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Author Topic: What to expect - Gynaecologist appointment for fibroids  (Read 9910 times)


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What to expect - Gynaecologist appointment for fibroids
« on: February 01, 2016, 01:56:10 PM »

I have an appointment this week following an ultrasound scan in December that revealed multiple fibroids. My GP referred me to the hospital.

I was super cool about it as since the scan any 'symptoms' I had that might have been due to fibroids or perimenopause seem to have died down, so its been easier to put it out of my mind. I have however missed a period and only a very light one before that and started horrible night sweats, well major heat, not so much sweating. This morning I'm anxious again wondering what to expect and what might happen.

My letter says allow two hours but appointment is 20 minutes. There are a list of questions to consider and lots of advice to make sure you understand what's been said. To ask what the diagnosis is, what treatments and what options. A generic letter I think and its a general gynaecological appointment in the outpatients department. It says a nurse or other clinician may see me and not the consultant named.

I have had one other experience of a consultant, to remove a cervical polyp and to he honest it was very rushed, not many questions asked of me or opportunity to ask. I was passed from room to room with various people, general aneasthetic mentioned if the polyp removal was difficult and all in all it was quite frenetic and not a great experience.  I think I have an expectation that my situation will be discussed at length re my perimenopause and the fibroid connection etc but maybe not?

I'm also wondering if they do tests or examinations or just a chat. Hoping its just a chat! I really hope a watch and wait will be offered. I went to my GP for periods that came every two weeks for a while, but that's clearly stopped. I am anxious I will get more surprises at this consultation but hope its just protocol for the gynae to decide what, if anything needs to be done.

The unknown seems so much more scary than it used to be.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2016, 02:00:11 PM by BrightLight »


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Re: What to expect - Gynaecologist appointment for fibroids
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2016, 05:03:16 PM »

Thanks Sparkle.  Anxiety is creeping up but at the end of the day I just need to know where I am - don't we all!!  I am fed up with the unknowns and since missing a period, I would be quite happy if that was it and I can move onto dealing with hot flashes and nothing else!  Can you tell I am idealistically thinking today - as if I can control it all!  lol

The appointment is end of the day Wednesday, I looked up the consultant, it says he is expert in fetal medicine! (?) I really think it will be a chat and if any further scans, I will have to book those.  I haven't had an internal examination and I guess was worrying about that catching me off guard.  Do you find anxiety makes you pre-empt everything?  Driving myself mad.

Your review of the steps you took was helpful, reminding me to stay calm and I will come out the other side :)


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Re: What to expect - Gynaecologist appointment for fibroids
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2016, 05:19:19 PM »

Mine were back in early 90's. However, I also had ovarian cysts & I was in a lot of pain, with periods all over the place. I was offered a hysterectomy, which I gladly accepted.

However if not causing you any pain or any other problems I'd see what your consultant suggests.


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Re: What to expect - Gynaecologist appointment for fibroids
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2016, 05:25:37 PM »

Mine were back in early 90's. However, I also had ovarian cysts & I was in a lot of pain, with periods all over the place. I was offered a hysterectomy, which I gladly accepted.

However if not causing you any pain or any other problems I'd see what your consultant suggests.

Thanks Cuba Girl - I was surprised my GP referred me because I really don't have symptoms, that I am aware of.  It has made me think they are going to want to investigate for some reason, that there is a concern.  The GP did say to me that if there are multiple fibroids they always refer, but my anxiety is telling me otherwise and that there will be more 'bad' news.  As I said, I was really OK until this morning.  I guess they might need to monitor and if they got bigger , there may be issues.

Good that you had a positive outcome to your pain.  I will try and sit tight and see what the consultant says and not try second guessing (not easy for me)


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Re: What to expect - Gynaecologist appointment for fibroids
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2016, 06:12:32 PM »

Why not ring and ask what format the appointment will take?  Lots of people are anxious about these appointments, you won't be the only one & hospital staff should be used to dealing with questions from anxious patients.

I really wish I'd done this the last time I had an op - I was scared my questions about what would happen would sound daft, worried about it for weeks instead of ringing, and then when I went in, he spent the first 5 minutes answering all the questions that I hadn't asked.  I must have looked really surprised because he said if I was wondering how he knew what questions I wanted answered it was because all his patients had the same ones!!!


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Re: What to expect - Gynaecologist appointment for fibroids
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2016, 06:21:46 PM »

I do hope all goes well with your appointment BrightLight and try to keep calm if you can before then :tulips:

Hurdity x


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Re: What to expect - Gynaecologist appointment for fibroids
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2016, 07:16:26 PM »

Thanks all - I feel so silly but I am really not handling the unknowns of medical stuff very well these days, even though many many people refer to this kind of thing as routine. 

Sparkle - better out than in, that is what I am afraid will be said lol  I would like to avoid surgery, unless there really is a problem that I am not aware of, which is mostly what I want to know. 

Hi Dorothy, thank you for the suggestion.  I did try to call the department but I could only speak to the booking appointment section, who did re-iterate that usually it's a chat only but tests and exams might happen.  I hope the consultant/person is as helpful as yours, because I have suggested questions on the letter I have been given but in a state of anxiety I usually keep thinking of the exit door and find it quite hard to remain engaged.

Thanks Hurdity - my anticipatory anxiety is usually worse than the actual event, here's hoping that is the case this time around.  Will probably berate myself after for winding myself up :)


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Re: What to expect - Gynaecologist appointment for fibroids
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2016, 12:55:39 PM »

Write down anything you are worried about forgetting - e.g. concerns you have, questions you want answered.  I can never remember ANYTHING when I'm seeing a medical person - have even been known to forget my own birthdate  ::)


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Re: What to expect - Gynaecologist appointment for fibroids
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2016, 05:36:42 PM »

I had my appointment this afternoon. I did not stray from my type and was very nervous and over thinking beforehand but fairly calm when in there, or at least I remembered to deep breath and listen.

I am very relieved to report that he says there is no need for anything to be done, not even to watch with re-scans.

He came across very clearly in explaining things and asking his questions, the confidence and directness was far more reassuring than most GP's I have come across in the past two years. It was my first consultation with a specialist.  He told me to forget what the sonographer told me and to tell him what took me to the GP in the first place. He seemed surprised no one had yet examined me, so he did that.

Yes, I have a fibroid, my uterus is enlarged (roughly the size of a netball) I have no symptoms with the fibroid that require treating. IF I was to get symptoms. persistant heavy bleeding or pressure symptoms then the treatment is hysterectomy or hormones to supress growth and bide time until menopause when they usually shrink. The long term solution is hysterectomy, he said this is a last resort.

Other things going on are not caused by the fibroid and could be falling hormones, general changes with age and that changes in cycles are all to be expected. He said there is always more than one thing going on but regards fibroid symptoms, they are more persistant and severe than what I described.  He did not think my heavier bleeding was to do with the fibroid and that I need to ignore completely the notion I am near menopause - as maybe I am, maybe I am not but there is no need to worry about that OR the fibroid. When periods have stopped for a year, review things on that front then. A missed period is not any indication, night sweats are falling hormones but that could go on and off like the other things.  H

Of course after the initial relief I wondered whether I needed to ask him, what about the 'ovulation' pains coming and going or the sometimes weird digestion, are my ovaries ok?  But then I realised he told me to ignore things that I started to think about after the ultrasound that made me think something terrible was wrong - they may just be passing things and part of hormone changes.  Either way, I got the distinct impression that his advise really is to start investigating things when there are persistant symptoms.  I did tell him all my symptoms, so I guess he took all that into account and is sure the fibroid has nothing to do with them and a clear cut menopause status isn't either. Suggested the changes that come and go are to be expected.

I am going to try and unwind now, it really was stressfull.  My fibroid could have been there and probably has been there for years and I would not have known had it not been for the incidental scan.  He seemed to really have empathy that I had been worried and not even had an examination before seeing him.  I did mention the fact the sonographer said several and they were on my bladder, he said fibroids are always near the bladder, there is nowhere else for them to be and that yes, maybe several but one biggish one.

Thank you so much for replies and empathy around all this. I hope I will feel less intimidated if I need to see a consultant again.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2016, 05:41:42 PM by BrightLight »


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Re: What to expect - Gynaecologist appointment for fibroids
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2016, 06:01:39 PM »

Phew, what a relief BrightLight, hope you are now relaxing and you sleep well tonight!

S x

Thank you :)  I have choir rehearsal this evening, so that should get rid of the adrenalin.


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Re: What to expect - Gynaecologist appointment for fibroids
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2016, 05:35:45 AM »

I'm glad it went ok. I've had lots of appointments and every time I worry weeks before and when it comes to it its all fine

Well done😃

Ann x


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Re: What to expect - Gynaecologist appointment for fibroids
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2016, 04:50:35 PM »

Ann - I am a bit the same with anything I get anxious about, it is far worse before the event than when it actually happens x

Hurdity - I sing both, choral and community choir.  A wide range which is great, from Handel to musical theatre and some old folk songs.  Singing really is my goto wellbeing activity.