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Author Topic: Absolutely panicking....pain in ribs/back...  (Read 27158 times)


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Re: Absolutely panicking....pain in ribs/back...
« Reply #15 on: January 28, 2016, 10:03:28 AM »

Morning BooBoo and any other ladies on here.

Thank you so much for your responses, you really do help, especially when I get myself into stupid mode and start catastrophising.  I just couldn't bear the thought that something else was starting on top of everything else and it really upset me as it then detracts from me trying to concentrate on getting sorted and coping with the new meds.  Sat with a hot water bottle most of the evening which helped.  Was still bad in bed but okay if stayed on right side so when it was still there this morning had a good talk to myself and took a diazepam and it's eased off.  I even said to my OH "guess what, I've got a new illness - pancreatic cancer etc." just so I could hear myself say it out loud and obviously he told me off and called me stupid but it helped to voice it.

I am already seeing a private therapist again but as Coldethyl says on another thread about her therapy, the problem is that you can't believe that this will work and so automatically there is a stumbling block I need to get over.  I certainly hope something works because I can't see a happy future for me if it doesn't but I've been like this for so long I can't remember not having it now as if it's just become me.

Thank you for all your responses - I really, really do appreciate them all. x


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Re: Absolutely panicking....pain in ribs/back...
« Reply #16 on: January 28, 2016, 01:21:40 PM »

Sparkle, that's brilliant - so pleased for you.  Isn't it wonderful when you get that feeling that everything is good for a change.  I think it will be a combination of the meds and the fact that yes, when it's been going on for so long, you just think "oh for goodness sake, just do your worst", which funnily enough, is exactly what I did this morning driving to work.  I am so heartily sick of feeling like this and having this HA so I thought right, enough.  I can't believe it but I've actually walked the very small distance to the shops in my lunch hour as I had to go and get a present for somebody here (really didn't want to go....) and I told myself all the way "you are well, you are happy and you can do anything you physically want to do" and hey I've done it and I've congratulated myself!  I was reading NLP affirmations earlier on the internet and thought what have I got to lose and if you repeat them to yourself in a positive "it is happening now" manner, they are supposed to infiltrate into your subconscious and do some good so I'm going to really try and do it.

Guess what - since I've been panicking about my rib and back pain - I've had no chest aches!!!  :beat:


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Re: Absolutely panicking....pain in ribs/back...
« Reply #17 on: January 28, 2016, 02:33:31 PM »

Hi Justjules

I felt I had to post here (although I don't normally post in detail about my health niggles and pains) - because I recently had EXACTLY THE SAME SYMPTOMS! As you say it is not just a normal pulled muscle - it is the strangest but very characteristic pain associated with indigestion type feelings but also muscular. I have had this before from time to time and each time it happens I worry.

I have had it in my central back but it is associated with sort of belching ie if I move by back I get belching (I can't burp!). It will last a couple of days and then disappear. I had exactly this about 10 days ago. It just came on suddenly in the night and lasted for two days. It was my upper left back and it was so painful it woke me in the night. It hurt when I breathed too, as well as tucking in sheets, and even putting a tampon in was painful (was having a withdrawal bleed at the time, and I'm left-handed!) Whenever I moved my back it hurt and also the belching - but not normal indigestion and not normal muscle pain ( I do exercise classes). Like you I could only find pancreatic cancer as the cause - and I have found this previously.

I said on a previous thread I try to keep my inner hypochondria at bay and rarely share any health fears and worries but because of your posts I felt I had to because it sounds like the same thing. Mine was on the left - hence the worry. I didn't go the doctor because it's gone now. Mine is always associated with extreme tiredness/fatigue as well. My husband said it couldn't be PC otherwise I would have jaundice - but would need to be advanced for that!  Bettyboo he also came up with costochondritis - which I've looked at before, and also another one is coxsackie B virus which can cause Pleurodynia (the chest pain) - although I didn't have fever etc.

I have no idea what caused mine and what has done in the past but it's not a simple pulled muscle nor is it normal indigestion where pains occur but then pass through. It was only localised to that area.

That probably doesn't help - but maybe to show that others have had it too - I still don't know whether mine was due to anything serious - but I won't do anything about it......

Hurdity x
PS I don't need therapy!


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Re: Absolutely panicking....pain in ribs/back...
« Reply #18 on: January 28, 2016, 03:06:04 PM »

Thanks Hurdity - that's reassuring.  Typically though, being a health anxiety nut, I have just attached myself to the thought that OMG, this could be just the early stages then....I will now be checking my eyeballs for yellowing and skin  :-\


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Re: Absolutely panicking....pain in ribs/back...
« Reply #19 on: January 28, 2016, 03:40:49 PM »

Mine is not in my ribs, but I have had back ache for about 2 weeks - also wakes me at night, and I cant move in a morning without a few yoga stretches - I have blamed the mattress and my granddaughter (standing nursing her), but I did wonder if it was the Setraline? going to ask GP next week.  Might be tmi but bowels are not great either.  I dont normally suffer from HA, but have had a back of mind fear it might be something bad and I really should mention it to GP.  Also had a few bouts of indigestion which since taking probiotics I had not suffered from for some time, now have gaviscon and other indigestion remedies to hand.

Could be the AD's then?  My appointment is next Wednesday so will try remember to update when I ask GP.


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Re: Absolutely panicking....pain in ribs/back...
« Reply #20 on: January 28, 2016, 05:11:40 PM »

Justjules - that's brilliant - well done to you!  That is so interesting, I think that's a bit like I've been feeling - I'm still here despite all the googling and worst case scenarios I've put myself into over the years.  Enough is enough!!

Oh, and I did have to smile about the worry shifting to another symptom - that's EXACTLY what happens to me - I seem to chase them round my body.  And I always think I'm doing really well when I only have one symptom on the go instead of two or three - that really is a result!!

Have a good afternoon!

S x

I know what you mean by shifting from symptom to symptom.......   :-\

Ju Ju

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Re: Absolutely panicking....pain in ribs/back...
« Reply #21 on: January 29, 2016, 10:04:07 AM »

I read sooby's post with interest. I saw a hypnotherapist, who worked with Paul McKenna as well, for different reasons. I only saw him for 1 session, but have been benefitting ever since.


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Re: Absolutely panicking....pain in ribs/back...
« Reply #22 on: January 29, 2016, 10:40:22 AM »

Hi Justjules....I think this pain is digestion related due to your lack of appetite and the stress hormones raging. Also stomach acids being disrupted. I've had similar, I also get biliary colic which is pain under right rib with referred pain to right shoulder blade. I've had the tests and no gallstones etc. With regards to health anxiety I just tell myself now I'm not going to "what if" I'm not going to worry as I've worried enough! Live in the moment and if something bad happens I'll deal with it and not feel any worse than what I've already been through. Big hugs!!


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Re: Absolutely panicking....pain in ribs/back...
« Reply #23 on: January 29, 2016, 11:19:58 AM »

Hi Sparkle yes I get IBS too. Just recently before I went back on my AD's my IBS was really bad. I felt so ill and was at the dr every week. I felt so nauseous, abdo pain, no appetite. The dr just said it was due to anxiety, not one of them actually mentioned IBS, I thought there was something seriously wrong as I felt so ill. It was all depression, luckily the nausea is gone now. It just shows how the brain and gut are related.


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Re: Absolutely panicking....pain in ribs/back...
« Reply #24 on: January 29, 2016, 04:10:28 PM »

I am like Sparky and my IBS is definitely not confined to my colon although acute episodes cause intense cramping in that area.  However nausea, heartburn, acid indigestion, spasms and burbling in the oesophagus (which I know are not oesophageal cancer despite the symptoms being the same as my mother had) and sharp RH abdo pain (which have never turned into appendicitis  ::)) are all symptomatic of IBS disturbance I believe.


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Re: Absolutely panicking....pain in ribs/back...
« Reply #25 on: January 30, 2016, 01:39:30 AM »

Hi JustJules - I just wanted to say that our imaginations can and do run riot and it's awful isn't it.  I try to do my CBT as well. Is the pain unusual for you?  Is it getting worse? Are the symptoms serious?  When I answer 'I don't know' to the third question, that is usually when my mind goes over and over things and my imagination has a field day.

It is so hard to know when to act and when to wait?  Hopefully you are feeling better today and maybe with less anxiety you can work out if you need to do something or whether you can wait to see how things go.  x


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Re: Absolutely panicking....pain in ribs/back...
« Reply #26 on: January 30, 2016, 11:15:12 PM »

Just Jules,

Another sufferer of rib to back pain reporting for duty.  Also HA.  Mine has been ongoing on/off for a year plus.  I did actually have one doctor ask me, "Have you been consulting with Dr Google?" After I tearfully relayed my symptoms and fears.  Needless to say, I was quite embarrassed. He told me whilst Google can be helpful at times, it does not see your whole picture and should not be relied upon for a diagnosis.  And still it's hard not to Google when my HA is at its worst! I've had my appendix removed and sometimes I think it is phantom pain from that.  I guess I take comfort in knowing other ladies have these same bouts of discomfort and are still here to tell the tale.   All I know is since turning 40 a few years ago, my body experiences much more aches and pains than it ever did and my dr visits occur with greater frequency.  Mostly to be told there's nothing wrong with me. :P
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