Read 8453 times)


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Heart Palpitations
« on: February 11, 2016, 12:14:35 PM »

Hi, I've only registered today but am not new to the site or to the menopause! I'm 43 and eventually doctors told me a few years ago that I was post menopausal after having horrendous symptoms and being told for 3 years I was too young. I was given Femoston and for a few years it has worked to help me to sleep and reduce heart palpitations which weren't my only symptoms but were certainly the most difficult to deal with (this in turn caused a lot of dizziness and anxiety). The problem is the heart palpitations have returned with a vengeance and are driving me insane. I get a number of different types of palpitation not fast and pounding (like the text book says) but sometimes slow and irregular, fluttering, pounding etc. I was interested in knowing if any of you suffer with the same thing? I have been to the cardiologist a number of times and they say my heart is normal however have picked up on these palpitations considerably but don't know what is causing them (talk about frustrated!!) If I don't sleep, eat too much, get stressed etc. they are terrible sometimes lasting all day and keeping me awake at night. I can't help thinking they are being caused by my stomach as they it always seems to be either bloated/windy which no doubt is another of the lovely symptoms we have to deal with but again would be interested in how others have dealt with this and have you experienced the same thing? 


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Re: Heart Palpitations
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2016, 01:30:49 PM »

Hello HendersonS and welcome to the forum.

So sorry that you are are having this trouble. During my eventful meno journey I have experienced all sorts of heart palpitations. I've had the loud and strong, irregular with missed beats, pounding in my ears, you name it. Prior to the menopause I never had heart issues so this all came as a shock even though palpitations are a well known  menopause symptom. Like many ladies I also have gut problems, especially when my heart is misbehaving.
For some reason I have never worried about these palps so have never had them investigated but I have taken great comfort from talking to other sufferers on this site. The fact that cardiologists say your heart is normal is obviously a good thing although I understand how our anxiety can make us doubt the opinions of medics.

I hope my post has at least reassured you that you are not alone and hopefully other ladies will be along to offer coping strategies.
Take care.



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Re: Heart Palpitations
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2016, 01:36:51 PM »

Hi...I get them they're awful I know! I sometimes go dizzy with them, but i was checked out by cardiologist and told all was normal. I've had them right through peri, HRT, no HRT and now into postmenopause. I take propranolol which helps, it's a beta blocker that slows down the heart.
Check out the link below it may put your mind at ease. Also if you go to search written in blue at the home page, put in palpatations there are a number of posts from other sufferers. Don't worry your not alone. Big hugs. › heart-conditions


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Re: Heart Palpitations
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2016, 01:47:52 PM »

HendersonS...I forgot to add, I stop mine sometimes by a cough or bearing down. I'm also caffeine free as this can exacerbate them, as does anxiety and stress. Hope this helps!


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Re: Heart Palpitations
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2016, 02:46:21 PM »

It sounds like ectopic beats, I have had them since my 20's they are horrid! The cardiologist said that they are benign and to ignore them, easier said than done I know!
They can cause all sorts of symptoms from flutterings to very irregular pulse and light headedness....funnily enough, mine seemed to ease off when I started the gel, perhaps you could try changing your HRT, see if it doesnt perhaps make a diff?


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Re: Heart Palpitations
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2016, 04:10:26 PM »

Hi HendersonS,
One of my most horrendous symptoms of peri, when it started, were palpitations. Frequently at night but also during the day. They brought huge anxiety ( or anxiety caused them, I don't know). I too, was 43 when I was started on Femoston. I too visited a cardiologist more than once, and got the all clear. Two things worked for me during that time, until HRT kicked in - valeriana tablets taken when needed, and then for about two months mild betablockers. BBs made me sleepy and headachy though so I gradually stopped them. Since being on Femoston, I haven't experienced any. It might be that you are low on estrogen? I know this can be one of the causes of palps. Very unpleasant!!! I hope you will find a way to manage them.



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Re: Heart Palpitations
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2016, 11:18:29 AM »

Hi Milamam - I agree, that anxiety associated with the heart is terrible. I suppose it's how we process it at the time but it's easier said than done when the palpitations start especially in the middle of the night. I too thought I might be low on estrogen and approached my doctor but he said the hot flushes etc are under control so your estrogen levels are managed! I never had hot flushes as a symptom in the first place! Maybe my symptoms for low estrogen are palpitations/lack of sleep who knows...certainly worth investigating though. I will definitely give the valeriana tablets a try.
Hi Cassie - You are spot on, the cardio said it was ectopic beats and basically said I'd just need to find ways of managing them. Poor you suffering all that time, they are so scary especially at work when you're in the middle of a meeting and they start and you've just to work through it....Funny you should say that the gel helped. I've just started on the gel so fingers crossed I get the same result.
Hi Orchid - I was tried on a beta blocker a few years ago but my heart rate and blood pressure are too low and it made me feel terrible so only used it for a week. They've talked about pace makers and heart disease and all sorts so none of that helps with anxiety levels. I've just searched as you'd suggested, it's obviously a big issue for lots of people. I don't take caffeine at all now (apart from chocolate) so have tried most things to stop them myself. I'm still working on reducing stress levels haha. They've got to be hormonal as I didn't have this problem until I was 35 and started going through the menopause.
Hi Kathleen - You also describe them perfectly. I'll maybe need to try and work on adopting that attitude of not worrying about them as I know that makes it worse. 

Thank you so much ladies for your replies. I really appreciate you taking the time to help and it eases some of the anxiety to know that many others are suffering from the same symptoms. You do sometimes feel very alone in dealing with these things but even just reading your comments has helped to put my mind at rest a little xxxxx


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Re: Heart Palpitations
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2016, 01:59:32 PM »

HendersonS...we are here for each other, it's good to share! It does ease the anxiety doesn't it. 👍😁


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Re: Heart Palpitations
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2016, 03:46:03 PM »

Hi HendersonS - I know palps can be very alarming. They have been an issue with me since my teens and I'm nearly 62 now.  In the week before my period I would always get them and I had quite bad PMT too. I got used to them over the years and just took them as a sign I was coming on. As I got older though they came on willy nilly and definitely if I was very tired or been drinking the night before my heart would be all over the place the next day. In 2009 I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation - irregular heartbeat. The irony is I was on a bike in the gym trying to get fit! My rate shot upto 170 - that was frightening.  Anyway so now I'm on beta blockers plus warfarin and blood pressure tabs. The biggest risk with AF is stroke. The heartbeat is liveable with. I still do my exercises (l'm no athlete I can assure you) and live a normal life.
There us a website with loads of info and also a forum like this one - I dip into it most days as I do with this lovely site.
The cardiologist has never suggested I come off HRT - thank God.
Hope this is reassuring and mot alarming - I'm not saying you have AF. You mentioned you think possible connection with food and I've seen threads talking about vagal AF where some people control it with diet so you might find it very helpful.
I'll finish now - typing this with one finger and my shoulder is killing! Hope you get some tips of the AF site. pS - AF is common in athletes apparently ....Patx


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Re: Heart Palpitations
« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2016, 03:59:18 PM »

Try keeping a diary of times you sleep/wake up, what you do/eat etc to try to work out what triggers your palpitations.  Making some changes might not get rid of them but it should reduce the frequency & severity.  You mentioned that they are worse when you are stressed or haven't slept, so maybe look at some relaxation techniques to help with that.