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Author Topic: Hurting so much after smear test  (Read 7762 times)

Witches Cat

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Hurting so much after smear test
« on: February 01, 2016, 11:58:44 AM »

Morning all, I haven't posted very much on here recently, but have to mention this and ask if anyone else has suffered. In October I had my call up for my smear, never ever missed one, never had any probs.. but the October one the nurse had a problem doing. I was so dry, it's been like that for most of the last year, I know I have a retroverted uterus, and apparently that made it difficult as well, she said she didn't think she'd got enough cells and I'd probably get a recall but before that I'd need oestrogen tablets to insert (I can't have HRT due to it causing womb lining thickening in me, had to stop a year ago) Got a script for Vagifem 10mg (had to try other pharmacies as mine was on a limited supply and had run out) Used the stuff as prescribed, ended at Christmas, and had another appointment this morning. To start with it's still so dry, then she said I had a discharge, if I have it's never reached the outside world, she had 3 tries at getting the smear done, then went for a smaller speculum and had another go. Asked if I'd ever had children, I have, just the one, and he was 39 last week, Years back when inserting a coil, my doctor said I was very tiny inside, so I don't think it's anything new.  A swab has gone off for testing, and she thinks she "might" have got enough cells now, but if not, it's back again in 3 months to do it all again, and this time try with a different nurse she says...    When the doc gave me the script for the Vagifem she said she didn't know what to do if the next test came back with not enough cells as the result. But as I'm now 60, post meno, and never ever had a recall after a smear in my life, surely we can call it a day? I now hurt to sit or stand and am almost in tears at the thought of anything more coming my way.  Have any of you ladies out there had this happen??? :-\


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Re: Hurting so much after smear test
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2016, 12:34:16 PM »

That sounds awful I am not surprised you are in tears.

Why did you have to stop the Vagifem, is it because of the womb thickening?  There is no way I could stop using mine and I am quite a bit younger than you.

A doctor at my surgery told me that if you had always had negative smears and had been in a long time partnership the risk of cervical cancer was extremely low...... She did add that perhaps she shouldn't say that!

I am pretty sure than can do smears at the hospital if your surged is having trouble doing one.

How long did you use the Vagifem for?
« Last Edit: February 01, 2016, 12:36:11 PM by Tinkerbell »


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Re: Hurting so much after smear test
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2016, 12:35:26 PM »

Sorry it has hurt you so much. At my surgery they take a brush swab and it is tested for the virus HPV rather than trying to get enough cells. Wonder if this might be easier though I must admit I did find it quite painful last time I had it done ( though I have endometriosis on my cervix). I would think if that came back negative that you could probably just forget about future testing - it stops at 65 anyway.


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Re: Hurting so much after smear test
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2016, 12:38:25 PM »

I think the HPV test is only done in certain areas at the moment, with the idea that it is rolled out everywhere at a later date...... I may be wrong on that though!


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Re: Hurting so much after smear test
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2016, 12:45:40 PM »

Think you are right . Wonder if it is worth having test done at local GUM clinic as they might be better at it doing them more frequently.

Suzi Q

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Re: Hurting so much after smear test
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2016, 12:56:30 PM »

Sweetie sounds like you have atrophy and need Vagifem full time
Does the GP inderstand unless you have some underlying medical problem Vagifem can be taken
For life? Look I have to have a prepubecent childs plastic type speculum always have had
So your not Billy No Mates
A call back could be just as easy that they didnt get enough to test properly
When you go get Vagifem oyu need to be as normally lubricated as possible
OH and make sure THE GP does the smear thats what hes paid to do not the nurse
Im AN ex nurse and the very thought of a nurse doing that no way jose

Witches Cat

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Re: Hurting so much after smear test
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2016, 01:02:44 PM »

Thank you for the replies, I only had the one pack of vagifem, it was 24 tablets in the applicators, I was on a high dose HRT for several years before that, and that's what caused the thickening, had ultra sound in hospital clinic where they checked the thickness, it was just under 7mm.. tried to do a biopsy but couldn't because of the tilted uterus, and told me to go "cold turkey" for 2 months then go back for another ultrasound, if the lining had thinned down, it was obvious the HRT was the cause, so no more of that... and then they'd forget the biopsy which would then have had to be under general anesthetic. Turned out to have gone back to 4mm... end of prob.  Vagifem being local for the shortest time should have had no effect.  They also said no moisuriser of any sort for at least 10 days before the smear, and they are even told not to use jelly, but just water to lubricate the speculum....    Same nurse did it last time...


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Re: Hurting so much after smear test
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2016, 01:53:02 PM »

I was recently told by meno specialist that using Vagifem every day would not cause womb thickening and it was equivalent to one oral HRT tablet a year. I have a copy of the letter she sent to my GP telling him that.

Can you restart the Vagifem and go back in a few months time?

Suzi Q

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Re: Hurting so much after smear test
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2016, 02:38:46 PM »

Me too thats why I use Vagifem
My dinlaws MUM got breast cancer over 2 years ago been free for 14mnths YAYYYYYYYY
GP has given her Vagifem


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Re: Hurting so much after smear test
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2016, 03:27:11 PM »

Because treatment for vaginal atrophy is applied locally there is little chance that the product will migrate enough to cause problems higher up.  Absorption is around the vaginal area.  It can be taken every day if necessary.

Maybe ask to see a Gynaecologist for a light GA for the next smear?  It is important to get your smears regularly although I 'm not aware that my Mum has ever had one  ::) - she's 89.

Are you taking Nurofen for any pain?


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Re: Hurting so much after smear test
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2016, 03:45:33 PM »

My last one was under anaesthetic as they tried twice without, it was agonising and they still weren't able to do it properly and I was in pain for days after.  Still hurt to walk for ages after the anaesthetic one, but at least I didn't have the pain at the time.  Apparently, I'm 'abnormally narrow' which makes it harder to do (thanks, that makes me feel SO much better  ::) )  Gynaecologist advised as I'm very low risk only to have a smear in future if I have any signs of a problem, but after my last experience, I think I'll be demanding anaesthetic again if I ever need another!  Having said that, GP doesn't agree and keeps hassling me to have regular smears.

Sorry I can't offer advice to make it better, but I would just say that it's your body, so don't be afraid to shout for whatever is best for you.  See if you can find a nurse who is more experienced/sympathetic/understanding as she may be able to suggest something that will make it less painful in future.  Don't be afraid to make a fuss - you shouldn't have to cope with so much pain.  I always thought bruising, fainting and pain were part of blood tests until I had a nurse who said she was going to try to get me through without fainting - she did and there was no pain or bruising either!  Made me realise, an awful lot depends on how caring the nurse is.  Some of them treat you like you are on a conveyor belt, so many to do per minute!


Witches Cat

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Re: Hurting so much after smear test
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2016, 04:09:15 PM »

Thank you all for your comments, Before lunch I'd been having a troll through some of the previous posts on here about Smear Tests and it's good to see I'm not that odd.  I was just starting to calm down around luchtime, when I broke a back tooth, on my baguette, one the dentist was concerned about at my last checkup. So tomorrow afternoon I have to have a tooth out, and dentists have the same laxative effect on me as doctors, still, it's good to know I shan't be bunged up any time soon. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I don't need to have another smear test and there is no infection or anything else lurking down below.  I do sometimes wish I was about 25 again, when everything was easy, all the family were healthy, and there no particular worries, those were the days, eh? ;)

Witches Cat

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Re: Hurting so much after smear test
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2016, 04:15:48 PM »

to the ladies who mentioned the HPV test, apparently that's what they will do, but she (nurse) still says they need enough cells... and hubby said to me this morning on the moisturiser front and about not using it, if they can't tell moisturiser from human cells it's a bad job. When I asked her about that, she said it obscures the view cuz they can't see through it, so that's why they've been told not even to use jelly.


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Re: Hurting so much after smear test
« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2016, 04:23:05 PM »

I am 54 and had my last smear last year. The previous one had been agonising and I had bled a bit but that nurse had been very rough so this time I saw a different nurse who straight away said very small speculum on older ladies ::) and she used loads of gel and it was uncomfortable but bearable.  Our area do the hpv brush test and even with loads of gel they read mine okay.  I cannot imagine the pain if they don't use any gel :o


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Re: Hurting so much after smear test
« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2016, 04:26:28 PM »

They used that jelly stuff last time I had a smear, I know as it always makes my skin sting.
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