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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Early menopause *Newbie  (Read 2548 times)


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Early menopause *Newbie
« on: February 01, 2016, 11:48:29 AM »


Hopefully posting in the right place. This site was recommended by my GP last week after I discussed a few of my symptoms.
I'm 34 and am still having periods. I have been concerned about a few symptoms for about 12-18 months. Difference in my skin, having breakout with spots across my face neck and back. Never previously suffered. Sleeplessness and anxiety, and sweats. My body doesn't seem to be coping very well with regulating its temperature. All of these symptoms I would describe as mild and I have tried various methods to combat these.
However the one that I would describe as moderate is my moods. I experience the most acute anger and rage which is not pleasant for all around me. I have also had 3 fractures in 18 months. Two of which were minor cracks to my hand but the last was a broken wrist in November 2015.
I am active, eat healthily and generally try to manage these symptoms through exercise.
The hot sweats made me consider the menopause and I found out that my great grandmother and great aunt were 32 and 29 respectively when they went through it. Please excuse my naivety, as I'm trying to discover myself if any of the above has any relevance to the menopause.
My GP explained that they wouldn't blood test me until my periods had ceased for at least a year. She has referred me for a DEXA scan, although she did warn me I may not get one?!
I feel this may be a sit it out and wait for myself, but the forum and site are useful regardless for me.
Thanks for reading x

Suzi Q

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Re: Early menopause *Newbie
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2016, 02:44:36 PM »

No your GP can have your blood tested at any time
Is he a NHT practise? If it is its a cost saving
You are still having normal periods but your maternal family went OVER EARLY
If thats te case doesnt your GP understand GENETICS?
My MUM her 2 sisters went over in their 30s as did I
If you cant make the GP change their minds and you want peace of mind
get a Private Btest done its well worth the sacrifice then if it is postitive
GO back with the letter in your hot little hand xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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Re: Early menopause *Newbie
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2016, 03:52:35 PM »

Hello & welcome!  Sounds like the only thing the GP got right was directing you to Menopause Matters - it's rubbish that he can't do anything until your periods have stopped for a year.  Worse than rubbish at your age as you could have all sorts of health issues by then.  Have a read of the various articles on the forum and go back armed with some facts!  If you don't get anywhere with GP number 1, try another one in the practice or if you have to, change practice, but please keep hassling. 

I had terrible trouble getting diagnosed - started getting symptoms at 35 but my GP kept insisting there was nothing wrong - only got help when I changed GP at the start of this year (age 40), by which time I was having a lot of vaginal pain plus all the other symptoms.

BTW, there is a charity called Daisy Network especially for women going through early/premature menopause which you might like to check out.  There is a link somewhere on this site but searching for Daisy Network should find it anyway.


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Re: Early menopause *Newbie
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2016, 04:05:26 PM »

Hello Kimbo - it sounds to me that you are wise to listen to your body and investigate the possibility of perimenopause (the time before periods stop for good, the time where hormones become unbalanced and symptoms can present) being a factor.

I am not sure why your GP will not run any blood tests until your periods have stopped for a year.  It is definately the case that blood tests can be unreliable in determining whether we are in perimenopause because hormones go up and down so much, but I would have thought it would be useful to at least do one, if not a few.  If you choose to get private tests, you would want to test FSH levels, which go up when we begin to skip ovulating so often and possibly your estrogen and progesterone levels, the NHS tend to only test the FSH.  The other blood test that is often done, usually if periods start changing is to check thyroid levels, as this has an influence on our cycles as well.

There is a lot of information on this sight, lots to take in, but honestly I would consider speaking to your GP or a different one and stress that you really would like further investigation into your symptoms and the possibility of hormonal issues being part of them, especially considering your family history.


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Re: Early menopause *Newbie
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2016, 06:41:27 PM »

Thanks so much for the replies. I'm kicking myself thinking I may have forgot to mention about the family history. I'm going to have a good read through the forums, and get used to the lingo. You have given me the boost I needed to push for further investigation. I'm sure the cost issue will arise again with my GP so will look into the FSH testing.
What a fab site, and will be utilising the Daisy one too. Hopefully I can respond and contribute to others in the future. X


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Re: Early menopause *Newbie
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2016, 09:09:54 PM »

Hi Kimbo1451

Taz x  :welcomemm:


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Re: Early menopause *Newbie
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2016, 12:18:43 PM »

Wow, information is gradually sinking in. I'm feeling a bit relieved that I can assign my vaginal problems to possible Meno symptoms. Have had recurring pain and symptoms of a water infection for two years, especially after sex. The pressure and discomfort usually lasts a day or two. I was really confused what could be causing it, went docs several times and utilised all the advice to avoid infection. I even considered that my husband may have had an affair and caught an STD! Luckily I found other methods to eliminate this theory instead of a divorce.....
Next lines of enquiry are looking at using the contraceptive pill, as I'm currently using the non hormone coil. I'm a bit gutted about this, as was adamant about not pumping chemicals into my body having done it for so long, and actually "enjoyed" the natural feelings the monthly period brings. Just figured if I'm going to have a battle with the GP regarding a possible diagnosis, I need to explore my options to protect myself. Will search again through the forums to get more advice.
Considering a urine home testing kit too. For the sake of a few pounds, if it does come back negative I haven't lost a lot, but if it is positive It may provide me with a little more evidence that needs to be investigated.
Also established my nan (maternal) was 40 when her periods stopped. My mum was 42 when she had her last child, and that's all the GP asked me about. Once I said my mums age she explored no further regarding genetics. x


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Re: Early menopause *Newbie
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2016, 12:31:18 PM »

I'm on BCP and it works really well for me except that I feel terrible when I have to have the pill-free days.  But my GP advised me to run up to 3 packs together and I sometimes take my break before the end of the 3rd pack so that I can time the bad days to happen at the most convenient point!  Like you, I'd rather not have to take anything but neither do I want to have to live the life I would have without BCP!

Since you've had 3 recent fractures, you do need to push to get your bone density checked out. Meanwhile, make sure you have enough calcium in your diet.


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Re: Early menopause *Newbie
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2016, 12:37:23 PM »

Hi Kimbo1451 - I can so relate to the first part of your post....

Anyway, just to say you can buy urine testing strips on Ebay and Amazon. They cost under £10 for 100 strips and I couldn't live without mine - just for the peace of mind they bring. If only I had known about them years ago!


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Re: Early menopause *Newbie
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2016, 12:47:18 PM »

Thanks Dorothy,
If I don't receive an appointment in the next two weeks re the DEXA, then I'm going to re book to see the GP. Just been checking out my calcium intake and they recommend 1000mg per day (GP's printout for over 50's recommendation on Osteoporosis) I currently have soya milk and spinach daily, but that only equates to half that amount. May have to look into supplements.
Will check out BCP too.
Jenna, Do you test regularly then? Been reading that you get two tests to take a week apart. How often do you use them?
Thanks for the replies.


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Re: Early menopause *Newbie
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2016, 01:00:30 PM »

Hi again Kimbo - I use the urine testing strips whenever I feel uncomfortable as then I know whether I need to see a GP or not.

You might benefit from some local oestrogen and then hopefully you won't get these symptoms, which are probably the start of Vaginal Atrophy.


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Re: Early menopause *Newbie
« Reply #11 on: February 02, 2016, 01:06:23 PM »

Thanks Jenna,

I understand now. Slowly getting my head around the complications and solutions. Wasn't quite prepared for VA, but at least I can look into the potential options to cope with it. Amazon here I come.  :)

Suzi Q

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Re: Early menopause *Newbie
« Reply #12 on: February 02, 2016, 01:12:25 PM »

Wow, information is gradually sinking in. I'm feeling a bit relieved that I can assign my vaginal problems to possible Meno symptoms. Have had recurring pain and symptoms of a water infection for two years, especially after sex. The pressure and discomfort usually lasts a day or two. I was really confused what could be causing it, went docs several times and utilised all the advice to avoid infection. I even considered that my husband may have had an affair and caught an STD! Luckily I found other methods to eliminate this theory instead of a divorce.....
Next lines of enquiry are looking at using the contraceptive pill, as I'm currently using the non hormone coil. I'm a bit gutted about this, as was adamant about not pumping chemicals into my body having done it for so long, and actually "enjoyed" the natural feelings the monthly period brings. Just figured if I'm going to have a battle with the GP regarding a possible diagnosis, I need to explore my options to protect myself. Will search again through the forums to get more advice.
Considering a urine home testing kit too. For the sake of a few pounds, if it does come back negative I haven't lost a lot, but if it is positive It may provide me with a little more evidence that needs to be investigated.
Also established my nan (maternal) was 40 when her periods stopped. My mum was 42 when she had her last child, and that's all the GP asked me about. Once I said my mums age she explored no further regarding genetics. x
ONE the mini pill doesnt stop your periods its a contraceptive pill so you still get periods
If your using them or pre meno then they will carry on proctecting you from babies but of course your periods will in time taper off thats due to the menopause NOT the mini pill
Genetics are funny things my MUM as I said and her sister went over late 30s
My Mums other sister was  well in to meno but had a baby at 44 talk about shock
Many women have a suprise late baby due to premenopause they think contraceptions not needed and hey ho HELLOOOOO Im here hehehehe Genetics can skip eg
My Grandad had his own band played all over UK my Dad had his own band he too played but
In the local area Wirral Chester Liverpool both were bloody good drummers YET my brother didnt have a musical bone in his body Along comes my son and 13 he was playing drums like a 20 year old hes played session for Phil Collins etc then 2 years ago my grandson was born
Guess what hes 2 he has a set of drums for 5 year old he cant talk much hes still unsteady on his feet hes my pidgeon toes and his dads knock knees but he can not just bash the drums
He can actually use the sticks to the rythm so GENETICS can skip OH and I SING TRALALALA x
My son


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Re: Early menopause *Newbie
« Reply #13 on: February 02, 2016, 01:18:24 PM »

Kimbo - I have sent you a PM with details of what I buy. Hope it clarifies things!


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Re: Early menopause *Newbie
« Reply #14 on: February 02, 2016, 01:28:51 PM »

Hi Jenna, I'm not allowed to send PM's but that's great thankyou.

Hi Suzi Q, that must have been some shock at 44! I will certainly be remaining on the contraceptive train regardless.  :)