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Author Topic: Anxiety and happiness  (Read 12335 times)


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Re: Anxiety and happiness
« Reply #45 on: January 20, 2016, 12:24:28 PM »

Hey Jules - thanks for your kind words, I never thought of my post as positive  ;D I know exactly how you are feeling and only hope you are feeling better today. I sympathise about your cruises - I want to walk the Camino in Spain with OH, he has done it before. We had planned to do it in Spring and I have all the kit, but I am nowhere near fit. At Christmas he said we had better postpone it - I was so relieved. I had been worrying about it so much - now this will make you laugh, I wasn't worried about my feet getting sore or it raining or carrying my stuff. I was worried about finding toilets! It's like I have some b**** toilet obsession. So we are not going, but I still hope to do it one year.

Strangely I don't seem to worry about heart stuff, maybe I should as it is what finished off most of my near relatives. My Mother had Alzheimer's and I don't worry about that either. Cancer is my fear, and I've been worrying about pancreas cancer for about three years (due to pain in back caused by computer mouse - see I even know what causes it!). Now if I did have it, then I would be dead by now, but still the fear is there and even typing this there is a small voice telling me that I am 'tempting fate'.

All I can say is that you just have to keep taking one day at a time. Perhaps give this mindfulness thing a go, I don't know if it works or if I am just in a good patch. And keep away from the Daily Mail's health stories - they are renowned for fear-mongering. I also found the No More Panic forum made me worse, but I know some would disagree.



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Re: Anxiety and happiness
« Reply #46 on: January 20, 2016, 12:28:56 PM »

I have experience of other forums over the years and this is the only one that makes me feel better each morning and less isolated in my worries.  It is also good to be able to support others sometimes.

I was out of my mind with worry over a family event but since being honest with my family I find they are all supportive and I am not now going to the event that was causing me such angst.


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Re: Anxiety and happiness
« Reply #47 on: January 20, 2016, 01:18:10 PM »

Thanks BB. I can fully understand the toilet dramas...have IBS so always need to know where to go if needed.  Yes, done the pancreatic c thing too, especially since my friend at work lost a family member to it last year which I had every little detail of. Giving everything a 'go' at the moment but I know that tests will be the only possible reassurance so feel like everything else is in vain.

This forum is such a relief to find. Agree with BJ as well saying that the No More Panic Forum makes me much worse. Just don't want to hijack a forum that is really about meno probs and moan all the time!


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Re: Anxiety and happiness
« Reply #48 on: January 20, 2016, 03:33:18 PM »

well done BJ! 


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Re: Anxiety and happiness
« Reply #49 on: January 20, 2016, 09:07:17 PM »


I could very much relate to your HA post.  That has been
my life for the past year, googling symptoms, diagnosing myself with fatal illnesses.  Very weary making.  I did have to resort to anxiety meds which have helped, but not 100%.  It is inspiring to
know you have found some peace right now.  I also found a lot of my physical symptoms have decreased when I get the mental side of things calmer.  It is a daily struggle, not letting my mind go completely off the edge, but at least I know the good days are possible.  Positive posts like yours give hope to those of us who are in the thick of it and are looking for any sign
that this, too, shall pass.  Thank you to all
who share their experiences.  It helps to know you are not alone!

« Last Edit: January 20, 2016, 09:13:57 PM by Melly »


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Re: Anxiety and happiness
« Reply #50 on: January 20, 2016, 09:28:51 PM »

I've always had a thing about loos but mainly in case I needed a wee. Think it stems from something that happened when I was little and got caught short as they say. I panicked once in Spain as I could see signs both ends of a street but no loo in the middle, turned out it was in a cafe so had to buy a drink to use the loo! I panic in traffic jams, stuck on trains etc as soon as you stop you start thinking about it!

Apart from the fact that meno does weird stuff to our brains, I do wonder if we panic about C more because there does seem to be so much more of it around, especially in the Daily M. I can't remember any kids having it when I grew up, unless they were the ones that "moved" but no kids seemed to be that sick and yet hospitals are full of kids with it now. I can remember never even giving it a thought when I was younger but again, it's in the news more, you know more people who have had it and as we get older I guess we can't help thinking about it. Unfortunately it's the ultimate scary thing..... However, maybe we might all better if we didn't Google but it's there lurking with answers and if you have a mind like mind which wants to know "stuff" then you can't help it.   

I've tried to resist Googling at the moment, it's hard, it's like an itch that needs to be scratched.


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Re: Anxiety and happiness
« Reply #51 on: January 20, 2016, 10:11:18 PM »

Wombat, that's exactly what it is like. My therapist said its like a drug user having to have their 'fix' and is a form of OCD apparently, looking for reassurance etc but at the same time scaring ourselves witless.  I am trying to stick to this forum at the moment as its so helpful and comforting to know that there are others suffering just as much and going through the same. I just need to keep off the Daily Mail now  ::)


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Re: Anxiety and happiness
« Reply #52 on: January 21, 2016, 10:28:22 AM »

Hi Everyone

Yes, JJ I read elsewhere that Googling symptoms is a form of OCD. I hope that doesn't apply to coming on this Forum  ;D

The thing is that Google isn't really giving us the answers ie. as in the truth - its giving us what it and its algorithms want us to see, the most popular websites and threads. I have come to understand this after reading the book I mentioned - I will try to find the quote later as it is all explained, the book was How to beat health anxiety by Micheal Evans. It was relatively expensive and some reviews criticised it for being short, but I read the Kindle sample and wanted to finish it. It was that which inspired me to try to meditating thing. Its not a professional CBT type book, it's just the author's story of how he beat HA, but he explains why the cancer websites and the Daily Mail are at the top of page one for Google. It's because they are the most read and most shared. The DM isn't going to print stories about normal people who have nothing wrong with them - they want to attract readers.

I've thought about the cancer thing too. It does seem to be more prevalent nowadays, but I wonder if it is because a lot of the things that would have killed people off in the old days have been eradicated or there are vaccinations/ cures.

Anyway, we will see if I am really making any progress as OH has told me that tomorrow he is taking me out to lunch  :o  :o  :o



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Re: Anxiety and happiness
« Reply #53 on: January 21, 2016, 12:49:35 PM »

Ha, my son tells me that about Google BB! I will have a look at that book, although I don't know how I missed it as I have all the others! 

I have decided that this is the 'Mentalpause' not menopause... ;D

Hope you get out to enjoy your lunch tomorrow.



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Re: Anxiety and happiness
« Reply #54 on: January 21, 2016, 04:48:04 PM »

I wouldn't put the Daily Mail under my chickens' roost  >:( ……… in general the media cherry pick what will sell papers.  I remember reading a scare story in 1 'daily' but the Research was over 50 years old when we looked into it, but it had been written as though it was 'new' findings.  Trouble is, the 'dailies' don't put References, Calls for Papers etc. so there is little way of checking how much might be true. 

Children had polio in my day so either didn't live long enough or didn't survive cancer, until more recently.  There wasn't the media coverage, children were encouraged not to ask questions …… teachers knew but we weren't told if a child disappeared.  :-\

Stop reading the 'dailies'  :-\ and remember, we did without GOOGLE until a few years ago.  It would never cross my mind to look up illnesses  ::) - I would go to a Pharmacist or my GP/Practice Nurse for advice.  This is however, OT - we have a health anxiety thread. 

I have been anxiety free since Friday morning  :-\


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Re: Anxiety and happiness
« Reply #55 on: January 21, 2016, 04:53:25 PM »

That's great news CKLD. I am tentatively starting to talk about 'feeling better'. Bit scary after so long but I really am.


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Re: Anxiety and happiness
« Reply #56 on: January 21, 2016, 04:54:16 PM »

Any change up or down is scary for me ……… the 'what if' syndrome again.
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