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Author Topic: Gone beyond health anxiety....full blown terror  (Read 21739 times)


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Re: Gone beyond health anxiety....full blown terror
« Reply #15 on: February 11, 2016, 07:25:18 PM »

I wake early also, a definite sign of anxiety. Sounds like you need a change of AD, the Sertraline isn't really helping you.
Try a meditation on you tube tonight, helps me relax xx


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Re: Gone beyond health anxiety....full blown terror
« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2016, 07:42:20 PM »

I tried Sertraline a couple of years ago for peri anxiety. I stuck with it for nearly 4 weeks but it was a dreadful time. I felt I was getting worse and worse. Very early one morning I woke DH and told him I felt so dreadful that I wanted to die. It scared him so much that he took the day off work to be with me.

We decided I needed to try a different AD. I started Amitriptyline (an AD I'd taken years ago for PND) and within 5 days I was sleeping like a log. It took a few more weeks before my anxiety reduced, but it was a big improvement on how I'd felt on sertraline.

After about 6 weeks on Amitriptyline I felt much more relaxed and chilled out. Almost dreamy. I won't pretend that it cured me, it didn't. My symptoms kept popping back, but were muted.

My GP did admit that some people can't tolerate Sertraline, and it is recognised to increase anxiety in some.


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Re: Gone beyond health anxiety....full blown terror
« Reply #17 on: February 11, 2016, 08:15:17 PM »

Jedi and GRL, think it is so confusing that some people say stick with it because it took 8 weeks or 6 weeks or whatever to kick in but I am frightened now of taking another type. I used to take Citalopram no problem but can't now because of contraindications with betablockers .... Amitryptaline is the same unfortunately. Dr said I could wean off betablockers but have been on them 20 years almost for fast heArt rate. X


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Re: Gone beyond health anxiety....full blown terror
« Reply #18 on: February 11, 2016, 08:20:12 PM »

I take betablockas (Propranolol) and there are no contraindications with my ADs  :-\.  Which BB are you on?  Have a chat with a Pharmacist perhaps to find out what is on the market? that can be taken with Amitryptaline?


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Re: Gone beyond health anxiety....full blown terror
« Reply #19 on: February 11, 2016, 08:53:16 PM »

JJ, I think that whether ADs help actually depends on what is causing the anxiety. For all the talk of serotonin depletion and chemical imbalances, there actually isn't a lot of hard evidence that this is true for most people with anxiety issues ( I seem to recall it may be more true of those with depressive illness and psychoses ) so taking an AD might not actually help that much and might cause you to have worse side effects than what you started off with. I tried sertraline and ended up telling crisis team I wanted to die and was afraid I'd do it, even though I'd not really had suicidal thoughts before so it can cause more agitation in some people. Only you know how bad you feel anxiety wise and if you feel they aren't helping , then switch to another one that might. I still think that long term therapeutic support is needed and am afraid that the usual 8 week tick sheet CBT offered by NHS isn't likely to have made any impact on a long seated issue. I'd go and see GP, talk about med changes and ask what other therapeutic support is available. When anxiety becomes this intense, I think that it is time to move up the support ladder and see teams more experienced in dealing with moderate to severe anxiety than those delivering basic CBT often are. Also it really is worth considering MIND for support as they offer a wide range of counselling styles and whilst CBT is great for symptom relief in short term , like a painkiller, it won't fix the broken leg causing the pain. As sad as it is, you will die at some point, and your son will need to learn to cope on his own. It is not heathy for either of you to be so dependent on one another that what happens when becomes a thing feeding a fear. Perhaps your son would also benefit from some help if you feel he is emotionally vulnerable as that would at least make you feel less responsible for always being well and being there? I made myself very ill by trying to support my son through his own breakdown and it was only when I reached rock bottom and had to let someone else intervene , that he actually was able to learn techniques to support him long after I am not here. Xx


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Re: Gone beyond health anxiety....full blown terror
« Reply #20 on: February 11, 2016, 08:57:13 PM »

Waking early is a typical sign of depression.  Jedigirl - are you getting good quality sleep until 5.00 a.m.?  It might be that you have had 'enough' sleep although we think that we require 8+ hours ;-).


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Re: Gone beyond health anxiety....full blown terror
« Reply #21 on: February 12, 2016, 05:41:24 AM »

Sorry to hear you are still having pain and therefore anxiety. I can't remember where you were at with tests? Have they given you a blood test to check for Lipase if the pain is coming from the Pancreas area? There are quite a few organs in that area, stomach, the big bend in the large intestine and of course referred pain. That's why the doc was confused when I had gallstone pain because it was centre to left.

Is the pain constant or does it come and go?

I do hope you can get to see someone soon and get a scan in that area to help find out it's nothing nasty and put your mind at rest. 

Take care and try and give your mind a rest, I know it's not easy as I was in panic mode after a positive screening test.


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Re: Gone beyond health anxiety....full blown terror
« Reply #22 on: February 12, 2016, 09:04:58 AM »

CLKD I take sotalol 20mg twice daily. New Dr asked why I was on them if I didn't have a heart problem but cardiologist left me on a low dose as my heart rate is usually a bit high. If I want to come off them and try Citalopram again I can but would take a while to wean and therefore too long when anxious already.


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Re: Gone beyond health anxiety....full blown terror
« Reply #23 on: February 12, 2016, 09:15:31 AM »

Well after a terrible night of worry, was at Drs as soon as they opened in a right state. It takes a lot for me to go because I hate going but saw a lovely new young lady Dr. Was in there over half an hour and she went through everything with me. Has reassured me that not pancreas related and she isn't worried in the slightest from how I was describing everything and from all bloods being perfectly fine.  She did mention that I could have a blood test for specifically pancreas stuff but she stressed that she didn't think it was necessary and would do it just to put my mind at rest but then I said I would get even more anxious waiting for results and she said again, she didn't think I needed it and would be doing it because I was so upset so I have taken her advice. Then came out and immediately started with the 'what ifs'!!! Said how physically ill I felt yesterday but wants me to carry on with the Sertraline for at least another two weeks as she definitely thinks they will help and has referred me back on the CBT waiting list. I THINK I feel reassured and glad I went so now it's just telling my stupid brain to stop terrorising me.  :-\

ancient runner

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Re: Gone beyond health anxiety....full blown terror
« Reply #24 on: February 12, 2016, 09:55:58 AM »

Well done JustJules. Just keep on reminding yourself of what your lovely doctor said - every time the bad thoughts try to come back. Can you do something nice today and try to keep your mind off anything worrying? Really well done for going.


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Re: Gone beyond health anxiety....full blown terror
« Reply #25 on: February 12, 2016, 10:06:51 AM »

Aaah, thank you ladies. I was just so desperate and really thought I would have been sent to the hospital...stupid brain. Hubby just despairs but rang to ask but I could tell he is exasperated.

Yes, just got to keep reminding myself that I need to believe and start trusting Drs a bit.



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Re: Gone beyond health anxiety....full blown terror
« Reply #26 on: February 12, 2016, 11:19:10 AM »

JJ...As the ladies say you aren't going to stop worrying about this pain until you see a dr for reassurance. There is a blood test Amylase that they check which could put your mind at rest. We sometimes forget the power of the mind and I believe you can trick yourself into any psychosomatic symptom. I try now to live in the moment and tell myself I'm not going to worry or what if! As I've done enough to last a lifetime! It works most of the time. Don't believe everything you think is the key!


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Re: Gone beyond health anxiety....full blown terror
« Reply #27 on: February 12, 2016, 11:38:42 AM »

I understand exactly how you feel JJ. If your GP really thought it was anything, they'd have insisted you had test. As it is, they recognised that having the test would only reinforce your belief that only tests and doctors' visits etc. can give you certainty that you are well, when the opposite is true for someone with health anxiety. I've been to GP, thought I am fine and can stop worrying now and come home and started the whole what iffing again so reassurance isn't the answer. What helps is distraction, saying I'll sort this out next week if it's still bad and so on. Glad that they have referred you for further CBT or therapy as a complement to your medication. If the sertraline is not helping in a few more weeks then you can always have a rethink on that. Do try and read the Overcoming Health Anxiety book by David Veale- it's available on Kindle and isn't very expensive. Even if you can't do the CBT stuff ( and I agree that when you are a sufferer, the coming up with rational alternatives is hard if not impossible some days) , it helps, I think, to read that others have been there and that what you are experiencing is normal for someone with HA. I found changing my  behaviour first, so not googling, not going to hospital , drs etc. helped me change my thoughts slowly too. I'm with Orchid- so much of our lives are lost to worry and we have to take a stand x


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Re: Gone beyond health anxiety....full blown terror
« Reply #28 on: February 12, 2016, 12:50:30 PM »

How lovely of the GP to take time.  I suggest relaxation therapy which needs to be practised.  I used to fall asleep  ::) with a  :cat scratch: on my lap but it did give me time to myself. 



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Re: Gone beyond health anxiety....full blown terror
« Reply #29 on: February 12, 2016, 07:22:21 PM »

Yes, it wasn't what I was expecting as they usually rush you but I will definitely see her again.

Coldethyl, I have read that book, it is good but I've read them all now I think so you would think I would be cured by now  :-\ x
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