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Author Topic: Femoston  (Read 5617 times)


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« on: January 27, 2016, 09:54:51 PM »

Hi ladies,

I was diagnosed as being in the menopause in December 2015 my FSH levels were 44, I went to the doctor because my symptoms were, night sweats, forgetfulness and losing hair.  No other symptoms at all.  I don't have periods as I had an endometrial ablation in 2011. I'm 44 (just in are that makes a difference) I was prescribed Fempack -c but found I was experiencing mood swings, I would find myself fine one minute, crying the next, and the most terrible rage the next.  I also started what I think was hot flushes, although they weren't unpleasant if I'm honest, so I take it they were very mild.

Today the doc has prescribed Femoston I've been reading the side effect and I'm kind of nervous.  I'm worried about  weight increase I'v got about 3 and a half stone to lose.  Im worried about depression, having a period (I haven't had one in nearly 6 years) and thrush.  I suffered terrible thrush when I was in the pill and still get it from time to time now.

I'm just looking for other people's experiences on Femoston.

Thank you.

p.s sorry if have posted this I the wrong place.


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Re: Femoston
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2016, 11:03:12 PM »

Hi and welcome to MM Jackie_w
Femoston is a good one to try as the progesterone is less testosterone based and therefore kinder - it suits many women very well.  Prempac C is the older style HRT with equine oestrogen and harsher progesterone - I felt as though I could kill people when I tried it. 
The side effects of most HRT types are usually described the same for every HRT (the leaflets are awful and scary) but we all react differently with different hormone types -  many find they can actually loose weight more easily when on HRT because you often have more energy to do exercise. If anything you may find your mood improves with this HRT.
At 44 you need HRT to protect your heart and bones in the long term so finding the right one is important. Weight gain tends to happen when we hit menopause anyway - our metabolism slows down - so I'm afraid one simply has to eat less, reduce intake permanently and avoid sugar and too much fat - reviewing your diet, exercise and general lifestyle is very important at this time of life whether on HRT or not.  As for attacks of thrush - this can be because of vaginal atrophy - dryness of the vagina - and HRT should help with this by restoring the natural flora of the vaginal area - some local oestrogen may be necessary as well.
Do read up all the info on this site to get clued up.
Do enjoy feeling better in about 3-4 weeks.  Keep posting  DG x


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Re: Femoston
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2016, 07:20:07 AM »

Hi Jackie , I'm on day 5 of my second pack of Femoston 1 / 10  I was terrified of taking oral Hrt , I have been on Vagifem for years but found my Va needed more , I am 48 and have been menopausal for about 4 years .

Upon taking my first tablet I awaited all the side effects , which I HAD  to read about in the terrifying leaflet , but so far ( touch wood) I have found them to be fine .

  I keep a diary of any symptoms I might have , but I think we are inclined to blame Hrt on any niggle and pain I can honestly say (thus far) I have had a few joint pains,
but nothing awful and a bit of indigestion ( which I suffer from anyway) .
I hope this helps
Xx Ss


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Re: Femoston
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2016, 08:52:25 AM »

Hi Jackie_w

 :welcomemm: from me too....

.....and - as Dancinggirl said :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Femoston
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2016, 02:06:56 PM »

Thank you so much for replying.  It's good to hear Femoston is one of the better tablets.

I've been feeling exhausted the past couple of days because I'm not sleeping very well at night.  I'm lucky if I get 3-4 hours most nights, and I'm trying so hard to exercise so I can lose weight.
I've also had some joint pain and have had heart palpitations.  I never realised the menopause could have so many side effects.  You only hear of the mood swings, weight gain and hot flushes.  I have been suffering from really bad disturbed sleep for years and I just thought that was my sleep pattern because even sleeping tablets didn't work for me. it will be fantastic to have a good nights sleep, I seriously cannot remember what it is like to sleep through the night.  Some days I'm actually like a walking zombie.

I'm a bit worried about having a period as I had the endometrial ablation because of very heavily periods (flooding). I didn't have a period when taking the Prempack -c even though the doctor told me I would.  She told me I would have a period on the Femoston.  As I haven't had a period in nearly 6 years it's going to take some time to get used to it again.

My doctor mentioned this website when I seen her the other days, I told her I had been reading through some of it.

It's really great so know there is a place where you can come to "talk" to other women going through the same as you, although I have to say I feel lucky because a lot of my symptoms seem very mild compared to others.


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Re: Femoston
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2016, 02:17:25 PM »

If you've had the ablation you may well not get a period at all - let's hope not - and I presume even if you did it would be very light - if the ablation lasts for ever?

Still, even if you do, tis a small price to pay for feeling better generally :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Femoston
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2016, 12:42:32 PM »

Hi 🙋 guys I.m new on this me just trying to get use to this site on how its works 😊 I have a few questions to ask about this Femoston (estradiol, dydrogesterone) that I.m on ,,,,,I.m 33 yrs old now and back when I was 20yrs old I was couldn't have children and my periods stop completely its been 12yrs on now and for the pass 5yrs I been going true prim sure menopause sence I was 20yrs old that wen I was found out I can't have children or any period,,,,,so I been going true alot of stuff true my life with menopause symptoms at the age of 20yrs to the age of 33yrs and fours yrs ago I gave up fags and ever sence I gave them up I be haveing women problem like em depression and weath gain and a year later I thought I was cracking up I thought its was me that I was losing it,,,,but wen I went to the doctors and gotba blood test done and found out I had an Under active thyroid the that gain weight so I was put on tablets eltroxing 100mg and I been right as rain ever sence but I was still getting problem at night no sleeps hot flushes for years and sweating at night and very cranking and pain in legs but only at night wen I go to bed like I had no patient for my husband or no patient for anyone for that matter ,,,,,,but I keep telling my doctor about the pain and cracking ness I was going true and she said its normal for woman to go true all that ,,,,now I been going true all them symptom for the pass 12yrs and its only now she put me on this ,,Femoston (estradiol, dydrogesterone) 2mg,, I for the pass 3 weeks I been taken them I felt the changes straight away I couldn't believe how better I felt ,,,the brilliant sleeps I been having the pain in my legs completely stop the crankyness went away the hot flushes stop and sweating at night stop too,,,,and now me and my husband get on like a house on fire lol 😂 I.m just asking do you think I should been on these ,,Femoston (estradiol, dydrogesterone) ,,yrs ago wen I was going true prim sure menopause at the age of 20yrs old ,,,I.m now 33yrs and she only put me on these 3weeks ago and ever since I been on them I felt the better of things life is good ,,,,,I thinking I should of been on these yrs ago but I glad I.m on these now its better late than never what you thnk guys and I.m wondering I haven't had my period for 12yrs now sence I was 20yrs I.m now 33yrs will these Femoston (estradiol, dydrogesterone) bring on my period just wondering if any had same problem I have at the age of 20yrs till now at age 33yrs


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Re: Femoston
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2016, 04:13:11 PM »

Hi and welcome to MM penny5689
I had a premature meno which started in my mid 30s - I am now 60 and have been on and off HRT over the last 25 years.
If you have been without periods since your early 20s and probably oestrogen deficient, then you should have been advised to have hormonal treatment to protect your heart and bones.  You should really be on HRT till at least 50 - and maybe beyond.  Being oestrogen deficient can have very negative effects on long term health - I would get your bone density checked if I were you.

Femoston 2/10 is a sequential HRT so your should get a withdrawal bleed, like a period, each month after you finish the progesterone phase - a day or two after you have started your next pack of pills. It will probably be quite light and only last 4-6 days at most - you may not get any bleed for the first couple of cycles - we are all different.   Many women prefer to stick with a sequi HRT regime as it means you don't take progesterone all the time - many progesterones can give pmt types symptoms if taken every day.
Femoston is a good HRT - it has the kinder progesterone which is tolerated well by many.  Pleased to hear you are feeling benefits already.  Full benefits will take 3-6 months.
Do read up all the info on this site to get clued up.  Keep us posted.  DG xxx


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Re: Femoston
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2016, 10:35:14 PM »

Hi hun dancinggirl thankyou for your reply and I will take up your advice I will keep an eye out on my bones and on everything else that going on with my body,,,,,I was thinking my self I should have been on hormone treatment sence I was 20yrs I don't know why they never have done,,,,but I.m glad its starting to work now ,,,,she said she try me out on a lower dose and she said I will feel the difference with in one month but I felt the different with in one week now that was fast work so she will up the higer dose when I see her ,,,,I new I should be on something yrs ago but I didn't understand wats its all mean and wats I was going true ,,,,just thinking should I stayed on these till I reach normal age of a menopause,,,,,,my mother went true menopause at the right age in her 50s so she had no problem growing up she had normal periods,,,,,and normal age going true life with horemone things,,,,but I went true prim sure menopause at age of 20yrs ,,,,so thinking I will tell my doctor  to keep me on them till I reach my right age of menopause,,,,,don't know what is the right age but I.m learning to understand wat my body was missing that I should of been taken hormone treatment yrs ago ,,,and now its getting sorting out why they left it so long don't why but I will ask questions why I wasn't on hormone treatment yrs ago wen I was going true prim sure menopause,,,,,,thankyou hun for your reply and advise I will be taken and also keep up to date on this to see how I get on and how others get on with same problem were going true xx😘


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Re: Femoston
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2016, 04:21:28 PM »

Hi penny5689

Just to add that I agree with Dancgnggirl that it's a good idea to ask for a scan (DEXA?) to check your bone health and density if you went through menopause at such a young age. Yes they should have given you HRT earlier but at least you're on it now and hope you continue to feel better :)

Hurdity x